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The Third Fleet

From CM-SS13 - Wiki


Established in 2190 during the reorganization of the Third Fleet following the retirement of Admiral Jefferson Heltin after the death of his wife and children in a CLF terrorist attack and the promotion of Vice Admiral James Bulwark. The Second Battlegroup primarily consists of outdated and retrofitted vessels that have seen service as far back as the Tientsin Campaign. Placed under the command of Rear Admiral Frans Feiffer the Battlegroup consists of five naval divisions totaling 50+ vessels, a military police division of around 5,000 MPs, a marine division totaling 25,000, and a dozen of support vessels including a dedicated hospital vessel which supplies naval vessels with doctors, researchers, and other medical equipment.


3rd fleet final.png

Rank Structure

Role Description Eligibility
Rear Admiral | RADM.
The designated superior of the entire Battle-Group. The Rear Admiral is the supervisor of every division and is responsible for the appointment of Commodores who oversee the naval divisions beneath their Battle-group. Their authority is supreme and they hold the power to promote Commodores and strip Captains of their ranks should they be disgracing the officer-corps through violation of procedures. CO Senator
Commodore | CDRE.
Chosen Captains by the Rear Admiral to serve as Division heads and as advisors to the Rear Admiral as their joint chief of staff. The Commodores are entrusted with the organization of their assigned divisions, the ability to ensure their division carries out orders given to them, and advising the Rear Admiral on punishments and new regulations for the Captains beneath them. There are only five ever at one time in a Battle-Group. CO Council
Captain | CPT.
The framework of the Battle-Group, the Captains are officers placed in charge of vessels and are organized into naval divisions to perform duties given to them by the Rear Admiral which is relayed by the Commodores who serve as the head of their assigned divisions. Their job to perform their tasks to the best of their ability without stepping out of line. CO Whitelist

Naval Divisions

First Division
Insignia Vessel Name Classification Description
CDRE Fiore Lillehammer USS Medusar Carrier Fitted with a prototype ship-to-ship teleportation device courtesy of W-Y. Knowledge of its full capabilities have been kept on a strict need-to-know basis, though it is capable at the very least of transporting a full 20 marine squad at once.

The ship’s R&R facilities are also a topic of intense jealousy amongst the rest of the Herculis branch. 3rd Fleet 1st Division “Wirebloods” The Wirebloods specialize in communications warfare and boarding actions, being composed of a variety of tech-savants and saboteurs specially trained to tamper with and weaponise all manner of electronics and enemy equipment. The full extent of their capabilities and armaments is strictly classified, though it is an open secret they employ experimental tech such as ECM Jammers, EMP ordnance, and wireless power leeches. It is rumored that the Wirebloods draw their recruits from the survivors of ruined colonies, disbanded paramilitary outfits, and classified blacksites in exchange for amnesty and their silence regarding countless misdeeds and political incidents across known space.

