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The Third Fleet

From CM-SS13 - Wiki

The Third Fleet Second Battlegroup


Established in 2190 during the reorganization of the Third Fleet following the retirement of Admiral Jefferson Heltin and the promotion of Vice Admiral James Bulwark. The Second Battlegroup primarily consists of outdated and retrofitted vessels that have seen service as far back as the Tientsin Campaign. Placed under the command of Rear Admiral Frans Feiffer the Battlegroup consists of five naval divisions totaling 50+ vessels, a military police division of around 5,000 MPs, a marine division totaling 25,000, and a dozen of support vessels including a dedicated hospital vessel which supplies naval vessels with doctors, researchers, and other medical equipment.


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First Division
Insignia Vessel Name Classification Description
CDRE Fiore Lillehammer USS Something Unknown To be added
CPT Aden Cooper Lillehammer USS Bayraktar test Cruiser carrying mostly ammunition and fuel with minimal crew, ready to support USCM forces wherever maybe necessary. Captain Aden Cooper has been in contact with Retired Admiral Shaw the Hero of the SOL campaign and was able to get his cruiser outfitted with brand new support weapons, making the Corvette capable of supporting ground forces on colonies and possible space stations.
CPT Jonathon 'ghost' Granger Lillehammer USS Star Gazer Battle Cruiser A Military Battle cruiser outdated and operational since the Civil wars on alpha Centauri has 2 detachments of marines and is meant for ship to ship combat and served as a support role in Military operations in gamma 2- 4
CPT Peter Bates Lillehammer USS Richard V. Spencer Planetary Assault Ship Marine Outdated Troop Carrier
CPT Jackson A. Hargrave Lillehammer USS Dakota Cruiser Retrofitted Cruiser for escorting larger ships, Mostly anti Corvette weaponry. Minimal marine detachment at the best of times for boarding actions or ship defense. Often understaffed however even in this roll it finds itself unable to utilize it's dropships to the fullest potential lacking proper supplies to maintain them. The best thing to happen to the ship was it's retrofit. it's almost a miracle the ship is as maintained as it is.
CPT Mel Kim Lillehammer USS Fallen Sky Support Vessel The USS Fallen Sky has a single detachment of marines, it isn't meant for combat, as it's main role is supplying other ships. It has little to no defenses, usually being escorted by other ships, being a recently retrofitted ship, where most of it's pieces were taken from a decommissioned vessel. Holds large amounts of supply, but has a poor logistic system, which delays most of their deliveries.
CPT Hunter 'Fritz' Polonoski Lillehammer USS Bismarck Battleship/Assault Ship The USS Bismarck is a brand new Battleship that has been recently commissioned in the navy for the 9th Armored Battalion by the use of increased tariffs in the Typhoon Sector. It has four main batteries and two hangars, one for a singe dropship and another to hold two light street tanks, and two medium tanks. It is around 1.5* larger than the USS Almayer. It holds 4 tank crews, a group of support artillery, two complete squads for supporting infantry, and a large crew to maintain and operate the shipside operations (Logistics, Signal, and AA posts.) While being a new ship it has rarely seen action and is mainly being used to scare away the enemy through the use of sovereignty patrols.
CPT Pat ‘Croc’ Bateman Lillehammer USS Alligator Planetary Assault Ship Retrofitted Missile Cruiser turned into an Assault Ship. The Marine Detachment is the “Leaping Frogs”.
CPT Chris Mooris Lillehammer USS Meade Electronic Warfare Support Vessel Provides electronic warfare capabilities for the 3rd Fleet. Retrofitted vessel outfitted with the best electronic warfare support package that can be equipped to outdated ship models.


