Chemical/High-Combustion Napalm

From CM-SS13 - Wiki

Inside of a flamethrower tank this chemical has maximum intensity and minimum duration, stronger than blueflame.

CLF3 (Chlorine Trifluoride )


Needs to have an amount of Water
Chem dispenser, Coolers, Sinks.
2u Hydrogen
Chem dispenser.
OT workshop has a tank.

1u Oxygen
Chem dispenser.
Tank in OT workshop.
equal to OVER half of the total amount of napalm that will be in the container after mixing.
After mixing the water may be safely removed.
1u Phoron
Grind bars from:
OT workshop
Req can order more.

1u Aluminium
Chem dispenser.
OT workshop has sheets.

1u Sulphuric Acid
OT workshop has a tank.
2u Hydrogen
Chem dispenser.
OT workshop has a tank.

1u Sulphur
Chem dispenser.

4u Oxygen
Chem dispenser.
Tank in OT workshop.