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Marine Equipment: Difference between revisions

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<!--Burst Fire Assembly-->
<!--Burst Fire Assembly-->
|Burst Fire Assembly||
|Burst Fire Assembly||
* Enables burst-fire on a weapon or enhances burst-fire capability.
* Enables burst-fire on a weapon or enhances burst-fire capability; Slightly increases burst-fire shots by 2
* Weapons with burst-fire already will fire an additional 2 rounds (5 instead of 3).
* Slightly increases bullet scatter
* Slightly increases bullet scatter

Revision as of 01:47, 28 September 2016

"I'm ready, man. Check it out! I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do not want to fuck with me. Check it out! Hey, Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out. Independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. WHAP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase plasma pulse rifles, RPGs. We got sonic, electronic ball-breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks..."- Private Hudson, Aliens

The Colonial Marines are equipped with the best equipment around, well with what a couple thousand credits can buy, at least. They have a load-out of a lot of equipment.

Standard Marine Weapons

The marines get the choice of five weapons. They range from pistol to a heavy M41A. The marines get equipped with guns for any situation they encounter, no matter what the threat will be.When using any weapon it is best to aim for the chest this is because in case you accidentally hit a marine with a stray bullet they will take less damage,On a side note aiming for the head only increases damage against ravagers so unless you are 1v1ing a ravager aim at the chest always because aiming anywhere else results in an accuracy penalty (that stacks with other ones). Armor Piercing ammo is unique in that it does moderately less damage overall in exchange for increased armor piercing. It is only effective against armored foes, using it against unarmored foes will result in a large drop in damage instead. It also has a very high chance to break bones and rupture internal organs, which is ineffective against xenos but extremely deadly against humans.

M4A3 Pistol

M4A3 Service Pistol
Description: This is one of two pistols that the marines have a choice to take. It is a reliable fall back weapon and it uses 9mm pistol ammo with the magazine holding 12 bullets. A very small item, it can fit in almost any slot possible. Armor piercing, Incendiary, squash head, and extended magazines are available for use as well.

M44 Revolver

M44 Combat Revolver
Description: This revolver is the standard side arm for military officers but is also available as a alternative sidearm for marines. Unlike the M4A3 the Revolver is heavier and cannot fit inside pockets or small containers, but it deals significantly more damage per round. It uses .44 rounds and holds 7 bullets. Marksman ammunition has better armor penetration at the cost of overall power.


M39 Submachine Gun
Description: This is the standard sub-machine. A mediocre firearm that serves usefully for support marines, such as medics, engineers or specialists with heavy weapons, as well as being used in conjunction with a riot shield. It uses 9mm special rounds, and holds 35 bullets. This weapon can also load armor piercing, extended, and incendiary ammunition. Has Burstfire capabilities

This weapon will also display your ammo count in your text screen, thanks to the inbuilt ammo indicator.

M41A Pulse Rifle

M41A Mk2 Pulse Rifle
Description: This is the standard issue pulse rifle used by many military forces around the universe. A reliable, robust and overall effective standard issue longarm. The M41A must be held in two hands to fire. It uses 10mm special rounds and holds 30 rounds. Unlike the M41A Mk1 which holds 99 rounds the Mk2 only holds 30 rounds but offers the user greater capabilities to customise their weapon with attachments.

There are also extended magazines available. Has Burstfire capabilities It is pre-equipped with a 2 shot grenade launcher which can't be reloaded once all shots are used.

This weapon will also display your ammo count in your text screen, thanks to the inbuilt ammo indicator.

M41A Magazine

M41amag.png M41A Magazine -- Standard Mag. Thirty (30) 10mm rounds.

M41A Armour Piercing Magazine

M41amag.png M41A AP Mag -- Armour Piercing Mag. Thirty (30) 10mm AP rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.

