Trade the ability to build resin structures for an ability to transfer health to other xenomorphs and enhanced pheromones.
Applicable Caste(s): Drone
Steel Crest
Trade the ability to tail sweep for the ability to use headbutt while your crest is lowered. Additionally, your headbutt does more damage, gains 1 tile extra range and you're able to move slowly while fortified.
Applicable Caste(s): Defender
Trade the ability to fling and lunge for a lower cool down, increased damage and range on your punch ability. Punch loses the ability to immediately break bones. Gain a new ability, Jab: A stun ability that applies no damage but refreshes punch ability.
Applicable Caste(s): Warrior
Trade your spit abilities in exchange for an acid spray that is similar to the Boiler's acid spray, only that is weaker.
Applicable Caste(s): Spitter
Trade the ability to make traps for a small AoE stun ability staggering everyone in range.
Applicable Caste(s): Burrower
Egg Sac
Trade the ability to carry facehuggers for an ability to generate an egg once every 60 seconds for 50 plasma.
Applicable Caste(s): Carrier
Trade the ability to bombard with gas clouds in exchange for a single acidic projectile that deals more damage against structures with perfect accuracy. The firing process of the railgun strain will be much quicker. Railgun projectiles can pass through barricades as well as cover, but it is possible to hit them if a boiler targets the cover manually.
Applicable Caste(s): Boiler
Shatter Blob
Alter your acid cloud bombard for an acid bomb that spawns acid on the area of impact.
Applicable Caste(s): Boiler
Spin Slash
Trade the ability to charge at your enemies for a spinning slash that deals damage to all hostiles around you.
Applicable Caste(s): Ravager
Royal Guard
Trade the ability to spit in exchange for increased pheromones, the ability to tail sweep (as Defender), a shorter wind-up on your acid spray, and the boiler's acid spray. Your screech now buffs the damage of your fellow Xenomorphs.
Applicable Caste(s): Praetorian
Trade the ability to spit/spray acid and a hefty chunk of your armor for greatly increased speed and two new abilities: Dance and Tail Attack. Dance is an active ability that greatly buffs your speed and evasion. Tail attack is also an active ability, and has two modes: Impale, and Abduct. Impale deals direct damage and abduct stuns, then drags the targeted marine back a few tiles after a long windup. Using either of these abilities while dance is active will remove the dance buffs but buff the effect of the ability. Your screech now buffs the move speed of other Xenomorphs.
Applicable Caste(s): Praetorian
Trade most of your speed, the ability to spit, and the ability to spray acid for a ton of armor and the ability to toss a neurotoxin grenade that goes over barricades, as well as an empowered version of the punch the Warrior uses. Your screech now buffs the armor of other, nearby Xenomorphs.
Applicable Caste(s): Praetorian