
5,226 editsJoined 1 June 2015
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Previous wiki username: Mr. Penguin Colonial Marines Wiki Maintainer

Server History

CM Timeline

Date: Events of Significance:
2014, Oct 30

Pre-Alpha Era of CM begins:

  • Infestation Station joins with New Eden, Jaggerstep takes over as host.
2014, Nov 18

Sulaco V1 Released

2015, Feb 2:

Jaggerstep resigns as host and Verbose Lucidity becomes the new host for New Eden and Colonial Marines.

2015, April 20:

Colonial Marines splits from New Eden Station: Apophis775 becomes the host, Rahlzel becoming Co-Host.

2015, June 10:

Planet LV-624 Released

Nostromo taken out of circulation.

2015, July 19:

Predator Whitelist opens.

2015, July 30:

Alpha Era of CM begins:

  • The USS Sulaco receives a major overhaul: Sulaco V2 Released
2016, May 6:

Ice Colony Released

2016, Dec 11:

Commander Whitelist opens.

2017, Jan 15:

Whiskey Outpost (WO) Released

2017, April 24:

Omega Era of CM begins:

  • USS Almayer Map released.
  • Perspective sprite overhaul.
  • Solaris Ridge (Big Red) Map released.
2017, Aug 17:

Synthetic Whitelist opens.

2017, Nov 21:

Prison Station Released

Marine Ships


Date of Circulation: October 30th, 2014 - July 30th, 2015

Era of Creation: Early Pre-Alpha

Sulaco V1, or simply known as the NMV Sulaco at the time was the first Marine ship map used on Colonial Marines before being phased out in favour of its successor, Sulaco V2, due to an ever expanding population in July 2015. It has since been retired and only makes occasional appearances for April fools with a better design, which is known as the USS Iowa.

Sulaco top.png
Sulaco bottom.png

Date of Circulation: July 30th, 2015 - April 24th, 2017

Era of Creation: Early Alpha

Sulaco V2, or known as the USS Sulaco at the time was the revamped version of the Sulaco V1 and was the second marine ship and also first map to use multiple z-levels to simulate different levels of the map as well as two different transportation methods, in this case decks of a ship and the usage of Droppod and Dropship respectively. It was later phased out in favour of its successor, the USS Almayer, due to an ever expanding population in April 2017. It has since been retired and has not made an appearance since.

USS Almayer.png

Date of Circulation: April 24th, 2017 - Current

Era of Creation: Early Omega

The USS Almayer is the latest marine ship to be released on Colonial Marines and is by far the largest due to the population growth that the server has witnessed in recent years. The USS Almayer was the first map and marine ship to fully incorporate perspective sprites for the entirety of the map.

Infestation Maps


Date of Circulation: October 30th, 2014 - June 10th, 2015

Era of Creation: Early Pre-Alpha

Nostromo, aka (CM) boxstation was the sole infestation map used on Colonial Marines before being phased out in favour of its successor, LV-624, due to an ever expanding population in June 2015. It has since been retired and only makes occasional appearances for April Fools, which is known as Waterworld.

link= LV-624

Date of Circulation: June 10th, 2015 - Current

Era of Creation: Late Pre-Alpha

LV-624 was the successor map to the Nostromo and was additionally the first ground map to be introduced into Colonial Marines. The map itself was created by Absynth and then tweaked later by other developers to keep the map fresh and balanced. It was one of the first maps to introduce a method to prevent early game rushing from both sides, which is the thick fog on the map.

Map icecolony.png

Date of Circulation: May 6th, 2016 - Current

Era of Creation: Late Alpha

Ice Colony otherwise known as "Shiva's Snowball" was a additional infestation map which contained unique snow mechanics (Slowing of mobs when walking through snow, and the construction of snow barricades).

Big Red.png

Date of Circulation: April 24th, 2017 - Current

Era of Creation: Early Omega

Big Red, otherwise known as "Solaris Ridge" had the unique requirement that the Marines required a gas mask and oxygen tank to breathe outside of the outpost in the red sand wastes. Later on it received a massive overhaul to replace the requirement of internals for the marines and additionally to remove the underground tunnels that were abundant previously.

Map Prison.png

Date of Circulation: November 21st, 2017 - Current

Era of Creation: Early Omega

Prison Station, also known as Florina Orbital Penetrary takes the players back to the old ways with it's concept being a 'station' in space similar to Nostromo with long hallways and small rooms for both teams to fight over. Prison Station is also the only map to contain a hostile section not controlled by either team.

Last Stand Maps

Whiskey outpost.png

Date of Circulation: January 15 2017 - Current

Era of Creation: Late Alpha

Whiskey Outpost was loosely based off of the Whiskey Outpost seen in the first starship troopers film at least in namesake, and is the first and only last stand map which is available on Colonial Marines.

Sprite History


Marine Armor:
First Armor concept.png
Concept Marine Armor
The initial concept armor developed for Colonial Marines.

Armor Variations Upon The Initial Concept:
Concept Armor Variations.png
Pre-Alpha Phase One Armor.png
Phase One Armor
The agreed upon first marine armor set which replaced the standard grey/coloured jumpsuits from Infestation Station. Later on the armor was improved upon with a revision of the original helmet.