M37 Shotgun

M37A2 Pump Shotgun
Description: Shotgun utilised by USMC Marines, a powerful in close quarters combat that is capable of killing even the strongest of hostile targets, this is in addition to its good chance to outright stun enemies if you fire at them at very close range. However it is difficult to use as the shotgun has to be cocked after ever time its fired, as well as ammo management being difficult.

It uses shotgun slugs or buckshot shells and holds 8 rounds. You can take out a handful (5) shell into your hand and use these to rapidly reload your shotgun. Its highly recommended you set up a macro to use your space key to pump your shotgun.

Slug Rounds

Slugbox.png Slug Rounds -- Single Slug Projectile. Effective in ranged combat. Armor piercing. Lesser damage.

Buckshot Rounds

Buckbox.png Buckshot Rounds -- Multiple Projectiles. Powerful in close range. Massive damage, Rapid damage fall-off at range. 4 meter range, fires in a 15 degree radius.

Incendiary Slug Rounds

Incinbox.png Incendiary Slug Rounds -- Single Slug Projectile. Effective in Ranged Combat. Deals burn damage, very effective on Xenomorphs. Rare, found in Sulaco Armoury & some Planet bound shotguns.

M11 Combat Bayonet

M11 Combat Bayonet
Description: A sharp cutting tool that can be hidden in your marine combat boots. Very useful for cutting through materials, but it should only to be used as a last resort against enemies. In case of being devoured it can be used to cut your way out of an Alien. Applying cable coil to its grip allows the knife to be used as a regular Bayonet Attachment.

Restricted Marine Weapons

These marine weapons are uncommon and usually are only used by specialists or high ranking marine officers.

M42C Scout Rifle

M42c Scoped Rifle
Description: Specialist only. A high power sniper rifle, this weapon deals immense damage per bullet and is capable of attacking and hitting targets at extreme ranges. It comes equipped with a high power scope allowing the user a wide range of vision. This weapon is limited to seven rounds per magazine, a slow rate of fire, a very obvious and loud firing noise and that it is ineffective in close range combat as bullets fired too close to the user will miss.

M92 Grenade Launcher

M92 Grenade Launcher
Description: Specialist only. A midpoint between a shotgun and the rocket launcher, the grenade launcher is a two-handed weapon that can hold and fire up to five grenades of any variety. This weapon also has a inbuilt auto-lock system preventing the fired grenades from detonating if they hit a target that is too close to the weapon handler.


M83A2 Shoulder-Launched Active-Homing Disposable Anti-Tank Rocket
Description: Specialist only. A reloadable, single shot, rocket launcher. This weapon carries the most powerful and deadliest ordnance available to marine infantry in the form of either high explosive or Armor piercing rockets. Where HE rockets are effective against tight groups of hostile targets, the AP rockets deal little actual splash damage but they deal immense damage to a single target. Unlike the grenade launcher SADAR ammo is more scarce, as well as the SADAR being more unwieldy to employ. Its not actually homing and its reusable.
High Explosive Rocket

File:Highex.png High Explosive -- Deals damage and stuns in a 4 meter wide area. Deals little additional damage on direct hit with a target. Ineffective against heavily armored targets.

Anti-Tank Rocket

File:At.png Anti-Tank -- Deals massive damage to any target hit directly by rocket. Deals very little to no splash damage. Rocket MUST hit a target directly to do damage. Very effective against heavily armored targets.

Phosphorous Rocket

File:Phos.png Phosphorous -- Generates very high heat levels on target. High Heat will generally kill any Alien hit directly, as well as deal heat damage to anyone nearby for a extended period, Human or otherwise. Effective against heavily armored targets.

M56 Smartgun

M56 Smartgun
Description: Specialist only. The most complicated weapon available to a marine. Sadly the Smartgun lacks any auto-tracking capabilities. However it has a impressive 250 round ammo pool to draw from, a inbuilt infrared sensor allowing great visibility in low-light conditions, it deals a good amount of damage per bullet with a high rate of fire, an automatic reloading system and the coup de grace being that due to the gun's complex targeting algorithms each bullet will not hit any fellow marine. This allows a smartgun operator to fire freely through a group of allied marines without fear of hitting any of them. The Smartgun requires a special harness to even lift and will automatically retract to the harness suit storage when the user is knocked down.


