More actions
Established in 2190 during the reorganization of the Third Fleet following the retirement of Admiral Jefferson Heltin after the death of his wife and children in a CLF terrorist attack and the promotion of Vice Admiral James Bulwark. The Second Battlegroup primarily consists of outdated and retrofitted vessels that have seen service as far back as the Tientsin Campaign. Placed under the command of Rear Admiral Frans Feiffer the Battlegroup consists of five naval divisions totaling 50+ vessels, a military police division of around 5,000 MPs, a marine division totaling 25,000, and a dozen of support vessels including a dedicated hospital vessel which supplies naval vessels with doctors, researchers, and other medical equipment.
By 2191 after the disaster in the Fomalhaut System during OPERATION: FALLEN ANGEL the Second Battlegroup remains in a state of decline. Rear Admiral Bjorn was selected to fill the empty position left by the assassinated Rear Admiral Frans Feiffer who died to agents of the Order of Terra while en-route to his flagship from Chinook GSO-91 Station. Many Commanding Officers perished, have gone missing, or retired due to the outcome of the battle. Now stretched across the Neroid sector even further with less assets the Battlegroup must make tough decisions to stand a chance in maintaining UA's hold over the subsector.
USCN Structure

Battlegroup Structure

Rank Structure
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|+ class="nowrap" |Second Division |- | ! scope="col" |Insignia ! scope="col" |Vessel Name ! scope="col" |Classification ! scope="col" |Description |- ! scope="row" |CDRE Anna Stall |N/A||USS Sunset |Support Cruiser||Communications Vessel, the ship is loaded with equipment to boost and process the radio traffic of other vessels deployed within the fleet allowing the ships in the fleet to operate at further distances apart from each other than without. The ship also takes an auxiliary role in bureaucratic processing, managing minor incidents within the fleet on the ship and acting as a relay to send faxes and other important traffic towards the Admiralty. |- !CPT Karl 'Ausbruch' Walz
||USS Pershing
|Heavy Cruiser||The USS Pershing is a recently commissioned Heavy Cruiser of her own class. Only having been in service for 3 years she is considerably newer than her contemporaries. She houses the 3rd Heavy Mechanized Battalion dubbed "Steel Soulmates". Her armaments consist of mostly offensive pieces, including 2 WY sponsored orbital cannons, 3 dual-barrel turrets for broadside engagements, and 2 concussion missile launchers. She has 2 AUD-26-H Dropships, made specifically to move the heavy armor the marines carry, as well as a standard AUD-25. She sacrifices aspects of her ship to ensure maximum garage space, letting her carry 2 M577 APCs, 3 M39B2 Decker Medium Tanks, and an M42C3 "Walker" Heavy Tank. |- ! CPT Morrigan 'M.K' Kessler |N/A ||USS Amun-Ra |Stealth Frigate|| At a length of 61.5 meters, the Amun-Ra presents an unusual frame, highly different from that of most spacefaring vessels with a shape like a huge black quartz crystal. This is a byproduct of the ship's stealth functionality, using angular sheets of black composite materials to absorb or reflect radar signals. These materials are supported by active cooling systems to conceal the ship's detectable heat signature, able to reduce the frigate's ambient temperature to match that of an asteroid or even that of background radiation. This functionality is of course only available when the frigate's main drive is offline, as an engine burn of any kind would alert any nearby vessels to the ship's location.