CPT Aden Cooper Lillehammer USS Bayraktar test Cruiser carrying mostly ammunition and fuel with minimal crew, ready to support USCM forces wherever maybe necessary. Captain Aden Cooper has been in contact with Retired Admiral Shaw the Hero of the SOL campaign and was able to get his cruiser outfitted with brand new support weapons, making the Corvette capable of supporting ground forces on colonies and possible space stations.
CPT Jonathon 'ghost' Granger USS Stargazer.png USS Star Gazer Battle Cruiser A Military Battle cruiser outdated and operational since the Civil wars on alpha Centauri has 2 detachments of marines and is meant for ship to ship combat and served as a support role in Military operations in gamma 2- 4
CPT Peter Bates Lillehammer USS Richard V. Spencer Planetary Assault Ship Marine Outdated Troop Carrier
CPT Jackson A. Hargrave Lillehammer USS Dakota Cruiser Retrofitted Cruiser for escorting larger ships, Mostly anti Corvette weaponry. Minimal marine detachment at the best of times for boarding actions or ship defense. Often understaffed however even in this roll it finds itself unable to utilize it's dropships to the fullest potential lacking proper supplies to maintain them. The best thing to happen to the ship was it's retrofit. it's almost a miracle the ship is as maintained as it is.
CPT Mel Kim Lillehammer USS Fallen Sky Support Vessel The USS Fallen Sky has a single detachment of marines, it isn't meant for combat, as it's main role is supplying other ships. It has little to no defenses, usually being escorted by other ships, being a recently retrofitted ship, where most of it's pieces were taken from a decommissioned vessel. Holds large amounts of supply, but has a poor logistic system, which delays most of their deliveries.
CPT Hunter 'Fritz' Polonoski USS Bismarck.png USS Bismarck Battleship/Assault Ship The USS Bismarck is a brand new Battleship that has been recently commissioned in the navy for the 9th Armored Battalion by the use of increased tariffs in the Typhoon Sector. It has four main batteries and two hangars, one for a singe dropship and another to hold two light street tanks, and two medium tanks. It is around 1.5* larger than the USS Almayer. It holds 4 tank crews, a group of support artillery, two complete squads for supporting infantry, and a large crew to maintain and operate the shipside operations (Logistics, Signal, and AA posts.) While being a new ship it has rarely seen action and is mainly being used to scare away the enemy through the use of sovereignty patrols.
CPT Pat ‘Croc’ Bateman Lillehammer USS Alligator Planetary Assault Ship Retrofitted Missile Cruiser turned into an Assault Ship. The Marine Detachment is the “Leaping Frogs”.
CPT Chris Mooris Lillehammer USS Meade Electronic Warfare Support Vessel Provides electronic warfare capabilities for the 3rd Fleet. Retrofitted vessel outfitted with the best electronic warfare support package that can be equipped to outdated ship models.
Second Division
Insignia Vessel Name Classification Description
CDRE Audrey Aulin Lillehammer USS Sunfish Battle Cruiser 2nd Battlegroup, 4th Division Flagship. The Sunfish is a battlecruiser hull gutted and rebuilt around an experimental railgun/particle beam hybrid weapon, intended to out-range any possible threat. The thrusters and FTL drive are overtuned for its size, giving it surprising speed and maneuverability at the cost of greatly reduced armor.

While quite good at its intended role, the Sunfish's weapons and other systems draw an enormous amount of energy and have a bad habit of burning out their power conduits, requiring near-constant maintenance just to remain functional and giving the vessel a bad habit of combusting under sustained fire.

This glass jaw, combined with the heavy investment from WY R&D in experimental systems, means the vessel is usually kept out of direct combat and instead utilized as a propaganda tool showcasing the superiority of USCM technology and the value of corporate partnerships.

CPT Alex Rossfield Lillehammer USS Solarium Carrier A large defensive support vessel, protected by several frigates, the main purpose is defending earth in the home first fleet with a large assortment of fighter/bombers whose primary purpose is to deploy small ships for defensive engagements in the core sector of the USCM. The two squadrons onboard the USS Solarium is the fighter squadron 'swift lightning' and bomber squadron 'thunderbirds.'. It is currently on loan to the Third Fleet to aid in the Insurgency Conflict.
CPT Morrigan 'M.K' Kessler Lillehammer USS Amun-Ra Stealth Frigate At a length of 61.5 meters, the Amun-Ra presents an unusual frame, highly different from that of most spacefaring vessels with a shape like a huge black quartz crystal. This is a byproduct of the ship's stealth functionality, using angular sheets of black composite materials to absorb or reflect radar signals. These materials are supported by active cooling systems to conceal the ship's detectable heat signature, able to reduce the frigate's ambient temperature to match that of an asteroid or even that of background radiation. This functionality is of course only available when the frigate's main drive is offline, as an engine burn of any kind would alert any nearby vessels to the ship's location.

The Amun-Ra class is frightfully well armed for its size, and at the time of its commissioning, the class was the smallest vessel in history to be armed with a railgun. The ship's prototype S-24 Kopesh is internally mounted along the vessel's spine and is supported by 4 retractable PDCs, as well as a pair of concealed Missile bays, equipped with rapid reload systems. The standard crew complement of the Amun-Ra class includes 50 personnel; however, this is frequently expanded to 100 for missions which include troop deployments or boarding actions. During such encounters, assault teams are deployed using the frigate's 9 breaching pods laid into the ship's broadsides. These pods function by launching a small breaching charge to weaken the hull of a target ship before clamping themselves into the surface using 3 mechanical claws, establishing an access passage for troops.