M240 Incinerator Unit
Description: Capable of shooting flames by lighting phoron, this weapon is capable of dealing massive damage to Xenos and Marines alike who stand in its fires. Unlike bullets, this weapon doesn't stop on the first mob hit, can pass through metal grills, and can light narrow hallways ablaze, potentially damaging multiple enemies. Beware friendly fire and make sure you have a Medic equipped with Kelotane or Dermaline if you decide to go this route! Fire protection is definitly something to consider as it nulifies the flames effects. The longer the enemy stands in the flames, the more he is damaged. As soon as one exits the flames, they stop being burnt. You can increase or decrease the amount of gas to disperse per tile. This determines how hot the fire burns, how long it burns, and how much fuel is used per tile. Flamers will use less gas and deal less damage as the canister emptys out but will still retain the duration of how long the fire burns for.

This weapon is also one of the few weapons that can be fired one handed and compact enough to fit within a backpack to be transported.
In the right hands this is a powerful weapon, but be wary of refueling as you must use Phoron to refuel empty tanks, which are hard to come by. Phoron can be found in engineering aboard the Sulaco. A Phoron tank can be charged up to 1013pka. At this level, Flamers with their nozzles adjusted to 50 can spray up to 115 tiles with fire for 6 seconds before running out of gas. Flamers with nozzles set to 100 can set 56 tiles on fire for 13 seconds before running out of gas. Flamers with nozzles set to 1000 can spray 5 tiles on fire for 16 seconds.

M4A3 Commander Pistol

M4A3 Commander Pistol
Description: Unique varient of the M4A3 issued and only used by the Commander. Has a unique sprite but is otherwise identical to a M4A3.


M40 HEDP Grenade
Description: Exploding in a 3x3 radius, these Grenades also have the potential to damage nearby walls. Take care when using near structures leading to space or even near your own marines! The specialist has these grenades in their vendors at round start.

Incendiary Grenade

U4 Firebomb
Description: Exploding in a 3x3 radius, incendiary grenades are a powerful area of denial weapon that can deal immense damage to a hostile target if its caught in the fire. Difference with this grenade is that its effects linger for a while making it useful in keeping Xenomorphs back. Engineers start with 2 of these in their vendors at round start


C4 Charge
Description: C4 is typically issued to Squad Leaders, Specialists and Engineers. C4 is primarily useful for quickly breaking into secure buildings, but it's also the only method to destroy Alien tunnels. The minumum time that can be set on a charge is 10 seconds and detonates in a 1.5 meter radius. Engineers start with 4 per vendor, squad leaders start with 1 per vendor, specialists also recive them.

Restricted Marine Equipment

Sentry Gun

UA 571-C Automated Sentry Gun
Description: These, engineer only sentry guns are the spear and shield of the Colonial Marines. These beasts hold 300 shots a mag and cause moderate brute damage to the target upon hit. The tracking system is capable of identifying a non-marine from a marine and fire at it. They are capable of firing straight forward in cone or 360 around. Firing options are three round burst fire and single shot.

Mercenary or Black Ops Equipment

Any equipment listed here is non-exhaustive. This list details classified or otherwise weapons or equipment employed by mercenary and black op teams.

M41C Pulse Rifle

M41C Pulse Rifle
Description: WY Commandos Only.
A unique variant of the M41A Pulse Rifle. This weapon is specially modified, and is capable of being fired with one hand, as well as having a significantly faster rate of fire. It is also painted in a unique brown color scheme to match the Commandos Armor.