The Amun-Ra class is frightfully well armed for its size, and at the time of its commissioning, the class was the smallest vessel in history to be armed with a railgun. The ship's prototype S-24 Kopesh is internally mounted along the vessel's spine and is supported by 4 retractable PDCs, as well as a pair of concealed Missile bays, equipped with rapid reload systems. The standard crew complement of the Amun-Ra class includes 50 personnel; however, this is frequently expanded to 100 for missions which include troop deployments or boarding actions. During such encounters, assault teams are deployed using the frigate's 9 breaching pods laid into the ship's broadsides. These pods function by launching a small breaching charge to weaken the hull of a target ship before clamping themselves into the surface using 3 mechanical claws, establishing an access passage for troops. |- !CPT Howard Dalheart
||USS Hadrian’s Wall
|Colony Ship retrofitted into Tientsin era Support Vessel||Retrofitted but outdated; Tientsin era |- !CPT Finnian Cottier |N/A||USS Tobruk |Carrier||Key member of Carrier Strike Group 31 with the 147th Colonial Marine Expeditionary Unit and 22nd Space Wing embarked. Built in 2172, retrofitted in 2183, still in active service. Still effective, though soon to be outclassed by the new generation of carriers currently being commissioned. |- !CPT Salvador Kepplinger
|| USS Franks
|Planetary Assault Ship||An old Planetary Assault Ship, the USS Franks is outdated. Comms is for officers and squad leaders only. The M16 is the weapon of choice. Most soldiers camouflage themselves. The crew of the Franks is renowned for Guerrilla warfare, and battles of attrition. The Anti-Air cannon works, and the Franks has two boarding vessels. Although it ain't very up to date, the crew has minimal casualties and often none at all. The commanding officer runs his ship like it is world war two, simply because of how outdated everything is. But it works. They have a huge operational success rate. |- !CPT Adam Berkshire
|| USS Justitia
|Multi-Purpose Destroyer||USCM detachment of civil pacification corps under the direct command of the Provost Marshal. Detachment includes a majority force of RMP personnel, with a sufficient compliment of medical staff for colonial emergency situations related to both warfare related crisis and biological containment. Ship has been retrofitted and undergone two dry dock modification assignments in order to carry essential supplies to USCM vessels operating in fields of duty from their respective home systems. Due to it's high compliment of Military Police and colonial security personnel, it has mainly been assigned for transport of High Command personnel, high value government and corporate persons, and mass quantities of volatile cargo including but not limited to dropship armaments, orbital bombardment shells, and in rare cases nuclear payloads. As a result of it's role as a transport vessel of essential and high value cargo, it's armament includes a defensive compliment of twin railguns mounted on the port and starboard fore, with an additional four 80 megawatt infrared lasers placed both fore and aft, capable of vaporizing incoming railgun fire or crippling incoming missiles and possible boarding attempts from any direction. In extreme situations and in case of contamination in biological threats or extreme risk of safety of cargo or high value personnel, a single type 332 emergency escape vehicle (EEV) has been connected via umbilical mounts onto the underside of the vessel. |- !CPT Trianna Jesowitz
|| USS Francis Velten
|Planetary Assault Ship||The USS Francis Velten, named after an early 21st century commander, is a Tarawa Class Planetary Assault ship designed for planetary assaults and strategic aerospace carrier support. Commissioned in 2185, in response to the campaign in the Neroid sector, the vessel is one of the more modern vessels assigned to the Third Fleet, with a focus on the planetary campaigns of the current times.
Like the amphibious assault craft of times past, including the ship from which its class takes its name, the Velten is capable of fielding a Marine Expeditionary Brigade as well as a carrier wing of fighters, dropships, and support craft. In exchange, the ship has no offensive weaponry on board, boasting only an adequate number of point defense systems, and depends on its escort and complement of fighters and strike craft for space warfare and fire support. |- ! scope="row" |CPT Misti Rockwell |
||USS Yokosuka
|Light Cruiser||The Sabot Class was originally devised when High Command desired a quick, new design that was cheap and cost effective for the new patrol routes in the outer rim. The Sabot-class was designed as a Light Cruiser vessel, fitted with four missile tubes, two dorsal railgun arrays and a double array of Point-defense systems.
The first ships of the class were deployed by 2183, but their armament proved too indecisive to be of much use in an engagement. This, granted with their comparatively fragile size and lacking armour, made them easy targets. Rather than retrofitting the design with new weaponry, it was decided that a new, more heavily armed Cruiser-class would need to be drawn up entirely.
The remaining Sabot-class vessels were indeed retrofitted by 2187 however, with their missile armament entirely removed, and replaced by an additional array of Point-Defense systems. In addition, two heavy anti-aircraft guns were mounted on the ship, reducing its maximum speed. With only its two railguns remaining for desperate self-defence, the Sabot has officially been relegated to an AA Escort role.
