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The 3rd Regiment of the 4th Combat Division, attached to Marine Space Force 3 'Herculis', was established in 2170 following the close of Operation Canton and the establishment of a cease fire between the United Americas and the Union of Progressive Peoples. It was created during the reorganization of USCM forces necessitated by the shifting geopolitical landscape which emerged in the wake of the devastating colonial conflict. In its original state the Regiment consisted of a mishmashed smattering of outdated transport vessels that had seen service as far back as the Sol Campaign, a variety of commanders with misaligned and conflicting ideologies as well as goals, and a severe lack of functional and easily maintained equipment to be used in ongoing conflicts within the Herculis Theater.
Following the ascension of Colonel Samantha Maverick to the position of Regimental Commander, the 3rd Regiment has begun to resemble a fighting force that the United Americas could grow to become proud of. In 2182 the Regiment still experiences issues surrounding corruption, a dwindling budget, and an all-around lack of qualified personnel to hold positions of importance, it is no longer the hopelessly outdated and disorganized organization it was at the outset of its founding.
Regimental Structure
Rank Structure
Individual Battalions
The Third Regiment is tasked with search-and-destroy within the Herculis Theater under the Third Fleet, primarily the sector of Neroid due to the sudden influx of colonial rebellions occurring and requests from local marshals for reinforcements in putting down insurrections. The Regiment however, faces various issues including strained logistical supply lanes bogged down by distance, guerilla attacks from varying factions, poor weaponry maintenance, and low manpower due to a strained budget. Any hope of victory can only be achieved with new methods as attrition continues to tear away at the Regiment.
As of 2182 the Third Regiment operates out of Chinook 91 GSO station, a military space station in geosynchronous orbit around the colony world Georgia 525 (70 Ophiuchi A V). Due to to increasing security concerns, Colonel Maverick has begun detaching the regiment's reserve troops to defend the military space station from any potential threat that may target the heart of the Third Regiment.
Ideology | Symbol | Description |
Hawks | The Hawks are a far-right leaning faction that emerged following the end of the Sol Campaign, holding the belief that colonist uprisings can only be halted with iron and blood. Their main support dwindled following the ending of the Tientsin Campaign which led to the outlawing of nuclear weapons being used against colonies due to the humanitarian disaster that had emerged in the wake of the conflict. However, with the War on Insurgency dragging on and casualties mounting, the upper-brass of the USCM has once again begun to reconsider the option of more forceful measures. This would potentially include once again permitting the use of nuclear weaponry on colonial worlds, the suspension of colonial governments, and enactment of martial law through the sector. | |
Doves | The Doves are a left-leaning faction that rose to prominence following the humanitarian crisis on Mars after the Sol Campaign had been waged and won. Their firm belief is that the only way to unite colonies with the Earth Government is by fighting and winning the ‘War of Hearts’ through negotiation, humanitarian aid, and less usage of military assets. Following the Tientsin Campaign the Doves saw a major increase in popularity among the officer corps and successfully pressed the government to outlaw the use of nuclear weapons against colonial worlds. However, the War on Insurgency has wounded the belief that the ‘War of Hearts’ can still be won. Many now pointing to the relentless years of war crimes, casualties, and growing distrust of the USCM by CLF-aligned colonies. Yet there is still hope that the colonies and Sol can be reunified through compassion and unity. | |
Magpies | The Magpies are military industrial complex supporters who lean heavily towards policies pushed for and supported by major corporations such as Weyland-Yutani. Officers who align themselves as Magpies echo that the corporations are strong allies and that it would be harmful to push or restrict purchasing and contracts with them. It’s rumored that Magpies are among the wealthiest of officers in the USCM primarily due to bribes likely received to ‘overlook’ certain incidents that might be damaging to Weyland-Yutani or other corporations possessing active contracts with the USCM. Their interest aligns with the Hawks or Doves on specific issues and falls most readily on the cost and benefits. To them, money is power and a path to greater standing. | |
Unaligned | It is not uncommon for officers both new and old to distance themselves from the politics that surround their careers and missions to serve the USCM. Some often develop their own opinions far different from the main ideologies on how the issues the USCM faces should be dealt with, and thus find themselves often supporting one of the big three if it aligns with their own beliefs. Lobbying by both the Doves, Hawks, and Magpies to gain the support of these officers is not uncommon within the USCM. |
Current Crises
The War on Insurgency
The Colonial Liberation Front (CLF) are the United States Colonial Marine Corps' primary enemy in the Neroid Sector. A status primarily credited to their ideology, one opposing the government of the United Americas which they believe have long since abandoned the colonies. As a result, they wage a fierce guerrilla war on any UA-aligned forces, most readily the USCM. Although under-equipped and undermanned compared to their enemies, they have made up for such with strategic hit-and-run tactics which prove devastating in the war of attrition against under-manned USCM forces in the sector.
The ongoing fight against the CLF in the Neroid Sector and various other small cells appearing in other sectors has been ongoing for over a decade with no end in sight. Having an estimated manpower in the range of 150,000, the Colonial Liberation Front heavily outnumber local USCM forces despite their shoddy equipment. Casualties and losses continue to accumulate by the day with guerilla fighting taking its toll on USCM forces. Bickering between the various tactics and styles of command between those in charge of the 3rd Regiment have rendered any meaningful progress against the CLF impossible, and a decision must be made soon if there is to be any hope of success.
The Cold War
The Union of Progressive People and the United Americas have been locked in a Cold War for decades. Since the end of the Great Space Race and hostilities such as the Core Conflicts and the Tientsin Campaign, movement and amassing of military forces along borders has not been uncommon. As a matter of fact, various skirmishes between the two are growing increasingly common as tensions continue to rise. However, since the Tientsin Campaign these skirmishes have been kept undisclosed to the public, as the result could escalate into a full-scale nuclear war.
Lobbying from various factions within the 3rd Regiment and the wider USCM, most notably those with a hawkish attitude, have resulted in the United Americas adopting an increasingly aggressive stance towards the Union of Progressive Peoples. Hopes of a thawing of relations between the two Superpowers appears a distant dream as each continues their military buildup along the borders of the other.