CPT Jeffery Davis USS. Teddy.png USS Theodore Multi-Purpose Destroyer Often referred to as the teddy bear, is in reality a retrofitted cargo ship that was off to salvage, but repurposed and retrofitted with the cargo bay doors made into a makeshift hangar, added hull plating essentially sheet metal, the bow of the ship rather than having torpedos instead has a very large railgun seized from pirates with a poor reliability rating, lastly in terms of weaponry is multiple point defense guns bolted onto the hull. The outside of the ship proudly displays the 26th president holding a toy bear. Often called "A piece of shit", and "Somehow works yet no reason to." As for the marine detachment is made up of the 22nd Sky Cavalry, being considerably small only being able to fill 3 dropships but are exceptional at being airborne troops.
CPT Adam Berkshire Lillehammer USS Justitia Multi-Purpose Destroyer USCM detachment of civil pacification corps under the direct command of the Provost Marshall. Detachment includes a majority force of RMP personnel, with a sufficient compliment of medical staff for colonial emergency situations related to both warfare related crisis and biological containment. Ship has been retrofitted and undergone two dry dock modification assignments in order to carry essential supplies to USCM vessels operating in fields of duty from their respective home systems. Due to it's high compliment of Military Police and colonial security personnel, it has mainly been assigned for transport of High Command personnel, high value government and corporate persons, and mass quantities of volatile cargo including but not limited to dropship armaments, orbital bombardment shells, and in rare cases nuclear payloads. As a result of it's role as a transport vessel of essential and high value cargo, it's armament includes a defensive compliment of twin railguns mounted on the port and starboard fore, with an additional four 80 megawatt infrared lasers placed both fore and aft, capable of vaporizing incoming railgun fire or crippling incoming missiles and possible boarding attempts from any direction. In extreme situations and in case of contamination in biological threats or extreme risk of safety of cargo or high value personnel, a single type 332 emergency escape vehicle (EEV) has been connected via umbilical mounts onto the underside of the vessel.
CPT Salvador Kepplinger Lillehammer USS Franks Planetary Assault Ship An old Planetary Assault Ship, the USS Franks is outdated. Comms is for officers and squad leaders only. The M16 is the weapon of choice. Most soldiers camouflage themselves. The crew of the Franks is renowned for Guerrilla warfare, and battles of attrition. The Anti-Air cannon works, and the Franks has two boarding vessels. Although it ain't very up to date, the crew has minimal casualties and often none at all. The commanding officer runs his ship like it is world war two, simply because of how outdated everything is. But it works. They have a huge operational success rate.
CPT Mark Wilson Lillehammer USS Endeavor Planetary Assault Ship 1st Battalion of the 3rd Brigade, Grey Wolves marine detachment. The Endeavor is a heavily outdated vessel, with many performance issues. Captain Mark Wilson has put many strict maintenance policies and guidelines in place for engineering staff, and for the areas the Endeavor struggles in, it makes up for it with determined crew members and skilled technicians. The Endeavor has mainly Infantry, along with minimal airsupport capabilities. The infantry aboard are mostly experienced warriors, with decent amounts of long time veterans. Using its dropship squadron, the Endeavor specializes in dropping infantry squads into the heat of combat for quick attacks and maneuvers. Prolonged unsupported combat for the Endeavor alone will result in it's defeat. Due to its outdated equipment and capabilities, it must get in and do as much damage as possible, and then get out as quick as possible. The Endeavor relies on swift victories.
CPT Howard Dalhart Lillehammer USS Hadrian’s Wall Planetary Assault Ship Retrofitted Tientsin-era Assault ship that is now used as a Heavy Armor transport and deployment vessel; Boasts armored Tank divisions and APC’s.
Third Division
Insignia Vessel Name Classification Description
CDRE Greg Lauffer Moonlight2.png USS Moonlight Battle Cruiser The USS Moonlight while classified as a cruiser serves primarily as a command ship for the 3rd Division of the 2nd Battlegroup beneath the 3rd Fleet. It is responsible for coordinating logistics and mobile operation planning while in the field of operational space where missions and other large scale operations are being conducted as assigned to them by Rear Admiral Feiffer.
CPT Cha J. Wook Lillehammer USS USS Lapu-Lapu Support Vessel USS Lapu-Lapu is a type of warship that could fill multiple roles, including amphibious warfare operations, force projection, various aviation operations, area defence including security for Colonies that are sovereign territory and humanitarian and disaster relief operations for our marines.
CPT Chen 'DiscoKing' Westinton Lillehammer USS Galsevton Heavy C&C/Electronic Warfare Cruiser Now retired. High tech for it's time but not modular enough to continue service after the war. Being the Flagship it's task force it offered top tier fleet coordination abilities with it's high class Command & Control center. Also specialized in Electronic Warfare.