The USS Yokosuka, under new command of Captain Rockwell, is one such vessel. The Captain has appealed to Chinook Station several times that an AA Escort was 'pointless', due to the nature of war they found themselves in, that being a primarily ground-based guerilla war against the Colonial Liberation Front. It was argued that the Rebels lacked any significant naval force, and that massed AA defenses, like those on the Yokosuka, were needless, and should be swapped out for higher calibre, orbital cannonades. Any such debates and requests have been denied by Chinook and the Rear Admiral, and the Yokosuka remains as the Second Division's anti-aircraft escort to this day. |- ! scope="row" |CPT James 'Tater' Pacheco |N/A||USS Endora | Medium SAR Frigate|| The USS Endora, a recently repaired and updated light support frigate equipped with the best medical and search and rescue equipment the third fleet can afford. Luckily there aren't many other ships of the sort to steal their budget. The Endora is also equipped with maintenance demanding engines capable of performing precise maneuvers, though they aren't designed for extreme speed. The Endora is equipped with 33 hypersleep chambers for the standing crew, along with 60 extra chambers intended for rescued personnel. Each hypersleep block of 11 and 20 respectively have their own EEV sections, equipped specially for all environments. The EEVs also boast survival gear for Space, Sea, and land environments. The onboard crew hypersleep caskets are accompanied by their own quarters. Additional, non-permanent crew housing onboard consists of 3 barracks. The Endora is capable of planetary flight and landing maneuvers, intended for medivac of groundside personnel without the need of additional smaller craft. There is no outboard weaponry on the Endora, as it is not a combat craft. However it is equipped with heavy laser cutters intended for emergency shipbreaking and debris removal.
The standing crew is made up of a complement of 8 EVA specialists who are also trained in Emergency medical treatment, a medical complement of 4 doctors with accompanying nurses, one chief medical officer, a security detail of 10 armed USCM marines, a chief engineer along with 2 USCM senior engineers (it's a demanding ship). and a bridge crew consisting of the captain himself, and 2 bridge officers. The crew is mainly a skeleton crew, to make room for quarters and cryo chambers belonging to rescued personnel. |- |}
Insignia | Vessel Name | Classification | Description | |
CDRE William 'Jester' Crimson | N/A | USS Reeducation | Support Carrier | An experimental prison and research vessel used deployed in large scale conflicts, it was commissioned due to the increase in colonial unrest, the growing conscripted masses within the USCM and unofficially, to serve as a neutral ground between the factions within the USCM.
The USS ReEducation has exceptional point defence and armour, however its weaponry is extremely lackluster, beyond a standard railgun designed to be used on stationary targets or planets below. This vessel has a unique railgun launcher, which is used to send specially designed droships with unique cryopods designed to take such speeds, through mapped space (Not without risk*) at extremely fast speeds to distant ships or outposts. Unfortunately, this can only be activated a few times before the transportation railgun is down for maintenance, meaning that it is often used only for issues which require high-command to personally on site, or to dispatch ERTs. 41st Military Police Company "Honour Guard" 42nd Military Police Company "Peace Keepers" 2nd Military Intelligence Battalion "Orwell's Eyes" |
CPT Charles Edwinson | N/A | USS Envoy | Planetary Assault Ship | 3rd Honour Guard Division. Typically dispatched on diplomatic missions or to escort VIPs throughout USCM territory. Powerful engines and advanced defence systems at the cost of reduced offensive weaponry. This ship is designed to endure and escape, not to fight. |
CPT Roscoe Carr | N/A | USS Centralia | Kessler Protocol Compliance Vessel | Mostly unarmed support vessel designed to clear debris from orbit after space battles. Mandated by international law and legally protected in a way similar to hospital ships. |
CPT Zhilov Igorev | N/A | USS Arcadia | Raider Class Ship | At 90 meters long it’s designed to quickly move in and out of battle zones to deliver heavy strikes thanks to three M-Class engines. She is armed with two heavy laser cannons, a large milled bay, an ion cannon and three gimbled turrets. The Arcadia is outfitted with a crew of 40 with 15 of them being marines trained in sabotage and stealth ops. |
CPT Goosen Dagen | N/A | USS Roosevelt | Cruiser | Small vessel, lightly armored, but quick and can easily evade enemies when required. Efficiently designed, but not a model of comfort given it's small size. Crew capacity was designed for 50 members, with mostly small quarters, and limited areas of recreation. The majority of crew (originally and currently) are enlisted men, with minimal support from other departments. The vessel has never had a Liason of the powerful Weyland Yutani corporation, as the missions of the vessel typically classified by the USCM, then and now.
