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Squad Leader

From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Revision as of 15:20, 25 September 2016 by LordLoko (talk | contribs)
Squad Leader
Difficulty: Hard
Supervisors: Commander, XO, Bridge Officers (Overwatch)
Rank: Not defined
Duties: Lead your team. Follow orders from command.
Guides: Leadership
Unlock Requirements: Not available.
Detailed Description:
Not defined

All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? It's another glorious day in the Corps. A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm: Every meal's a banquet. Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation's a parade! I love the Corps! - Sargent Apone, Aliens

You are the squad leader of one of the main squads aboard the USS Sulaco. You are entrusted with the lives of your soldiers, the men and women you will be fighting with on the frontiers of space, and the battlefields on various stations and colonies. You're the one keeping your squad together, so do it right. Your role is primarily leadership and only secondarily combat. You're practically the only one with a brain down there, so you should do most of the thinking, and let your marines do most of the shooting. Don't leave your squad leaderless by ramboing into combat and becoming a casualty. It's important to know when to fall back. Ensure that your squad makes it back in one piece.


As the squad leader, you need a robust and sophisticated knowledge of fighting a war and protecting your squad, as well as fighting. Manage your squad's supply lines and make sure your marines make it back in one piece. No one wants another folded flag being sent home so keep as many of them alive.

Know the Map

For you to survive, you need to know the ins and outs of the battlefield. There are maps of the Area of operation (AO) scattered across the ship. They can be a useful asset when you’re new to the role. A warning: Only one half of the map is revealed and the rest is unknown territory.


Your headset channels are :h for your squad channel you are designated (or :q, :b, :c, :d for Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta squads) and :v for the command channel. Please communicate with command to relay any and all information. Your Bridge Officer should be able to give you a lot of useful information about your squad's composition and whereabouts, along with what's happening with the other squads or aboard the Sulaco. You must follow the chain of command, meaning you follow orders from your superiors, meaning the Commander, XO, and BO all outrank you. You should always follow their orders. This also means that if you're denied supply from the Requisitions Officer, then you're denied. If a lieutenant gives you an order, they expect you to follow it.

Squad Leader Equipment


The squad leader ranks as a very important soldier on the field. The equipment they are issued includes:

  • 1 squad leader headset,
  • 1 set of squad leader armor,
  • 1 M11 squad leader helmet with a built in camera,
  • 3 smoke bombs,
  • 1 pair of binoculars,
  • 3 Supply beacons,
  • 1 Orbital bombardment pin pointer,
  • 1 Webbing,
  • 1 Holster.
  • 1 plastic explosive (C-4)

These necessary tools are located in the squad leader vendor.


You have 3 supply beacons and only 1 issued orbital bombardment beacon.

Does your squad have enough ammo, has your specialist run out of rockets/ sniper magazines/power packs? Your squad depends on ammunition from the Sulaco if they are away from any supply point. This is where your supply beacon comes in. Co-ordinate with the overwatch officer in launching supplies onto the supply beacon. This will take time as requisitions needs to load the crate onto the supply pad and have the overwatch officer launch it so do keep in touch with your officers to organise supplies.

You must activate the beacons for overwatch to either issue you supplies or fire rounds at the designated location. They must be placed on an organic tile (jungle grass, foot path, outside) to be active. This will NOT work in the caves as the signal will be too weak to be sent to the ship. They can be offset up to about 5 tiles in any direction, upon request. Be warned, once active, the beacons cannot be de-activated. Once dropped, it’s anchored to the floor with no way of picking back up again. Use them wisely.

Tactics and Fighting:

Yes, you are a marine, you will need to fight, but knowing how to fight is part of the battle won. When fighting an enemy, whether alien scum or armed rebels, you'll need to assess the situation and the combat effectiveness of your troops. Do you have enough ammo? Are you outnumbered? Are you surrounded? Consider many factors when fighting the enemy. These are just the tip of the iceberg:

  • Outnumbered:

If by some chance that you’re outnumbered and out gunned by angry rebels, Iron bears or xenomorphs, you will decide whether to fall back or fight. There's no shame in falling back if it's too deadly. Otherwise, you'll need to find weak points in the enemy and exploit them. Use as many advantages as you can. The marines generally have firepower, but can get swarmed easily just by losing one man every so often. Losing just a few can be certain doom for the whole squad.

  • Surrounded:

Being surrounded means you have no viable escape path. Your squad is stuck somewhere it can’t get out of. Fall back and make an exit. Whatever way is to safety, you must guide your squad to shoot, blast, kill and frag your way out. The other option is to hold your ground for as long as you can and call for help on the general listening channel or your squad and command channel. Other squads may be tasked with other objectives, but occasionally a squad will be sent to save you and your buddies.

Good luck, your squad depends on your decisions during the course of the mission.