Chen's current position sees him enjoying a beautiful mohagany wood desk a massive stock pile of frequent flier miles from all the travel he does meeting Captains and coordinating supply efforts.

CPT Connor Anderson USS OBAMA.png USS Barack H. Obama Destroyer 3rd Fleet, 4th Division, 22nd Regiment, "Sky Guardians"

USS Obama is a medium armored vessel with extraordinary speed, it's an experimental vessel specialized in boarding attempts. It's speed and armor allow it to ram hostile spaceships and the new AUD-28 dropships with their point defense lasers are able to reach the enemy's hangar with close to no damage.

CPT Wolfgang Schneider Lillehammer USS Phoenix Cruiser Outdated
CPT Nelson M. Dollar Lillehammer USS Phoenix Multipurpose Frigate Fished from the last planetary battle of Betazed, the 'CLFS Chavréon' originally hailed from the Colonial Liberation Front's attempt at stealing prototype ship designs from the not-so-distant, synthetically autonomous Hangar & Research Station "Linkdriver". Despite numerous damages to both hull and infrastructure, its retrofit was funded with money gathered in the preceding battle's scrapyard. Baptized and renamed "USS Midas", the ship was yet another one of Captain Nelson M. Dollars financial sucesses, with its first deployment in the Third Fleet coming to light soon.
CPT Vadim Dmitriev Lillehammer USS Georgia Corvette Forty crew onboard to operate the vessel, alongside ten marines sourced from the 7th Platoon of Light Infantry, nicknamed the 'Lucky Sevens', for defensive operations onboard the vessel. The vessel itself is quite outdated, possessing only two ballistic weapons for point-defense purposes on the hull, alongside two 'torpedo' launch tubes. If required, it has a small hangar that can fit one vessel, of a small transport variety, or a small fighter variety, and the room to accommodate the flight crew necessary for said vessels.
CPT Irene Rockfelt Lillehammer USS Pleiades CM-78A Graham-class Light Carrier Similar to the CVL class aircraft carriers of old: the Pleiades is a light aerospace carrier of the 2nd Fleet, 3rd Aerospace Wing. It's unit the 17th Aerospace Squadron, 'Rough Riders' is entirely made up of support staff aside with the pilots themselves which make up approximately 3, from a depreciated 4 flights with one flight of heavy-lift dropships, two flights of medium-lift multiple purpose dropships and the depreciated flight of light reconnaissance vessels.

While the originally intended purpose of the Graham-class Light Carriers was to act in support of fleet actions it's found it's way to mainly working in ground support. Specifically the Pleiades works in humanitarian aid, transportation, staging infantry, and it's modular medium-lift vessels are capable of refitting to light space support or close-air-support actions.

Currently on loan to the 3rd Fleet due to escalating conflicts with the CLF and the need for more capable support vessels.

CPT Bert 'SOAB' Beach Lillehammer USS Saxton Trifonas-Class Heavy Cruiser USS Saxton is a standard-outfit Trifonas-Class Heavy Cruise, with three Sparrow-class boarding craft designated on each hanger, situated at the keel of the vessel.

As with all Trifonas-Class heavy cruisers, the USS Saxton comes equiped with a 5KTC TOW-BEAM, complimentary 6 light fighters, 4 Hansa Gun Battery emplacements, and 24 varied, small missiles platforms. A visible lack of point defence is to be noted when inspecting the USS Saxton. The primary task of USS Saxton is to engage and take over hostiles vessels, with the intent of reverse-engineering, or repurposing the hostile vessel for the UAA. The USS Saxton has been retrofitted in 2177, with extensions to its POW quarters, and a small research group assigned to assist handling Intel procured from the enemy forced. It is belived that during this timeframe, Captain Beach had begun utilizing non-standard issue equipment and hardware for the vessel and crewmen. The origin of the gear is uncertain, although Captain Beach has made some vague statements.

CPT Charles Edwinson Lillehammer USS Envoy Light Cruiser A light cruiser with modified engines, designed for rapid response. Frequently used in diplomatic escort missions rather than fleet combat or planetary invasions. 15th Peacekeeper Brigade and the 32nd Honour Guard Squad aboard.
CPT Nick 'Chief' Weller Lillehammer USS Kestrel Recon Vessel Recon vessel with a small detachment of marines for scouting purposes. Marine detachment is named 'Pathfinders'
Fourth Division
Insignia Vessel Name Classification Description
CDRE Samantha Maverick Yukon.png USS Yukon Heavy Cruiser The USS Yukon is the third in a line of Stonewall-class heavy cruisers designed for multi-role operations, force projection, and engagement against enemy craft.