Her armament was originally designed for strike missions against vessels and outposts, as she was christened in 2166 to assist with the developing conflict between the UPP. She participated in several skirmishes throughout "Space Nam", typically avoiding main areas of deployment in favor of surprise attacks on vulnerable targets, at times including civilian occupied areas. The actions of the vessel were a matter of public scrutiny for the UPP, often using the Roosevelt as an example of USCM violent excess during the conflict. However, by 2170 a ceasefire was negotiated, and the command members of the Roosevelt were subsequently highly decorated by high command of the USCM for their efforts during the conflict. After the ceasefire with the UPP, the Roosevelt saw continued use against CLF forces for the next decade, participating in many conflicts against enemy bases of operation. Initially the mission was the same for the Roosevelt as it was during the previous conflict, and similarly received condemnation by the CLF for it's overtly hostile actions against civilians. However, as more battles raged across the years, it was clear the Roosevelt was showing it's age the longer the conflicts dragged out. Resistance was more heavily fortified in CLF territories, and they were more well informed of the USCM movements. The technical superiority of the vessel was shattered, as was the fate of many others. Furthermore, the failure of USS Alistoun in the Neroid Sector lead to the most decisive defeat thus far. This significantly changed the military doctrine of the Third Fleet in many ways, which in particular affected the fate of the Roosevelt. High command of the USCM were worried of several threats, CLF excluded, and thus updated the overall mission of the Roosevelt to a role of scouting. Since 2180, She has maintained visibility of the outskirts of the UA where the Third Fleet is positioned. She still maintains a small deployment of senior military officers, just a Commander and Captain. The rest of the crew is mostly military, with some serving in other departments. Captain Goosen Dagen was transferred to the Roosevelt in November of 2189, and has since commanded the vessel. |
CPT Jonathan Fox | N/A | USS Valor | Destroyer | Retrofitted Vehicle
The USS Valor is a destroyer class ship, with only 189 meters beeing smaller then the USS Almayer but equipped with stronger weaponary. It has loaded eight 0.75cm/140 Mark 74 General Atomics railguns, 35 Mark 33 ASAT-LS systems with mark nine nuclear warheads. But has only one AUD-25 Dropship with no armament and only a very small bataillon with no mechanized troops on board. The USS Valor was created 2136, two years after The Arikara-class patrol transport vessel was intodruced. The USS Valor's main goal is to track and hunt hostile ships down. It was assigned to the third fleet and joined 2165 the Operation Canton. |
CPT Faerwald Wulfe | N/A | USS Hyperion | Science Frigate | Most of the ship is comprised of laboratories with high tech equipment and full of researchers be it from the USCM or outside contractors under strict NDA. Its primary job is to conduct experiments and research safely in deep space away from the prying eyes of civilian companies and outside powers like the UPP and CLF. On occasion the Hyperion can be seen performing other tasks like surveying unexplored planets, observing anomalies in space or performing weapon testing. Thanks to its equipment and laboratories as well as a very skilled medical team used to work with strict containment procedures and the strangest of wounds and diseases the Hyperion was on occasions sent to colonies suffering from widespread pandemics to swiftly deal with the situation.