Phase One Helmet Concept Variations:
Pre-Alpha Helmet Prototype1.png
New Helmet Concept
Wasn't implemented.
Pre-Alpha Helmet Prototype2.png
Final Helmet Concept
Went into Colonial Marines in the late Pre-Alpha stage.

Marine Weaponry:
Colt 1911 with Ammo.png
Colt M1911 / Phase One: M4A3
The Colt M1911 replaced the Stetchkin Pistol from infestation station and became the primary sidearm for the marines. The Colt M1911 near the end of Pre-Alpha recieved a name change to M4A3.

Stechkin: The Predecessor
Pre-Alpha Stechkin.png The original sidearm for the marines which was replaced by the Colt M1911.
S&W Victory with ammo.png
Smith and Wesson Victory
The S&W was the standard revolver for the marines.
Pre-Alpha M39.png
Phase One: M39 Submachine Gun
The M39 was a freshly designed submachine gun for the marines to use. Later on the sprite was improved upon nearing the end of pre-alpha.

Phase Two: M39 Submachine Gun
Late Pre-Alpha smg.png Went into Colonial Marines in the late Pre-Alpha stage.
Phase One M41A.png
Phase One: M41A Pulse Rifle Mk2
The M41A Mk2 replaced the CR20 from Infestation Station and became the primary rifle for the marines. During the late stages of Pre-Alpha the sprite was improved upon.

CR20: The Predecessor
Pre-Alpha CR20.png The original main weapon for the marines which was replaced by the phase one M41A pulse rifle.

Phase Two: M41A Pulse Rifle Mk2
Phase Two M41A.png Went into Colonial Marines in the mid Pre-Alpha stage.
Phase Three: M41A Pulse Rifle Mk2
Phase Three M41A.png Went into Colonial Marines in the late Pre-Alpha stage.
The L6 SAW was the only LMG in Pre-Alpha and could be used with one hand in combination with a Riot Shield.
Riot Shotgun / Phase One: M37A2 Shotgun
The riot shotgun was renamed to the M37A2 Shotgun and became the primary shotgun for the marines during Pre-Alpha.
Heavy Machine Gun
The HMG was the backbone of the Marines during the Pre-Alpha stage. To use the HMG all you had to do was stand on the same tile as the HMG and make sure it was anchored down with a wrench, after that you just clicked on the enemy or a tile to fire. Do note that the HMG could only fire in straight bullet paths, though this did make it extremely useful for defending long hallways. One was available to each squad.

Ammo Bag.png
Ammo Bag
Previously used to store multiple magazines and shotgun shell boxes. One was available to each squad.
Marine Armor:
To do
To do

Marine Weaponry:
Phase Two M4A3.png
Phase Two: M4A3 Service Pistol
After the Colt M1911 was renamed to the M4A3 near the end of Pre-Alpha, the M4A3 has continued to be improved upon. Phase Two of the M4A3 Service Pistol was released shortly after Colonial Marines entered it's Alpha state.

Phase Three: M4A3 Service Pistol
Phase Three M4A3.png Went into Colonial Marines in the mid Alpha stage.
Phase Four: M4A3 Service Pistol
Phase Four M4A3.png Went into Colonial Marines in the late Alpha stage and was the last iteration of the M4A3 Service Pistol sprite.
Phase One M44.png
Phase One: M44 Combat Revolver
The M44 Combat revolver was the standard revolver for the marines that replaced the Smith and Wesson Victory from Pre-Alpha.

Smith and Wesson Victory: The Predecessor
S&W Victory with ammo.png The original revolver for the marines which was replaced by the M44 Combat Revolver.
Phase Two: M44 Combat Revolver
Phase Two M44 Combat Revolver.png Was introduced into Colonial Marines in the late Alpha stage and was the last iteration of the M44 Combat Revolver sprite.
Phase Three M39.png
Phase Three: M39 Submachine Gun
Went into Colonial Marines in the mid Alpha stage and was the last iteration of the M39 Submachine Gun sprite.
Phase Four M41A.png
Phase Four:
M41A Pulse Rifle Mk2
After the M41A replaced the CR20 in Pre-Alpha, it has continued to be improved upon. Phase Four of the M41A Pulse Rifle Mk2 was released shortly after Colonial Marines entered it's Alpha state.

Phase Five: M41A Pulse Rifle Mk2
Phase Five M41A.png Went into Colonial Marines in the late Alpha stage and was the last iteration of the M41A Pulse Rifle sprite.
M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle
Filled the Light Machine Gun gap after the L6 SAW was removed early into the Alpha.
Phase Two M37 Shtogun.png
Phase Two: M37A2 Shotgun
The Phase Two M37A2 Shotgun replaced the Riot Shotgun sprite from Pre-Alpha and became the primary shotgun for the marines during early-mid Alpha.

Phase Three: M37A2 Shotgun
Shotgun.png Introduced into Colonial Marines in the late Alpha stage and was the last iteration of the M37A2 Shotgun sprite.


Sprite stuff

ERT Armour:
Phase One: UPP UM5 Personal Armour
This is only seen in the server's Lore. Wasn't implemented.

Black Donnovan Arcade.png
Black Donnovan
The character Black Donnovan from the arcade machine game has a unique set of concept armor and weapons to go with him.