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35 editsJoined 20 August 2020
Evolves From: "Predalien Larva"
Evolves To: N/A
Role: You are the ultimate hunter, listen to the queen and exterminate the headhunters and talls from your rightful hunting grounds.
Guides: No External Guides.


You are the Predalien, considered a ultimate lifeform composed of the Yautja DNA with the Aliens DNA, creating a strong beast. Kill talls and headhunters to increase your total strength. Headhunters will do their best to terminate you, seeing you as an abomination of a creature, not worthy of life, show them they're wrong.

You are the fruition of the hives great work to both impregnate a headhunter, and manage to restrain it, this means you are something the hive will want to keep around, after all, if you die, all the work your hive did to make you will be wasted.

Playing a Predalien

Predaliens start off rather weak, somewhat relying on the tankier members of the hive to soak up damage while the Predaliens secures kills and grows in strength. Remember, you deal increased damage to Yautja, and a majority of your abilites will either only work on Yautja, or have increased effects on them.

You have a leap ability, useful for avoiding bullets and Yautja's weaponry. Your leap will not stun your opponent, and has a short cooldown, use this to evade enemies while sneaking in slashes.

Your roar can be used to bring yautja out of their cloak as they fire at you, allowing you and other xenos to close in and cause severe damage and finish them off

Your devastate ability can be used to cause severe damage to a stunned or cornered opponent, causing severe and devastating damage, be ware this ability has a long cooldown and a costs a lot of plasma.

Remember, your only form of healing will be from taking the trophies of your victims (though you do still gain plasma on weeds), but this also increases your overall damage. This means you start off weak, but as you gain kills you will become stronger. Remember, you are still a member of the alien hive, work together with them and listen to your queen.


Abilities: Description:
Xeno Rest.png
Used to rest and get up. Xenos heal faster when resting on weeds.
To devour, grab a host with Ctrl + Click or

Grab intent (3 in hotkey mode) then click yourself, standstill. To stop the host from getting up and running away, you can switch to an empty hand (X in hotkey mode) and keep tackling them using Disarm intent (2 in hotkey mode) when you are devouring them. Xenos with devoured humans inside them can not vent crawl but Xenos with devoured monkeys can. Hosts with boot knives can injure the Xenomorph they are inside if they are conscious. Using this ability with a host devoured will regurgitate them back up, giving a moderate stun. (Edit this template)

Trophy Hunting PASSIVE: For every kill you gain, you gain a damage modifier to your slashes, and deal increased damage to headhunters naturally, you also heal some health.
Click on a tile you want to charge at, and you will jump to the tile akin to a Runner pounce, but keep in mind this will not stun someone if you pounce onto them

Costs 10 Plasma, cooldown: 4 seconds.

Let out a guttural roar, removing invisibility from humans and headhunters

Costs 50 Plasma, cooldown: 25 seconds.

Line Stomp.png
After a short duration and standing still, stun everyone around you for 1.5 seconds

Costs 80 Plasma, cooldown: 20 seconds.

After a short delay, deal massive damage to a single target

Costs 110 plasma, cooldown 20 seconds

Attainable Mutators



Predalien reminder

Remember, headhunters will hate you and your existence, and will use every ability in their arsenal to end your existence, they might even work together with marines to kill you. Your abilities work better on headhunters, dealing increased damage to them. If you're being hit from an unknown source, use your roar, it might just be a pesky cloaked headhunter trying to kill you.

Crusher Tactics

  • Crushers aren't stunned by mines. Use this to your advantage!
  • Sentries still pose a significant threat to you, and should not be taken on alone. Even if they're meant for enemy surpression, their bullets easily pierce your armor.
  • Flamethrowers are dangerous to you because of your slow movement speed when not charging.
  • A direct hit from an armor piercing rocket will put a serious dent in your health!
  • Don't die for the wrong reasons. While it is noble and normally doable to shield a critical hive member while they get dragged to safety, it would be a waste for you to die say, shielding a young runner, especially if you both die!
  • Start slashing once they've been knocked down. Your slashes deal a good chunk of damage against marines and are applied in an AoE.
  • If you know you're going to be charging into somewhere with a sentry or a large group, don't do it on anything other than full health. Remember you will have to get back to safety with potentially multiple angry marines firing at you!
  • Team up with other Crushers, pick an approach line, and charge! This wall of solid muscle and rage is enough to send most Marines scattering for cover.