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From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Difficulty: Very Hard
Supervisors: Commander, the Human crew
Rank: Not defined
Duties: Assist the acting Commander and Marine forces to the best of your abilities.
Guides: This one
Unlock Requirements: Not available.
Detailed Description:
Not defined

"I may be synthetic, but I'm not stupid." ―Bishop, Aliens

What is a synthetic?

A Synthetic is a biomechanical humanoid that closely emulates humans in appearance and actions; however there is one key difference synthetics aren't affected by emotions in their decision making. Due to emotions not having an effect on them, synthetics have been seen as more reliable in high stress and dangerous environments, such as aboard a military vessel. A medical or xeno hud will show a grey box with a "meh" face inside of it.

The Role

As a synth you'll be restricted from ranged weaponry (Rifles, Shotguns etc.) use mechanically it means that you'll be required to help others through being a non-combat support role. In regards of self defence you are limited to melee weapons, this means that as a synthetic you are still able to defend yourself or an innocent in danger. A synthetics vast knowledge means that they can ask the acting commander/commander if their human counterparts in various fields require help, which can either mean the synth being assigned to assist with a ship-side department (usually medical), or will sometimes mean the synth could be sent planetside as long as the acting commander/commander agrees to it. This usually amounts to performing field surgery at the FOB, repairing barricades, or being sent with a squad to retrieve an item of importance, not to engage in combat with the enemy. You should be relying on marines for protection, not rushing the foe with a weapon out.

Synthetic Functionality

All Synthetics are built stronger, faster and more durable than the average human. This allows Synthetics to perform in environments and situations more hostile than most humans can tolerate. They are immune to most atmospheric issues, resistant to damage, and can be repaired to full functionality even from head loss, and can be revived with a defibrillator. In practice, a synthetic is repaired the same way as synthetic limbs; using a blowtorch to fix brute damage, and cable coil to fix burn damage. No training is needed so any marine cam help. Lost limbs and destroyed faces are fixed with Limb replacement and facial reconstruction are performed like normal human surgeries; however anesthetic cannot be used on synths.


  • Synthetics have 100% understanding and adherence to Marine Law, in short, they are unable to break marine law.
  • Synthetics are programmed to obey all USCM Commands that are issued by a Commanding Officer, as long as those orders don't conflict with Marine Law.
  • Synthetics are programmed with the ability to understand (but not speak) any language after being in its vicinity for a short duration. (In-game this means the synth player will RP slowly learning a language, for example slowly learning how the xenos communicate.)

Combat Restrictions

Synthetics are forbidden from firing any weapons (they are restricted mechanically from doing so). However, they are not opposed to other humans harming/killing others provided it follows Marine Law. If there is a threat within the bounds of Marine Law, they can physically defend themselves or other innocents by subduing the threat (They may uphold Marine Law). If the threat is non-human, or a hostile Faction, Marine Law does not apply, and so the synth can subdue or even kill. Synths are unable to perform combat duties and will not perform combat specific orders. (ie; Ordering a Synth to equip melee weapons to join an assault with Marines)

Your Skillset

Synth Skill set.png

To find out about how the skill system works head over to the skills system page.


Synthetic Programming and Guidelines by Feweh