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Marine Quickstart Guide

From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Revision as of 15:41, 21 June 2016 by Steelpoint (talk | contribs)

So you've just joined for the first time as a Marine? No idea what your doing? Well this guide will help you get up to scratch!

As a foreword, rounds on this server usually last between two to three hours! Make sure you have the time commitment to sit a full round.

The Rules

While its not fair to shove the rules down your throat, but Aliens: CM is a roleplay focused server and as such has a extensive list of rules. Its highly recommended you spend some time reading the rules to ensure you don't accidently break a rule. Thank you.

The Rules

Character Setup

For the most part this part is simple, you'll create your character on the setup character page.

Do take note of the 'occupation' roles. For now you'll just want to set 'Marine' to your highest role. All other roles require a more robust knowledge of the game.

Your First Game

Generally try and join a round before it starts for your first run, though you can do so otherwise but joining a round as it's about to start will ensure you don't have to worry about some horrifying death occurring. First we'll discuss some basic ground works.

Who Orders Who

As a Standard Marine you're on the bottom rung of the chain of command. You take your orders directly from your Squad Leader, who takes his or her orders from the Commander and the command staff respectively. At round start you are assigned to one of four Marine squads. Alpha (red), Bravo (Orange), Charlie (Purple) or Delta (blue). As such you only take orders from your teams Squad Leader, at least outside of extraordinary circumstances.

Should your Squad Leader die or otherwise be incapacitated you'll be taking your orders from either your teams Specialist (who is technically the second highest ranked Solider in a squad) or whomever the Squad Leader or Commander names to take over.

You are to obey any orders given to you by your Squad Leader at all times. The only exception being is if, your given orders violate Marine law or the rules. However instances of illegal orders being given are very rare.
NOTE: There is a BIG difference between an order that violates MARINE LAW versus one that violates the RULES. Orders that break Marine Law are considered an In Character issue and are thus something you may resolve in game so long as the situation is role played, orders that break the server rules are a Out Of Character affair, and as such should you be given orders that would violate the rules then you should contact the admins.

Waking Up

At the start of a shift you'll wake up in the ships cyro sleep quarters alongside all the other Marines, you'll be in your marine issued pajamas. The first thing you'll want to do is to hop over to the Canteen to the south and chow down, as cyro sleep will have left you very hungry.

After you've eaten you'll want to head further south to your assigned teams (check your ID Card if you've forgotten) equipment room so you can start to suit up.

Marine Equipment

The key to success is ensuring you're well equipped, these next steps will show you one of the more optimal ways to equip and prepare yourself for combat.

  1. Since you've just joined, go down to an equipment locker and get your marine uniform, combat boots, combat gloves, M3 armor, helmet, marine belt and a radio headset.
  2. Go north to any free equipment dispenser.
  3. M41a.png Get a M41A Pulse Rifle and put it in your armors exosuit-slot.
  4. M4a3.png Get a M4A3 Pistol and place it inside your armor.
  5. Knife.png Get a Combat Knife and slot it inside your combat boots.
  6. M41amag.png Take as many magazines for your primary long arm as you can fit into your belt and backpack. Exception below
  7. Flare.gif Try to hold around two to four flares.

Alternatively you can exchange your M41A for a Combat Shotgun or an SMG. You can even decide to not take your backpack and instead use it to hold a second weapon, such as an M41A and a Shotgun. However that can be risky as losing out on your backpack means less ammo and items you can hold.


After gearing up you should now head down to the requisitions office (east of the mess hall) and get in line to receive your attachments. Attachments are items you can attach to your weapons to either enhance their capability or to add new unique functions to them.

Because you are a Standard Marine you can only be issued up to two attachments normally. The attachments page can give you a guide on what attachments you should consider getting. The Standard Marine page also has a small guide on useful attachment loadouts.

Briefing Room

Once you've finished getting geared up your last task is to head to the briefing room, due west of the mess hall, and find a seat in your squads seating area. Soon the Commander will detail the situation and his overall game plan, as well as issuing your squad their initial orders for the mission.

Listen to what your Commander has to say, listen to your Squad Leader and overall watch your fellow Marines backs. Stay with the team and you'll do fine.

Additional Reading

The following are some good guides and examinations that go further into explaining the details of the game and some other Marine roles.

  1. Standard Marine Wiki Page: Provides some quick tips.
  2. Marine Equipment Wiki Page: Allows you to see all weapons and attachments the game has to offer.
  3. Specialist Guide by Steelpoint: A guide on the Specialist role, provides a overview of the role's weapons, loadout and expectations.
  4. Comprehensive Combat Medic Guide by Jess: Provides a very in depth examination of the Combat Medic and a optimal load out and examination of the Medics tools and items, as well as procedures to triage casualties.
  5. How Not To Suck At Combat Engineer by Surrealistik: A questionable but nevertheless ok guide to being a Combat Engineer.