Template:M2C Consolidated

Template page

Health: 230

Firerate:500 RPM

Base Accuracy: 40

M2C Ammunition Box.png

M2C Ammunition Box

Capacity: 125

Damage: 50

Max Range: 15

Effective Range: 7 Tiles

Fall off: 3

Penetration: 30

Punch: 0.5

A box of 125, 10x28mm tungsten rounds for the M2 Heavy Machinegun System. Click the heavy machinegun while there's no ammo box loaded to reload the M2C.
Deployment and Maintenance:
How To Deploy It:
  • Deploy the Gun by activating it in your active hand.
  • Clicking on a tile 180 degrees or more will rotate it to that direction.


  • Welder.gif Welder for repairing it if partially damaged or if destroyed.