The crew aboard is highly trained and split between crisis response teams and exploratory teams when being deployed on special missions. While the Hyperion is a science vessel it still carries a decent amount of armaments and can defend itself if attacked. It carries ship to ship missiles as well as two large caliber front facing cannons designed both for ship to ship combat as well as limited orbital bombardment. It is also usually fitted with all kinds of experimental weaponry currently being tested and while unreliable it can prove devastating in some situations. |
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|+ class="nowrap" |Fourth Division |- | ! scope="col" |Insignia ! scope="col" |Vessel Name ! scope="col" |Classification ! scope="col" |Description |- ! scope="row" |CDRE Goddard Pearsall | N/A||USS Icarus |Cruiser- Operations Carrier||Less a warship and more a testing platform/mobile blacksite, the Icarus is part of a proposed new fleet doctrine of carrier primacy. Much of the ship's lower deck is occupied by a hangar bay servicing a collection of ten fighters and three bombers. High mechanization allows craft to be refueled and rearmed in record time before deployment. Connected to the bridge, an experimental long-range sensor array allows the Icarus to detect and identify targets beyond the detection range of the rest of the fleet, as well as assisting ships in finding firing solutions on enemy ships. The main weakness of the Icarus, however, is its direct-combat capability in space and ground combat: due to the space taken by the hangar and power requirements for the various support systems, the ship is unable to hold or field a Marine detachment and lacks larger weapons platforms to allow orbital bombardment or long-range engagements. With anti-missile/anti-fighter point-defense and light, short-range armaments, the Icarus' primary defense is its fighter/bomber complements and ability to assist the fleet in engaging other ships through sensor tracking. |- !CPT Sofia Eder |N/A|| USS Hall |Destroyer||A Patton-Class destroyer, a quintessential workhorse of the UA Fleet at large. Armed with a respectable array of mass drivers which set the standard for its class and a decent PD coverage, this line of destroyers is also notable for being one of the rare destroyer classes with a dedicated torpedo array, featuring a purpose-built torpedo rack which allows for rapid reloads mid-combat. Features a shuttle bay holding a shuttle capable of atmospheric entry, with a carry capacity of roughly two fireteams' worth of personnel. This particular Patton-class has had its engine assembly insulated as well, making it easier for the ship to 'go dark' in order to reduce its sensor profile. |- !CPT Adam Hilt |N/A|| USS Imperial Eagle |Planetary Assault Ship|| The USS Imperial Eagle is a retrofitted missile cruiser redesigned towards boarding action and planetary assault missions. Outdated towards the turn of the decade, rather than dismantle it, the ship went the route of many missile cruisers. Its generally sizeable hull making it ideal for hosting large bodies of troops and munitions. While still capable of its prior functions, many of its main weapon systems have been redesigned towards bombardment and indirect fire support for operations and Marine companies. Along the side of the ship are a pair of two sleek lightning bolts encircle by a wreath with an Eagle mounting it, representing Hilts long and cultured history in service to the US and the heritage of the Marine detachment aboard. Hilt replaced CPT Bateman on the ship, as the former was wounded during the campaign against the Terrarists. The Marine unit aboard is the “Thunderbirds”. The Thunderbirds are a notoriously aggressive unit, recognised fleet wide for their jackboots and unique marching style. Many other marines accuse them of war crimes or brutality, however they always manage to come out clean. This is only exasperated by the current Commander who is notorious for his love of groundside operations, almost always refusing to sit in the CIC during combat drops. Traditionally, the ship has been apart of 1st Division. |- !CPT Oleg Akimov |N/A||USS Aurora |Cruiser||Conceived during late stages of Tientsin Campaign. Thanks to short lived patriotic uplift all over United Americas, WY managed to slide Aurora, among other projects, into the controversial omnibus spending bill. Aurora was designed to have a distinct feature - retractable magnetic trawl on bow. Trawl's sole purpose is to prevent weaponized collisional cascading. At the time of the construction it was largely theorized that enemy can prevent effective fleet maneuvers using “fields” of space debris and mines at high orbit. This theory is yet to be tested in real combat. As all things that made to be jack of all trades, Aurora is a master of none. Increased mass makes Aurora less mobile than most of the cruisers. Because of trawl gun ports and turrets located on sides of the ship(still facing bow) and cannot be used while trawl is extended. Overall armament on Aurora is underpowered and reduced in quantity. Crew and marine compartments both reduced in size and comfort.