Initially commissioned over 50 years ago, she was decommissioned in 2155 and recommissioned in the wake of the initial campaign on Tychon's Rift in 2181, being given a retrofit to cope with existing demands of technology. While its design is outdated, the ship has proven to be hardy in combat, facing off against foes during her first tour of duty and sustained moderate damage, giving it distinguished "battle scars" that can be seen in the hull repairs' slightly darker shade of gray paint.

Between 2181 and 2190, the ship roamed around the sector, conducting surveillance and counter-piracy operations; nothing special. In the wake of the reentry of the USCM into Tychon's Rift, however, it was brought up to the spotlight again to defend against those who oppose the entry of the Colonial Marines into the area.

With a length of roughly 297 meters, crew capacity of 410 (360 enlisted, 50 officers), the ship is by no means lacking in size; however proving to be lacking in speed capabilities, the ship draws from a 2170-era propulsion and FTL system, making for just over 0.66 light-years per day.

CPT Joseph 'Joe' Clancy Lillehammer USS Howard Planetary Assault Ship Retrofitted Colonial Transport, with updated cryogenic storage after a past history of permafreezing incidents. Very minimal weapon mountings, but a respectable marine detachment and three UD-4 'Cheyenne' Dropships. Slow, flimsy, and lovingly dubbed the 'USS Shithole' for it's spartan living conditions.
CPT Katashi Juro Lillehammer USS Iwo Jima Planetary Assault Ship An outdated yellow jacket-class planetary assault ship. Carries the 442nd and 443rd colonial marine battalions. Carries 20 UD-4 class assault shuttlecraft and six outdated UD-2 interceptors. Armament consists of two CIWS batteries, six MK33 ASAT launchers, and four orbital bombardment cannons. Total marines number around 500. The ship is used for anti-insurgency operations throughout the system and is able to assault fortified positions with its orbital cannons. The ship is usually escorted by one or two frigates as it is vulnerable to attack from other spacecraft.
CPT Kaitlynn 'Maverick' Lawson Lillehammer USS Unitus Light Cruiser The vessel is a outdated model of Cruisers in 2080. With specialization in Orbital bombing the USS Unitus has poor AA defense due to its old age and lack of budget to maintain the ship most of the AA weaponry needed to be removed and is in the waiting list to be retrofitted. Its crew numbers 250.
CPT Nathon 'Boeing' Stafford Lillehammer USS Roosevelt Planetary Assault Ship Modified PAS vessel with engines meant for quick movement in-and-out of areas within American space. Armed with the 5th Battalion "Death Valley Vikings". Mostly used for deployment on colonies with higher temperatures and climates.
CPT Jacque Devereaux Lillehammer USS Alabama Cruiser Outdated Cruiser. Has yet to receive major refit.
CPT Caryl Bernhaben Lillehammer USS Kadeianren Dedicated Troop Transport It is a retrofitted Troop Carrier Vessel with Teo Marine Companies and an attached Mechanized Brigade
CPT Wallace Harwood Lillehammer USS Harvest Troop Transport An outdated Bougainville-class Troop Transport Vessel capable or holding around 90 troops or if needed PoW's out of cryo at a time, and another 2000 in hypersleep, is currently being used as a Joint-Collaboration Vessel between the United Americas and the RESS Holds the 3rd Fleet 2nd Battalion 8th Marines 'Oopsie Daisies' and the RESS Royal Marine 5th Expeditionary 3rd Battalion 'Princess of Osaka'
CPT Tyrus Shoeless Jackson Uss-silent-dawn.png USS Silent Dawn Cruiser USS Silent Dawn is assigned to the 4th Colonial Marine Division, 1st Advanced Recon Brigade, 6th Taskforce ‘’Winter Wolves’’. The USS Silent Dawn is a reconnaissance search and destroy vessel. Its primary purpose is to perform tactical strikes via stealth operations. Its augmented with an experimental VPES (vapor eject system) that allows for camouflage on long range radar due to masking as space distortions (coronal mass ejection, asteroids clusters etc). The Winter Wolves detachment is made of marine volunteers that desired to be sent on high risk missions. The marines are comprised of terminally ill, critical debt holders, and those seeking the most dangerous deployments.
CPT Alberto 'Topper' Staffer Lillehammer USS Vanguard Frigate Retrofitted Boehm-Class Frigate, designed for patrolling contested space with the ability to punch slightly above its own weight class.
Fifth Division
Insignia Vessel Name Classification Description
CDRE Viktor 'Beer' Kleiner Lillehammer USS Lowë Kreuzer class, Heavy cruiser The USS Lowë is an assault heavy cruiser, designed to enter space battlefields to cripple enemy ships with 6 medium range batteries and 3 point targeting missiles. The USS Lowë has 5 point defense cannons and 2 concussion missiles. The vessel has a secret method of winning battles, it can ram other vessels with a top speed of 301 m/s, heavily damaging the ship hulls. Despite retrofitted, the Lowë's hull still stands strong.