MAR-40 Pulse Rifle
Description: Freelancer Mercenaries and Dutch's dozen Only, Can Be Found Elsewhere.
While outdated and old, this weapon has historically proven to be extremely reliable and adaptable. Originally created by the USSR as a quickly deployable rifle in any form of exoplanet environment, it gained a great positive reputation among poorer mercenary and planetary militia groups due to its reliability and ease of manufacturing and maintenance.

M41A/2 Battle Rifle

M41A/2 Battle Rifle
Description: Weyland-Yutani PMCs Only.
Slightly more powerful variant of the M41A Pulse Rifle. This rifle deals slightly more damage per bullet and can fire 40 round magazines, as well as the standard 30 round magazines.

Only the PMC Officer spawns with this weapon.

M39B/2 SMG

M39B/2 Submachine Gun
Description: Weyland-Yutani PMCs Only.
A more versatile SMG variant. This SMG uses specially issued 45 round armour piercing magazines, making the SMG far more viable to use against armoured hostile targets, it can also use standard 35 round magazines.

Only the PMC Standards spawn with this weapon.

Miscellaneous Equipment

A list of miscellaneous weapons and equipment that can be found in one of many unique scenarios. These items are either non-standard weapons of the USMC or are random non-specific weapons found throughout known Human space.

CMB Spearhead AutoRevolver

CMB Spearhead AutoRevolver
Description: .uses .357 rounds. Weaker then the standard .44 magnum, but has a 3 round burstfire. Standard sidearm of the colonial marshals.

KT-42 Revolver

Description: uses .44 rounds and holds 7 rounds per clip

Skorpion Machine Pistol

Description: Uses .32 ACP caliber rounds. Holds 20 bullets.

VP-70 pistol


Mateba Revolver

Description: uses .454 caliber rounds.6 rounds a clip


Description: Holds 30 rounds, uses 4.6x30mm


Description: Uses 5.7x28mm ammo. holds 50 rounds.

Custom Built Shotgun

.45 AutoMag


Description: Its a minigun. Dont stand in front of it. Dont stand beside it. Just dont stand anywhere close to one and you might be fine. Possibly.

Vintage Degal

Description: Clip holds 12 rounds, uses .50. Comes in standard and gold plated. Worlds most powerful gun, now with 100% more HappyGunFunTime.

M1911 Pulse Pistol

M41AE2 Pulse Rifle

M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle
Description: Currently undergoing field testing, the M41AE2 is similar to its smaller M41A cousin except it can hold 100 rounds instead of 30 and it deals more damage per bullet at the cost of a slower rate of fire.
Currently a single rifle can be found in the Sulaco's armoury, for emergency's, more can be ordered from Cargo via the WY Weapons Crate.

M41A/M Marksman Rifle

M41A/M Marksman Rifle
Description: An advance protoype of the M41A. Has a slower rate of fire but deals slightly more damage per round.Uses special Marksman rifle magazines but can also use standard M41A ammunition. The vice-versa is not true for standard m41a rifles.
Uncommon in WY weapon crates ordered by Cargo. Comes Autoequiped with a Railscope and a m41a marksman stock.

Tactical Shotgun

MK221 Tactical Shotgun
Description: A unique Weyland-Yutani semi-automatic shotgun with a rapid fire rate.
Can be found in the Military Police armoury.

HG Pump Shotgun

HG 37-12 Pump Shotgun
Description: Four round pump shotgun that uses a internal magazine for quick reloading, typically used by Colonial Marshals and similar security forces.
Can be found on the planet.

Double Barrel Shotgun

Double Barrel Shotgun
Description: A archaic design, this weapon is a simple but reliable close range shotgun. It uses 12 gauge rounds and can only hold two shells at a time. Is able to burst-fire to fire both rounds at once.
Can be found on the planet.

N-Y Revolver

N-Y 7.62mm Revolver
Description: Reliable revolver often found in the hands of mercenaries or criminals, can hold eight rounds.
Can be found on the planet. Uses 7.62mm revolver ammunition.

