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From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Requisitions Officer
Difficulty: Medium
Supervisors: Commander
Rank: Not defined
Duties: Equip and supply the marines with everything they need for the operation.
Guides: List of supply crates
Unlock Requirements: Not available.
Detailed Description:
Not defined

"I wanna introduce you to a personal friend of mine. This is an M41A Pulse Rifle. Ten millimeter, with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher." ―Cpl. Hicks, Aliens


As the Requisitions Officer, your task is to run the Almayer's Cargo Bay. You'll be issuing attachments to Marines, ordering crates full of weapons, ammo, and supplies, and coordinating supply lines. You have direct authority over the Cargo Technicians who help take pressure off you.

Preparing the Cargo Area

The first ten to twenty minutes of the round will be among your most hectic. You'll have a few minutes of reprieve at the start of the shift until all the Marines come rushing down to get attachments. Fortunately, most Marines will be polite and wait in line, but you'll need to remain steadfast. The Military Police will frequently make their presence known.

Before the Marines come rushing down, you should quickly sort out the Cargo area. Here's a list of what could be accomplished before the Marines start to show up. Remember to delegate tasks to Cargo Technicians:

  • Take the clipboard and APPROVED rubber stamp for your pockets.
  • Order one or two crates. Good choices include webbings or attachments.
  • Remember to stamp all paperwork APPROVED and place approved orders on the clipboard.
  • Send for the shuttle.
  • Use a screwdriver to open the maintenance panels on your vendors. This allows restocking the vendors and refilling magazines.
  • Build a table south of the attachments vendor for placing useful items.
  • Organize the crates in the cargo back room and take everything out of these crates.
  • Attach the hydraulic clamp to the "Ripley" Exosuit.
  • Use the Ripley to collect nearby spare metal crates for sending back on the shuttle. There may be crates in the warehouse, in disposals, and in the hangar. (Engineering may have two metal crates that you can ask for later.)
  • When the shuttle arrives, take these webbings/attachments to the main office to stock in the vendor.
  • Place empty crates on the shuttle and send the shuttle back. Keep one or two crates for supply drops.
  • Fill the autolathe with metal and glass.
  • If time permits, consider quickly hacking the Autolathe to gain access to a few bonus options, such as the superior industrial wielding tool.

The Ripley Exosuit: A Weapon To Surpass Metal Gear

  • Right Click to enter the mech.
  • Use the Exosuit Interface Tab
  • Eject: ejects the pilot.
  • Toggle Lights: Toggles the lights
  • Toggle Internal Airtank Usage: Allows use of an internal air supply for low oxygen atmospheres
  • View Stats: Brings up a detailed Ripley user interface.

The Ripley can carry up to 10 cargo objects in its storage. This includes Canisters, Fuel Tanks, and Crates. The Ripley is also equipped with an internal microphone and speaker for the user. Wearing this suit may block any heat from the user and render them completely dark to alien senses.

Early Round Rush (AKA Attachment Heaven)

Within a few minutes, the first Marines will be lining up for attachments. Here are a few ground rules:

  • Be nice and professional, but you're within your right to refuse service to any Marine for whatever reason. Your superior officers can override these decisions. Don't take shit from a grumpy Marine, but do try and issue attachments whenever possible.
  • Standard Marines get two attachments. Squad Leaders and Specialists can be issued three attachments. As a rule of thumb, rail flashlights and bayonets are typically not counted as a attachment, since you start with a large amount of them and they can be made for free.
  • Try and reserve the Barrel Charger attachment for Specialists, since the Charger is a rare attachment and Specialists benefit the most from it.
  • Standard Webbing should be issued to Standard Marines upon request. Brown Vest Webbing should be reserved ONLY for Combat Medics and Combat Engineers.
  • NEVER just throw a crate of attachments/webbings out the door. Standard Marines will loot everything and the slower to gear up Medics/Engineers/Specialists will lose out on anything useful.
  • Holsters can be issued to anyone upon request.