The USS Lowë is currently designated in the 3rd Fleet, 5th Division, 4th Brigade, 1st Battalion, it holds the 'Lowë Pack' battalion under the direct command of Captain Viktor Kleiner, also known as BEER-5 or Beer. The USS Lowë was stationed in Eridani but has been recently transferred to the 5th Division to lead and counter the Terraist threat in the Herculis sector , under the command of and supervision of Rear Admiral Frans Feiffer.

CPT Jim Baldie Lillehammer USS Indomitable Frigate Despite its ageing subsystems and dated weaponry, the Indomitable is well cared for and fully functional. Helmed by the charismatic and enthusiastic Captain Jim Baldie, it seemingly retains a full crew complement at all times and is often one of the first USCM vessels in line for testing of experimental naval equipment. While it's unknown why the Indomitable is chosen in particular for this honour, rumour has it that its skipper has friends in high places in the Company, who are occasionally willing to pull strings in exchange for his continued cooperation.
CPT Pammy "Mother" Summers Lillehammer USS Pumpkin Spice Battleship This class ship is a colossal celestial tool of destruction. It is designed to enter combat from the outset, targeting enemies at range and firing salvo after salvo at them, and to remain intact on the battlefield until every heretic insight has been torn to shreds.

The USS Pumpkin Spice has a top speed of 289 m/s due to his mass of 103200000kg with heavy armored plates and a cargo volume of 750 m3. The armament of the vessel consists of 4 railguns (2 on the top floor and 2 in the lower floor) of 425 mm, with a top efficient range of 96 km. To assist targeting small vessels at a short-range the ship is equipped with a basic close-range scan module with a range of 495m. To avoid a blackout while firing the railguns and powering up the engines the vessel has a nuclear reactor capable of generating 1785000 MW.

CPT Sofia Racic Lillehammer USS Fianna Heavy Corvette Not originally designed to support planetary operations in any meaningful capacity, this Chirp-Class heavy frigate has been retrofitted with troop compartments, granting it the ability to deploy a squads' worth of marines. Usually employed for deployment of scouting or storm teams, the vessel is also capable of performing casualty evacuation, should enemy air and/or anti-aircraft presence in the area prove too troublesome for a standard AUD-25 Dropship to handle. Should the need arise, this dated design's modularity allows for a reasonably uncomplicated refit with ship-to-ship weaponry, allowing the vessel to act as an unusually heavy strike craft capable of engaging destroyers-class vessels.
CPT Anna 'Pepper' Costello Lillehammer USS Mare Nectaris Support Vessel (Cargoship, Fuelship, Towship) Retrofitted Logistics vessel. It uses the same body of an old Conestoga class--previously having almost been decommissioned to the sheer amount of damage it had sustained on previous engagements.

Old ship, dating back around when Conestogas were still new, it has seen A LOT of battles and is still somehow afloat by the sheer willpower of the engineering team and pure miracles. Mare Nostrum is modified with less firepower, replacing most of it's missile/torpedo tubes with fuel tank connectors for ship-to-ship refueling on both sides. it is, however, VERY well armored (and thus much heavier) than a normal Conestoga. Redundant armor plating on the front making it strong enough to ram through a corvette without taking a scratch, additional side armor plates. The point defense guns also have better, more modern software targeting which makes them slightly better at taking out threats before they get sufficiently close, but the ship still needs escorts to be fully secure.

Despite the additional weight, the Mare Nectarius is surprisingly not slower than it's brothers. The engine and power grid has also been modernized somewhat to still maintain the original Conestoga's speed, though still lacking some of it's maneuverability. Overall the entire ship has been tinkered and modified so much that the official manuals for this class of ship are ALMOST COMPLETELY USELESS, and most of the manuals had to be rewritten by the senior engineering stuff specifically for this retrofit and all of the staff taken from the more experienced of engineers and technicians, of which there are two 'senior' Lieutenant Commander engineers aboard, along with a large engineering team specialized in supply operations, salvaging, and refueling. They are, mostly, all senior or elite members in this department. None in the engineering staff is quite sure if this ship is absolutely and hopelessly cursed, or incredibly blessed.