Holdout Pistol

Holdout Pistol
Description: Easily concealable pistol, a tiny weapon that can fit in small containers. Fires weak .22 rounds in a five round magazine.
Can be found on the planet and behind the Liason's office.

Weapon Attachments

Marines can acquire attachments for weapons. Most attachments must be acquired via the Requisitions Officer located on the east side of the Sulaco. Most ROs usually only give one or two attachments to most marines, though some may grant more to squad leaders, medics, engineers, or specialists. Being polite to the Requisitions staff might get you extra stuff. Say please and thank you.

Most guns have three attachment locations: the rail, under barrel and the muzzle. Each location allows only one attachment at a time. Most attachments offer an advantage and some disadvantage.

The statistics for attachments are subject to change and will most likely change often. Until they do change, this page will be up to date on the statistics on each attachment.

Muzzle Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Useable With Image
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Greatly decreases firing sound (and removes firing messages)
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when burst-fired
  • Slightly decreases damage
  • M41A
  • Scout Rifle
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • Greatly increases weapon melee damage
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • M41A
  • M37
  • .44 Magnum
Extended Barrel
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases damage
  • M41A
  • M37
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • .44 Magnum
Barrel Charger
  • Greatly increases damage
  • Moderately decreases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases firing speed
  • M41A
  • Smartgun
  • M37
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
Recoil Compensator
  • Moderately decreases recoil
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases damage
  • Scout Rifle
  • M37

Rail Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Useable With Image
  • Generates a Light Source
  • None
  • M41A
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
Red Dot Sight
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • None
  • M41A
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
Quickfire Adapter
  • Slightly increases firing speed
  • Moderately decreases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases burst-fire shots by 1
  • Moderately increases scatter when burst-fired
  • M41A
  • M39 SMG
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • .44 Magnum
Magnetic Harness
  • Dropped weapon goes to suit slot
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • M41A
  • M39 SMG
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M41C Sniper
Rail Scope
  • Greatly increases accuracy
  • Allows the user to 'zoom' in to see longer distances.
  • Moderately decreases firing speed
  • Slightly decreases burst-fire shots by 1
  • M41A

Underbarrel Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Useable With Image
Forward Magazine Grip
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when rapid-fired
  • Makes one handed weapons two handed
  • Increased weapon size
  • M41A
  • M39 SMG
Gyroscopic Stabilizer
  • Makes two handed weapons one handed
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • Slightly increases recoil
  • Slightly increases bullet scatter when rapid-fired
  • M41A
  • M37
  • M42C Scout
  • Greatly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Increased weapon size
  • Slightly decreases firing speed
  • M41A
Underslung Grenade Launcher
  • Ability to fire two grenades only
  • Cannot reload after exhausting ammo
  • M41A
  • M37
Underslung Flamethrower
  • Ability to fire several flame bursts
  • Cannot reload after exhausting fuel
  • M41A
  • M37
Underslung Shotgun
  • Ability to fire five semi-auto shotgun slug rounds
  • Cannot reload after exhausting ammo
  • M41A
  • M37
Burst Fire Assembly
  • Enables burst-fire on a weapon or enhances burst-fire capability; Slightly increases burst-fire shots by 2
  • Slightly increases bullet scatter
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • M41A
  • M37

Stock Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Useable With Image
M41A Skeleton Stock
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when burst-fired
  • Slightly increases weapon melee damage
  • Slightly increases weapon size
  • Greatly decreases firing speed
  • M41A
M44 Magnum Sharpshooter Stock
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when burst-fired
  • Slightly increases weapon size
  • Slightly decreases weapon melee damage
  • Greatly decreases firing speed
  • 44 Revolver
M37 Shotgun Stock
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when burst-fired
  • Slightly increases weapon melee damage
  • Slightly increases weapon size
  • Greatly decreases firing speed
  • M37 Shotgun

Standard Marine Clothing

Helmet.png Helmet - Provides a light amount of protection for your head. There are several variants of helmets available.