Once the rush ends, place a table down near the Cargo entrance. Place several rail flashlights and bayonets on it, so newly joined Marines have something to get without asking. Maybe put a screwdriver on it too.

Interwar Period: Supply Drops, Restocking, and Miscellaneous Orders

You made it through the initial rush. Now What? Here are the primary functions of the requisition office:

Organize Drops

Supplies can be dropped directly to the Marines. Here is the process:

  1. The Squad Leader communicates to the Staff Officer and Requisitions Officer about a supply drop.
  2. The Squad Leader throws a supply beacon on the planet in an outdoor area.
  3. The RO puts a metal crate (not a coffin or body bag, etc.) on the appropriate drop pad west of the supply shuttle (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta).
  4. The RO communicates to the SO that the drop is on the pad.
  5. The SO pushes the button to drop the crate to the surface. The RO cannot send the crate without bridge cooperation.

Sometimes Squad Leaders will ask for specific items. Otherwise, here are good examples of what might go in a supply drop crate:

  • M41A Pulse Rifles, M39 SMGs, or M37 Shotguns
  • Ammo piled in ammo belts or backpacks
  • Light sources like flashlights and flares
  • Anything special you've ordered like incinerator units, mines, grenades, metal, or medical supplies

Try and always have at least one supply crate ready to go. At the very least, make sure there's a empty crate ready to throw stuff in.

Gather Supplies from the Almayer

The majority of the supplies you'll be preparing and sending are already on board the Almayer. Most of what the Requisitions office does is gather supplies from vendors; put them in backpacks, crates, body bags, or cardboard boxes; and drag them to the dropships for the Marines to take down and use. Always use the labeler to mark boxes, backpacks, bags, etc. with items inside. Here are common sources for supplies:

  • The vendors in cargo.
  • The vendors in the armory.
  • The vendors in medical (you'll need to hack these for access or get cooperation).
  • Any goodies from the Researcher in R&D.

A wise RO can build up a stockpile of cargo points by avoiding buying crates. It helps to have a large pool of points on hand for when you really need a particular crate or to binge purchase a lot of supplies.

Order Crates

You'll probably want to order three or four attachment crates (underbarrel, rail, muzzle attachments; possibly stocks, all of which are under the 'operations' menu). Once these have arrived, restock the attachment vending machine (use a screwdriver on it to be able to load it).

Marines will frequently want an explosives crate for mines and grenades (under operations). The medical staff will frequently want a surgery crate (under medical, although most of the items in that crate can be created in an autolathe).

Try to anticipate supplies that you think may prove necessary. Get extra surgical supplies if the medical teams need more work done or medical supplies if injuries are mounting. Consider ordering something like a weapons crate with unique higher-tier weapons.

Try to keep about two full stacks of metal on hand at all times. These can prove useful in a pinch and can be critical in a emergency. You can print metal sheets with the autolathe. Feed pistols or other less critical metal items into the autolathe to recycle the metal. Try and keep a stack of plasteel on hand if you can get it.

What Are The Best Crates?

Based on the Lacy Scraps Super Duper Guide to Requisitions forum article, here is a general guideline for the most useful crates:

Five Star:

  • Metal Crate (10)
  • Medical Crate (25)
  • Rail Attachments (40)
  • Explosives (Mines/Grenades) Crate (50)

Four Star:

  • M240 Incenerator Crate (30)
  • Squad Beacons (30)
  • Webbing Crate (40)
  • Sentry Crate (120)

Three Star:

  • Explosives (Rocket Ammo) Crate (30)
  • Muzzle Attachments (40)
  • Underbarrel Attachments (40)
  • W-Y Firearms Crate (40)

Recovering Items and Refilling Magazines

Ask Marines to bring you empty or semi-empty magazines. These can be refilled by stocking the used magazines into the vendors in cargo, then vending them again.