3rd Fleet. Contains “Icebreakers” Company |- !CPT Viktor Kleiner
||USS Lowë
|Kreuzer class, Heavy assault cruiser||The USS Lowë is an assault heavy cruiser, designed to enter space battlefields to cripple enemy ships with 6 medium range batteries and 3 point targeting missiles. The USS Lowë has 5 point defense cannons and 2 concussion missiles. The vessel has a secret method of winning battles, it can ram other vessels with a top speed of 301 m/s, heavily damaging the ship hulls. Despite retrofitted, the Lowë's hull still stands strong. The USS Lowë is currently designated in the 3rd Fleet, 4th Division, 4th Brigade, 1st Battalion, it holds the 'Lowë Pack' battalion under the direct command of Captain Viktor Kleiner, also known as BEER-5 or Beer. The USS Lowë was stationed in Eridani but has been recently transferred to the 5th Division to lead and counter the Terraist threat in the Herculis sector , under the command of and supervision of Rear Admiral Frans Feiffer. |- !CPT Balto Dreg | N/A||USS Dreggornaught |Dreadnought Classed Battleship||The USS Dreggornuaght is the only last serving Dreadnought in the navy after its early days as original battleships of the USCM Navy. It has been retrofitted from its previous Dreadnoughts making it the last and only modernized Dreadnought to date. The USS Dreggornaught Nought was outfitted for partial planetary assault and more so Space combat with the previous Dreadnought weapons added to its arsenal. It consisted of the 1st Battalion "Metal Jackets" consisting of Colonial Marine 1st, 2nd, 3rd platoons. It as well consisted of the 4th Armored Rhino Tank Platoon consisting of over 3 heavily modified Medium Tanks and one heavily modified heavy tank referred to as the Dregg Tank. Multiple big guns I would say few OBs and outdated and few modern heavy ship cannons for naval aspect or modified Dreadnought with multiple barrages of Oribitial Batteries for naval/planetery assault. |- ! CPT Robert Dangerzone Hale |N/A ||USS Berlin |Support Vessel||Mass transport, the white elephant of the fleet. Originally designed to ferry men and material enough to fortify a conquered world, now for the most part mothballed with only skeleton crew onboard, used as hospital during the fallout of the Crusade. |- |}{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" |+ class="nowrap" |Fifth Division |- | ! scope="col" |Insignia ! scope="col" |Vessel Name ! scope="col" |Classification ! scope="col" |Description |- ! scope="row" |CDRE Connor Anderson
||USS Barack H. Obama
|Destroyer|| 3rd Fleet, 4th Division, 22nd Regiment, "Sky Guardians"
USS Obama is a medium armored vessel with extraordinary speed, it's an experimental vessel specialized in boarding attempts. It's speed and armor allow it to ram hostile spaceships and the new AUD-28 dropships with their point defense lasers are able to reach the enemy's hangar with close to no damage. |- ! scope="row" | CPT Charles 'Boston' Ellis |N/A ||USS Massachusetts |Cruiser||Named primarily for the USS Massachusetts (BB-59), the ship is a rapid response vessel sent on missions where larger ships would be impractical or more often too expensive. Much of the ship is a combination of outdated parts from when the ship was last properly outfitted in 2180, and more recent weaponry that were scrounged up from various UCSM supply depots and captured enemy munitions.
The ship normally carries a light, tightly knit crew during it's distant missions, but is capable of moving a larger force if the need be. Standard troop load is approximately 100-150 men, but when necessary the USS Massachusetts carries enough space and supplies for a company on deck and another company in cryosleep. |- ! scope="row" |CPT Vadim Dmitriev
|| USS Georgia
|Corvette||Operates with forty five souls onboard as the primary crew, with a maximum capacity of sixty souls, minimum armament, primarily ballistic. Outdated Corvette design, plans to retrofit in a effort to keep it a effective screening vessel. |- ! scope="row" |CPT Benson Gusman |N/A||USS Louis |Escort Frigate||The USS Louis is a brand new Escort Frigate, only being christened in 2187 (Three years ago) however, due to last-minute budget cuts the contract to build it was given to third-rate contractors. Due to this, it has become plagued with issues and has been in the dock for most of its service life, only managing to complete its second patrol at the very beginning of 2190. However, with many of the issues sussed and sorted the Louis is still yet to prove itself as a very capable ship sporting modern (though somewhat unreliable) weapons systems, sensors, countermeasures, etc. Its duty is to escort patrol transports/Carriers in relatively unsafe areas and to also provide support to them. Has a couple of newer multirole fighters as well as one AUD-35 dropship and an advanced XQ-98C 'Spectre' Drone in its hanger space. |- ! scope="row" |CPT Elzbieta Brygida |N/A|| USS Nunavut SW-2 |Stealth Frigate||A rare sight and exception to the essentially outdated ships of the Third Fleet, the USS Nunavut SW-2 is a top-notch experimental stealth frigate, the result of a joint program between the USCM and the W-Y Aerospace department together with the wide use of "Borrowed" technology and schematics from the TWE, the ship is the second of its line, the Specter-class, after the premature destruction of the first model by foreign agents. Its proficiencies include reconnaissance, stealth engagements, force projection, ship boarding, electronic warfare, and sabotage. The starship which stands at a length of 210 meters and is able to swiftly garrison from 60 to 120 crew members was initially ordered at 2180 and kept under military secret to avoid any type of unwanted attention, due to the dimensions of the project and the use of unusual technology, the Nunavut took around 7 years to be fully constructed and commissioned by the USCM, despite its size compared to the other titanic ships of the fleet, the starship is more than armed, enjoying the use of multiple point defense systems, disruptor torpedoes, and a massive dual-cannon railgun covered and stored within the lower parts of the ship.