Armor.png Marine Armor - This armor protects from most damage. Do try to avoid friendly fire, however marine Armor will block most damage dealt from a bullet. There are several variants of Armor available. Comes installed with a toggle suit light.

Boots.png Combat boots - Basic boots that give feet a small amount of protection. A sheath allows a knife to be stored in them.

Jumpsuit.png Jumpsuit - This can vary depending on the current squad. Gives a small amount of protection

Gloves.png Gloves - Tactical gloves that are coloured for the squad. Not very useful if you're an engineer, take the insulated gloves instead. Gives a small amount of protection

File:Belt.png Marine Belt - It holds 6 slots worth of ammo.

Flare.gif Flare - Much more useful than the flashlight in terms of brightness, but burns out over time. Make sure to take multiple flares and keep them in your pocket. If you see a flare lying on the ground and you need light you can always pull it behind you.

Flashlight.png Flashlight - For dark places, preventing the marines from going crazy. Using a screwdriver on this will make it attachable, allowing you to attach it to a variety of weapons such as the M4A1 and M4A3.

Marine Armor

There are several different kinds of Armor available to marines, depending on which role a marine is fulfilling.

M3 Armor

M3 Pattern Personal Armor
Description: Standard Issue Armor used by most marine infantry. Provides modest protection from bullet and melee attacks. The M10 Helmet will stop exactly one alien facehugger attack before breaking.

Addendum: "Donator" Armor, as well as most ERT Armor, while looking unique, is essentially a resprited piece of M3 Armor in terms of defence.

B12 Armor

B12 Pattern Personal Armor
Description: Unique Armor worn by squad leaders. The main difference with the squad leaders Armor is that the Armor has a attached, and stronger , personal flashlight that can be activated at will. In addition the M11 Helmet can block two facehugging attempts before breaking and has a inbuilt camera allowing for command overwatch to observe the squad's actions from the Sulaco.

M2 Armor

M2 Pattern Personal Armor
Description: Older generation Armor worn by Military Police. M2 Armor offers higher protection against melee attacks but less protection against projectile attacks. Optionally issued Riot Helmet can block one facehugging attempt.

B18 Experimental Armor

B18 Experimental Personal Armor
Description: One of the equipment options available to specialists. This Armor has the best personal protection of any Armor the Marines can get as it has a very high armor soak value and three tricord auto injectors. In addition the helmet can block three facehugger's before breaking.

M4 Armor

M4 Pattern PMC Armor
Description: A modification of the standard M3 Pattern armour, worn by high profile security operators and corporate mercenaries.

X-13 Apesuit

X-13 Apesuit
Description: A prototype combat armor worn by the Weyland-Yutani Commando unit. It is the most powerful personal armor available, it has an extremely high armor value that makes it very resistant to melee and projectile attacks, in addition the armor is utterly acid proof. The helmet is specifically designed to resist facehugging attempts, it will take dozens of facehugger attempts to even break the protective seals.

Engineer Extra Clothing

Toolbelt.png Tool belt - As a engineer you will most likely replace the marine belt with this as it can carry all your tools which are :

Screwdriver.pngWrench.pngWirecutters.pngWelder.gifMultitool.pngCrowbar.png When you have these tools you should be set for hacking open doors and building defenses in a Forward Operating Base(FoB).

File:Mesons.png Meson Goggles - Meson Goggles are very useful especially when slicing down walls due to how they allow you to see the layout of the planet/station even in pitch black.

Goggles.png Welding Goggles - Something that every engineer should wear. Allows you to weld things without damaging your eyes.

Insulated Gloves.png Insulated Gloves - These gloves are essential to any engineer as they protect you from electric shocks,Wear them at all times.

Medic Extra Clothing

Medicalbelt.png - This is used for carrying all your medical appliances to help patch up wounded and make sure everyone returns at some healthy state.

MedicHud.png - The Medical Hud Allows the player to see the vitals of fellow players, which is useful to you as it means you know who you will need to focus on.