Use the command channel to ask the Squad Leaders to recover useful items. For example, Marines should return all empty metal crates. Other items from the colony might also prove useful. Gold, silver, and other precious items may be worth points if returned on the shuttle.

Do Your Paperwork!

There are two important types of paperwork in Requisitions. First, any supply requests will generate a paper request. Stamp this APPROVED or DENIED and, regardless, snap it to the clipboard. Second, all crates arriving with the shuttle will come with a paper supply manifest. This manifest should be stamped APPROVED and placed on the shuttle. These stamped manifests may have to go inside an empty crate. Requisitions will receive more points for following proper paperwork procedure.

Hail Cargonia! Defending Cargo

So the operation was a bust and Aliens are on their way up to the Almayer? If you've been doing well throughout the round, you'll be in a unique position. Cargo has access to a wide range of items and can be a very tough nut to crack.

There are generally two ways forward when it comes to defending the Almayer. You can either try to fortify Cargo on your own, or bug out and seek the safety of a larger group of Marines. Here are possibilities for impeding the Aliens from coming straight up at your doorstep:

  • At the very least, weld the doors allowing exit from Cargo.
  • Weld all vents IF you're aware of the Aliens crawling through them.
  • Build a sentry near the doors to protect it.
  • Ask an engineer to build obstacles in front of the exits from Cargo and in the hallways.

We're bugging out, now!

If the command staff have called for an evacuation, your plans should emphasize moving critical supplies to the escape hallways and the engineering hallway below your cargo office. Quickly order supplies such as metal, plasteel, incendiary crates, and explosives crates. Help set up a long defense to cover the escape hallway and connecting corridors.

The general goal of a evacuation defence is NOT to defend the cargo bay, but to simply hold the Aliens back for as long as possible. The goal is to force the Aliens to attack through heavily defended areas. With luck, the rest of the crew will do a good job of killing the aliens.

Requisitions Officer Tactics

Making metal

As Requisitions Officer, your goal is to get as many supplies as the marines need planetside to help them in their defense against the Aliens. One of these supplies that is ALWAYS needed is metal. Currently, metal crates are relatively cheap, costing about 10 points. At the same time, you are capable of producing metal with the autolathe in the little storage room found in Requisitions. Why spend countless points ordering metal, which could have been used purchasing a different crate, when you could just make it yourself with your autolathe?

Here's how:

  1. Grab a bunch of M4A3 pistols from marine prep. Ask an MP or a marine to open the door for you, since you don't have access.
    • To get a few stacks of metal, two backpacks is sufficient.
    • However, if you want to make enough metal to make a fortress FOB (assuming the squad engineers are competent), get a crate and fill 7 backpacks with pistols. 40+ pistols get you about 18 stacks of metal.
  2. Bring all of your M4A3 pistols to the autolathe room in Requisitions.
  3. Insert one M4A3 pistol into the autolathe, then fill the rest with metal.
    • If you don't have any metal on you in the beginning, use two M4A3 pistols. Then use that 20 metal you get in the metal production process.
  4. Make 20 sheets of metal in the autolathe.
  5. Do this until you use up all the pistols.


  • It's best to do this in the beginning of the round, when you don't have a lot of requests. The metal will be available sooner for engineers as they are building the FOB, which can help marines in the long run.
  • A good idea is to dedicate a CT to making the metal, so that you can focus on coordinating the cargo for marines. Making metal could be the CT's job when they aren't doing any work and just manning the RO line.
  • M4A3 pistols aren't the only thing you can use. For example, M39 submachine guns fill up the autolathe in one go. However, no one really uses the M4A3 pistol, so it is expendable.
    • Never use the M44 revolver. It gives a significantly smaller amount of metal than the M4A3 pistol.

Your Skillset

RO skill set.png

To find out about how the skill system works head over to the skills system page.

Further Reading

Guide For a Good RO

Cargo tips, and what YOU can do to help cargo out

Lacy Scraps Super Duper Guide to Requisitions