Despise all its peculiar characteristics, the main characteristic of the Nunavut is its stealth systems and engines, the ship is able to temporarily hide its signatures through the use of radar jammers and the sinking of heat within the hull whilst refrigerating the exterior hull, allowing the crew to travel behind enemy lines and disputed sectors with ease whilst not leaving any trace to be followed by the enemy, although such thing isn't achieved without risks, the heat stored needs to be released one hour or another, otherwise, it would be more than enough to radiate the entire crew and fry diverse vital systems. One of the main weaknesses of the Nunavut is also her lack of proper defensive plating usually present on the heavy ships of the Third Fleet but the absence of so also leaves room for it's six highly advanced engines powered by a nuclear fusion plant, that way managing to achieve above-average sub FTL speeds.
As of 2190, the ship was transferred from the 1st to the 3rd Fleet for field testing over the remote sector of Neroid, under the full command of Captain Elzbieta Brygida and her saboteur commando, the 3042. |- |}
Support Divisions
Insignia | Vessel Name | Classification | Description | |
PvM Claymore Allister | N/A | USS Constitution | Retrofitted Planetary Assault Ship | A highly luxurious vessel with little exterior weaponry used by the provost and his honor guard to travel around as required by his duties.
It is a retrofitted planetary assault ship that has extra storage space made for his own private office and quarters with the added benefit of new secure cells to contain and transport high risk prisoners around. Response teams of specially trained riot police accompany the provost outside of the honor guard and make up the bulk personnel as they are deployed to colonies and areas which require a reminder of the USCM and its presence. On a last note, its also one of the two places where court martials of severe incidents get brought up in its highly modern and extremly luxurious court hall. |
The Second Battlegroup is tasked with search-and-destroy within the Herculis Sector under the Third Fleet, primarily the sector of Neroid due to the sudden influx of colonial rebellions occurring and requests from local marshals for reinforcements in putting down insurrection. The Battlegroup however faces various issues including strained logistical supply lanes bogged down by distance and guerilla attacks from varying factions, poor weaponry maintenance, and low manpower due to a strained budget. Any hope of victory can only be achieved with new methods as attrition continues to tear away at the Battle-Group making it painfully obvious a drawn-out conflict is no longer an option.
As of 2190, just like all of the Third Fleet the Second Battle-Group operates out of Chinook 91 GSO station a military space station in geosynchronous orbit around the colony world Georgia 525 (70 Ophiuchi A V). Due to to increasing security concerns the Second Battle-Group has begun detaching its Reserve Division to defend the military space station from any potential threat that may target the heart of the Third Fleet.
Since the eruption of the war on insurgency following the disasters at Tientsin there has been notable debate among military officers as to how to pursue a victory with the war only continuing to drag on and attrition and budgets straining the USCM. Three notable factions by 2190 had taken rise among the fleets, especially the Third Fleet which finds itself constantly engulfed in an endless guerilla campaign with the CLF.