A single battalion is stationed on this ship, on active duty. The "Thieving Crows", all of whom are specially trained in EVA operations and Ship-to-Ship combat. This battalion is also regarded as a "reserve" assignment, as they rarely get to do much fighting.

The ship, much like it's normal brother, has hangar bays and can deploy up to 3 Cheyenne Dropships, and is equipped with larger orbital drop pods ontop of the normal launch tubes for bulk supply drops.

CPT Hazel Ray Lillehammer USS Thunderstrike Cruiser A retrofitted cruiser designed for long range attack against other ships. Outfitted with missile batteries, point defense autocannons and a single railgun undergoing field testing.
CPT Oleg Akimov Lillehammer USS Aurora Cruiser Conceived during late stages of Tientsin Campaign.

Thanks to short lived patriotic uplift all over United Americas, WY managed to slide Aurora, among other projects, into the controversial omnibus spending bill. Aurora was designed to have a distinct feature - retractable magnetic trawl on bow. Trawl's sole purpose is to prevent weaponized collisional cascading. At the time of the construction it was largely theorized that enemy can prevent effective fleet maneuvers using “fields” of space debris and mines at high orbit. This theory is yet to be tested in real combat. As all things that made to be jack of all trades, Aurora is a master of none. Increased mass makes Aurora less mobile than most of the cruisers. Because of trawl gun ports and turrets located on sides of the ship(still facing bow) and cannot be used while trawl is extended. Overall armament on Aurora is underpowered and reduced in quantity. Crew and marine compartments both reduced in size and comfort.

3rd Fleet. Contains “Firestarters” Company

CPT Orlando 'Florida' Blackburn Lillehammer USS The Precise Nature Of The Catastrope Stealth Battlecruiser Outdated but partially retrofitted. Way too many guns, very light armor, strong engines, stealth systems.

An almost completely nonsensical design for a ship, the USS The Precise Nature Of The Catastrope is designed to provide an massive amount of unexpected firepower and support while remaining undetectable to conventional scanning methods. This ship borders on being the size of a battleship and is armed like one, though the lighter armor plating makes it less than effective in direct combat against ships of a similar tonnage. Making use of multiple older stealth systems working in tandem, including standard chaff, radar jammers, and comms scrambling, the ship is capable of maneuvering into advantageous positions before or during a conflict, disabling all of the stealth systems, and redirecting all power to the weaponry. The USS The Precise Nature Of The Catastrope is also accompanied by a modest but experienced battalion of marines trained in stealth and unconventional warfare, making them especially dangerous when deployed in situations that enemy combatants were not prepared for.

CPT Michelle Grimes Lillehammer USS Saffron Planetary Assault Ship Hosts the 6th 'Grazing Bucks' Battalion. Generally outdated ship though retrofitted modern orbital bombardment and propulsion systems.
Sixth Division (Reserve Division)
Insignia Vessel Name Classification Description
??? ??? ??? ??? ???


The Second Battlegroup is tasked with search-and-destroy within the Herculis Sector under the Third Fleet, primarily the sector of Tychon's Rift due to the sudden influx of colonial rebellions occurring and requests from local marshals for reinforcements in putting down insurrection. The Battlegroup however faces various issues including strained logistical supply lanes bogged down by distance and guerilla attacks from varying factions, poor weaponry maintenance, and low manpower due to a strained budget. Any hope of victory can only be achieved with new methods as attrition continues to tear away at the Battle-Group making it painfully obvious a drawn-out conflict is no longer an option.

As of 2190, just like all of the Third Fleet the Second Battle-Group operates out of Chinook 91 GSO station a military space station in geosynchronous orbit around the colony world Georgia 525 (70 Ophiuchi A V). Due to to increasing security concerns the Second Battle-Group has begun detaching its Reserve Division to defend the military space station from any potential threat that may target the heart of the Third Fleet.


Since the eruption of the war on insurgency following the disasters at Tientsin there has been notable debate among military officers as to how to pursue a victory with the war only continuing to drag on and attrition and budgets straining the USCM. Three notable factions by 2190 had taken rise among the fleets, especially the Third Fleet which finds itself constantly engulfed in an endless guerilla campaign with the CLF.

