Large Incinerator Tank
Holds one hundred units (100) worth of ultra thick napthal. This will set ablaze any and all targets hit. Has a range of five (5) tiles and will deal thirty (30) damage a second.
Incinerator Tank: B Variant
Holds one hundred units (100) of Napthal Fuel type B.
A large fuel tank of Ultra Thick Napthal Fuel type B, a wide-spreading sticky combustable liquid chemical that burns up fast with a low temperature, for use in the M240-T incinerator unit. Handle with care. Will deal fifteen (15) damage a second.
Incinerator Tank: X Variant
Holds one hundred units (100) of Napthal Fuel type X. Utilises X-Variant Napthal which is a lot stronger than its counterparts and has a longer range. Has a range of six (6) tiles and will deal forty (40) damage a second.
Large Incinerator Tank (Gel)
A large fuel tank full of heavier gel fuel. Unlike its liquid contemporaries, this stuff shoots far, and burns up fast. Handle with exceptional care. Holds one hundred and forty (140) units worth of gel fuel. Will deal (15) damage a second before instantly extinguishing.