Ideology | Symbol | Description |
Hawks | The Hawks are a far-right leaning faction that emerged following the end of the Sol Campaign with the belief that the colonist uprisings can only be halted with iron and blood. Their main support dwindled following the ending of the Tientsin Campaign which led to the outlawing of nuclear weapons being used against colonies due to the humanitarian disaster that had emerged in the aftermath. However, with the war on insurgency dragging on and casualties mounting the upper-brass of the USCM has begun once again reconsidering the option of ‘more forceful measures’ including the potential of once again permitting the use of nuclear weaponry on colonial worlds and the suspension of colonial governments and enactment of martial law through the sector. | |
Doves | The Doves are a left-leaning faction that rose following the humanitarian crisis on Mars after the Sol Campaign had been waged and won. Their firm belief was that the only way to unite colonies with the Earth Government was by fighting and winning the ‘war of heart’ through negotiation, humanitarian aid, and less usage of military assets. Following the Tientsin Campaign the Doves saw a major increase in popularity among the officer corps and successfully pressed the government to outlaw the use of nuclear weapons against colonial worlds. However, since the War on Insurgency the belief that the ‘war of heart’ could still be won began to wither with the relentless years of war crimes, casualties, and growing distrust of the USCM by CLF-aligned colonies. However there is still hope that the colonies and Sol can be reunified through compassion and unity. | |
Songbirds | The Songbirds are military industrial complex supporters who lean heavily towards policies pushed and supported for major corporations such as Weyland Yutani. Their main support emerged during the early days of the emergence of WY which had begun investing heavily into the USCM. Officers who align themselves as Songbirds echo that the corporations are strong allies and it would be harmful to push or restrict purchasing and contracts with them. It’s rumored Songbirds are among the wealthiest of officers in the USCM primarily due to bribes likely received to ‘overlook’ certain incidents that might be damaging to Weyland Yutani or other corporations who pay for influence and sell weapons to the USCM. Their interest aligning with the hawks or doves on specific issues falls on the cost and benefits, if it means losing a colony it could be doves but if it means killing some rebelling colonists and keeping the colony, it likely could be the hawks. Money is power and a path to greater standing. | |
Other/Unaligned | It is not uncommon for officers both new and old to distance themselves from the politics that surround their career and mission to serve the USCM. Some often develop their own opinions far different from the main ideologies on how the issues USCM faces should be dealt with and thus find themselves often supporting one of the big three if it aligns with their own beliefs. Lobbying by both the Doves, Hawks, and Songbirds to gain the support of these Officers is not uncommon within the Fleets. |
Ideology of the Battlegroup
Current Crisis
Colonial Liberation Front (War on Insurgency)
The fight against the CLF in the Neroid Sector and various other small cells appearing in other sectors has been ongoing for over a decade with no end in sight. Now with an estimated manpower of 150,000 the CLF heavily outnumbers local USCM forces even with shoddy equipment. Casualties and fleet losses continue to accumulate by the day with guerilla fighting taking its toll on USCM forces. A decision on a new approach to the war on insurgency has to be made if there is to be any hope of success.
Xur Uprising/Sixteen Colonies
Rumors of a declaration of independence from a new self declared union of colonies referring to themselves as the ‘Sixteen Colonies’ has emerged under the coordination of notorious colonial marshal Xur, mirroring that of the original American Thirteen colonies and declaration of independence. The Third Fleet’s intelligence network covering HERCULIS from CHINOOK station has managed to suppress any media outlets, also a blockade by the First Battlegroup of the Third Fleet has successfully prevented any travel of colonists who may try to spread the news. A solution however to either attempt peaceful negotiation or usage of military force must be decided before the number of the Sixteen Colonies increases.
Terraist Crusade
The Order of Terra, a devout religious sect of roman catholics dedicated to the expulsion and destruction of the colonies through holy crusade due to their belief of earth being the one and only true home to humanity have become a major problem in the outer-colonies. Their tactics involving terrorist attacks on civilian populations and military forces have earned them the ironic nickname of ‘terraists’ in their attempts to purge the colonies in favor of earth. There has been belief that the Vatican has been personally funding the order however Pope Pius XII has denied such allegations. They have established several major installations in asteroid belts which they have dubbed ‘The Crusader States’. To wipe them out would mean gaining colonial favor and good press, however to eradicate them completely would mean destroying an enemy of the CLF and rebellious colonies.
By 2190 after the Battle of Fomalhaut System or OPERATION: FALLEN ANGEL, the Terraists were largely scattered or taken as POWs and await pending trials by the Judiciary branches of the military for warcrimes against colonial civilians. Intelligence reports the chances of the Order becoming a threat again are unlikely however UA forces remain wary in Herculis, believing that religion cannot be so easily forgotten.