Ideology Symbol Description
Hawks (1).png The Hawks are a far-right leaning faction that emerged following the end of the Sol Campaign with the belief that the colonist uprisings can only be halted with iron and blood. Their main support dwindled following the ending of the Tientsin Campaign which led to the outlawing of nuclear weapons being used against colonies due to the humanitarian disaster that had emerged in the aftermath. However, with the war on insurgency dragging on and casualties mounting the upper-brass of the USCM has begun once again reconsidering the option of ‘more forceful measures’ including the potential of once again permitting the use of nuclear weaponry on colonial worlds and the suspension of colonial governments and enactment of martial law through the sector.
Doves (2).png The Doves are a left-leaning faction that rose following the humanitarian crisis on Mars after the Sol Campaign had been waged and won. Their firm belief was that the only way to unite colonies with the Earth Government was by fighting and winning the ‘war of heart’ through negotiation, humanitarian aid, and less usage of military assets. Following the Tientsin Campaign the Doves saw a major increase in popularity among the officer corps and successfully pressed the government to outlaw the use of nuclear weapons against colonial worlds. However, since the War on Insurgency the belief that the ‘war of heart’ could still be won began to wither with the relentless years of war crimes, casualties, and growing distrust of the USCM by CLF-aligned colonies. However there is still hope that the colonies and Sol can be reunified through compassion and unity.
Songbirds 8czrbxe6i.png The Songbirds are military industrial complex supporters who lean heavily towards policies pushed and supported for major corporations such as Weston-Yamada. Their main support emerged during the early days of the emergence of WY which had begun investing heavily into the USCM. Officers who align themselves as Songbirds echo that the corporations are strong allies and it would be harmful to push or restrict purchasing and contracts with them. It’s rumored Songbirds are among the wealthiest of officers in the USCM primarily due to bribes likely received to ‘overlook’ certain incidents that might be damaging to Weston-Yamada or other corporations who pay for influence and sell weapons to the USCM. Their interest aligning with the hawks or doves on specific issues falls on the cost and benefits, if it means losing a colony it could be doves but if it means killing some rebelling colonists and keeping the colony, it likely could be the hawks. Money is power and a path to greater standing.
Other/Unaligned (2).png It is not uncommon for officers both new and old to distance themselves from the politics that surround their career and mission to serve the USCM. Some often develop their own opinions far different from the main ideologies on how the issues USCM faces should be dealt with and thus find themselves often supporting one of the big three if it aligns with their own beliefs. Lobbying by both the Doves and Hawks to gain the support of these Officers is not uncommon within the Fleets.

Ideology of the Battlegroup

Current Crisis

Colonial Liberation Front (War on Insurgency)

The fight against the CLF in Tychon's Rift Sector and various other small cells appearing in other sectors has been ongoing for over a decade with no end in sight. Now with an estimated manpower of 150,000 the CLF heavily outnumbers local USCM forces even with shoddy equipment. Casualties and fleet losses continue to accumulate by the day with guerilla fighting taking its toll on USCM forces. A decision on a new approach to the war on insurgency has to be made if there is to be any hope of success.

Xur Uprising/Sixteen Colonies

Rumors of a declaration of independence from a new self declared union of colonies referring to themselves as the ‘Sixteen Colonies’ has emerged under the coordination of notorious colonial marshal Xur, mirroring that of the original American Thirteen colonies and declaration of independence. The Third Fleet’s intelligence network covering HERCULIS from CHINOOK station has managed to suppress any media outlets, also a blockade by the First Battlegroup of the Third Fleet has successfully prevented any travel of colonists who may try to spread the news. A solution however to either attempt peaceful negotiation or usage of military force must be decided before the number of the Sixteen Colonies increases.

Terraist Crusade

The Order of Terra, a devout religious sect of roman catholics dedicated to the expulsion and destruction of the colonies through holy crusade due to their belief of earth being the one and only true home to humanity have become a major problem in the outer-colonies. Their tactics involving terrorist attacks on civilian populations and military forces have earned them the ironic nickname of ‘terraists’ in their attempts to purge the colonies in favor of earth. There has been belief that the Vatican has been personally funding the order however Pope Pius XII has denied such allegations. They have established several major installations in asteroid belts which they have dubbed ‘The Crusader States’. To wipe them out would mean gaining colonial favor and good press, however to eradicate them completely would mean destroying an enemy of the CLF and rebellious colonies.