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From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Revision as of 12:43, 24 March 2017 by Ealmernd (talk | contribs)
Difficulty: Easy
Supervisors: Queen
Rank: Not defined
Duties: Defend the Hive, Protect the Queen, Guard hosts.
Guides: The Guardian Caste Guide
Unlock Requirements: Not available.
Detailed Description:
Not defined

Playing a Sentinel

The Sentinel's primary function is to defend the Hive. This includes defending the Queen and fending off threats. The other important duty is to make sure no captured hosts escape. If there are live hosts nested, Sentinels should remain close by to stop them from escaping. Unless ordered by the Queen, a Sentinel should remain inside or around the Hive at all times. If anything bad happens involving infected tallhosts, it's probably your fault.

The Sentinel has moderate slash damage, moderate speed, fast Plasma regeneration, and a moderate Plasma cap. The Sentinel has the ability to Spit-Neurotoxin, which stuns any non-Alien creature. The Sentinel also can use Corrosive-Acid to melt most objects and structures.

Sentinel Evolution and Upgrades

Sentinels can evolve into a Spitter - a more powerful, tougher version of themselves. The Spitter is slightly slower, but it gains a more powerful spit attack, as well as more acidic spit, and stronger corrosive acid.

While not the powerhouse an Ancient Spitter is, upgrading as Sentinel has many benefits if the hive doesn't have room for a new tier 2. ("You are the stun master. Your stunning is legendary and causes massive quantities of salt.") A Sentinel's role is not so different from a Spitter's and upgrading allows the Sentinel to perform more roles and perform them better. With an improved plasma capacity and regeneration (20 per tick) you'll be able to keep up your main roles: dissolving objects and stunning hosts. With a lowered spit recharge time, you're the perfect tallhost guard. Make sure nobody leaves their nest and your sisters can safely move hosts to the nests. If the situation calls for it, you're also good at zoning out hosts with your neurotoxin spam, sometimes keeping two down at a time. This is most effective in cramped areas like the Sulaco.

Sentinel Tactics

As a Sentinel, your primary duty is to defend the Hive. This very meaning can vary throughout the round, so let's establish some scenarios:

(1) Early Game

So, you have evolved into a mighty fine sentinel! Go find any furry hosts near you in the caves. Do not cross the river unless someone needs you to melt something! There might be scary things like random tallhosts or predators! You're not needed for any kind of dangerous furry capturing. You should be organizing the Hive and creating a safe nest for the babies. If you're bored, maybe wander around the caves looking for monkeys or help melt all the metal you can find. Once a sister catches a tall host, babysit and guard it like your life depended on it!

(2) Middle Game

Do not hesitate to upgrade if you don't want to or can't evolve! Upgraded sentinels are considered weak, but they're still great at guarding! If you make it to ancient, you will be the BEST guarder in the whole Hive, except for the Queen. Scary tallhosts may come to your Hive or it's likely your fellow sisters have caught some tallhosts! They're very rowdy and will try to escape. Always guard them! You should not be attacking at all! Guard, guard, guard! If they get away, they can do significant damage and effectively destroy the Xenomorph chances of winning a round. If a scary Predator comes to your Hive, it is likely hunting the Hive! If you're elite or below, you don't have the best chances. Try to stun it and slash. If it's very near the Hive, there are likely some eggs! You can stun the predator and drag him to the nest so that millions of tiny babies will latch on to him! If you are ancient, spam your spit! Slash him, drag him to the eggs, just keep him away from the hive! This goes the same with the tallhosts, but they are much easier to infect or kill. Try to spam spit all of them and dodge their metal bullets. Keep on guarding! You can also pass time by role playing with your hosts by using the me command! Taunt them, dance to them, do something! It can be very fun. But don't become so distracted you let one get away. Your whole purpose is babysitting tallhosts and defending the Hive. If this fails, it's on the Sentinels.

(3) Late game - Winning

Ah, so you bested the tallhosts and you're planning to go to their hive! If you still have hosts that need to burst, ask the Queen what to do. Normally, the best thing to do is to kill them, especially if you have tons of sisters. Just ask the Queen before doing this! After they have died by bursting or your claws, make it to the bird or egg.

So, now you are on the Sulaco, great! Kill everything! Sadly young/mature sentinels are not needed here, because it's an absolute kill fest and you're made for guarding. If your sisters manage to capture a host and infect him, guard him, as always. If you are ancient, you can be very powerful. If there's a giant group of tallhosts defending against you and your sisters, you can harass them by spamming spit and stunning them.

(4) Late game - Losing

So the tallhosts managed to best you and you're on the run. Tallhosts are looking for you. First things first: Guard the Queen at all times! If you're ancient, spam spit tallhosts who are running after you! If there is no Queen, defend a Drone! If there's no Drone, defend a Larva! If there are no babies, find a Hugger! If there are no huggers and you looked across the whole map, you're screwed. Defend the nearest sister. If you're the last sister, go out in a blaze of glory. But if you manage to infect a host, GUARD IT! THAT COULD BE THE ROUND CHANGER!

Sentinel Tips

  • Sentinels should use their spit to incapacitate hosts that break free from their nests. The stun is more than long enough to secure the host.
  • Neurotoxin spit stuns long enough for you to run up to a host and slap two aliens onto their face. However, this is only effective if you can isolate a Marine. If spotted, it is best to retreat.
  • When you spot a threat on the borders of (or inside) the Hive, do not engage them immediately! Warn your sisters of the threat, and give their exact location, to ensure you get backup.
  • Sentinels with free time should communicate frequently and help coordinate the rest of the Hive.
  • Sentinels often make good plasma donors to the Queen, Drones, and other sisters.

Sources and Reading

The Guardian Caste Guide