The Second Battlegroup is tasked with search-and-destroy within the Herculis Sector under the Third Fleet, primarily the sector of Tychon's Rift due to the sudden influx of colonial rebellions occurring and requests from local marshals for reinforcements in putting down insurrection. The Battlegroup however faces various issues including strained logistical supply lanes bogged down by distance and guerilla attacks from varying factions, poor weaponry maintenance, and low manpower due to a strained budget. Any hope of a far-off victory can only be achieved with new methods


Since the eruption of the war on insurgency following the disasters at Tientsin there has been notable debate among military officers as to how to pursue a victory with the war only continuing to drag on and attrition and budgets straining the USCM. Three notable factions by 2190 had taken rise among the fleets, especially the Third Fleet which finds itself constantly engulfed in an endless guerilla campaign with the CLF.

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The Hawks are a far-right leaning faction that emerged following the end of the Sol Campaign with the belief that the colonist uprisings can only be halted with iron and blood. Their main support dwindled following the ending of the Tientsin Campaign which led to the outlawing of nuclear weapons being used against colonies due to the humanitarian disaster that had emerged in the aftermath. However, with the war on insurgency dragging on and casualties mounting the upper-brass of the USCM has begun once again reconsidering the option of ‘more forceful measures’ including the potential of once again permitting the use of nuclear weaponry on colonial worlds and the suspension of colonial governments and enactment of martial law through the sector.

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The Doves are a left-leaning faction that rose following the humanitarian crisis on Mars after the Sol Campaign had been waged and won. Their firm belief was that the only way to unite colonies with the Earth Government was by fighting and winning the ‘war of heart’ through negotiation, humanitarian aid, and less usage of military assets. Following the Tientsin Campaign the Doves saw a major increase in popularity among the officer corps and successfully pressed the government to outlaw the use of nuclear weapons against colonial worlds. However, since the War on Insurgency the belief that the ‘war of heart’ could still be won began to wither with the relentless years of war crimes, casualties, and growing distrust of the USCM by CLF-aligned colonies. However there is still hope that the colonies and Sol can be reunified through compassion and unity.



The Songbirds are military industrial complex supporters who lean heavily towards policies pushed and supported for major corporations such as Weston-Yamada. Their main support emerged during the early days of the emergence of WY which had begun investing heavily into the USCM. Officers who align themselves as Songbirds echo that the corporations are strong allies and it would be harmful to push or restrict purchasing and contracts with them. It’s rumored Songbirds are among the wealthiest of officers in the USCM primarily due to bribes likely received to ‘overlook’ certain incidents that might be damaging to Weston-Yamada or other corporations who pay for influence and sell weapons to the USCM. Their interest aligning with the hawks or doves on specific issues falls on the cost and benefits, if it means losing a colony it could be doves but if it means killing some rebelling colonists and keeping the colony, it likely could be the hawks. Money is power and a path to greater standing.

Other/Unaligned (2).png

It is not uncommon for officers both new and old to distance themselves from the politics that surround their career and mission to serve the USCM. Some often develop their own opinions far different from the main ideologies on how the issues USCM faces should be dealt with and thus find themselves often supporting one of the big three if it aligns with their own beliefs. Lobbying by both the Doves and Hawks to gain the support of these Officers is not uncommon within the Fleets.

Ideology of the Battlegroup


Hawks: 49%

Doves: 28.6%

Songbirds: 10.2%

Other/Non-Aligned: 12%

As of 7/2/2190

Current Crisis

Colonial Liberation Front (War on Insurgency)

The fight against the CLF in Tychon's Rift Sector and various other small cells appearing in other sectors has been ongoing for over a decade with no end in sight. Now with an estimated manpower of 150,000 the CLF heavily outnumbers local USCM forces even with shoddy equipment. Casualties and fleet losses continue to accumulate by the day with guerilla fighting taking its toll on USCM forces. A decision on a new approach to the war on insurgency has to be made if there is to be any hope of success.

Xur Uprising/Sixteen Colonies

Rumors of a declaration of independence from a new self declared union of colonies referring to themselves as the ‘Sixteen Colonies’ has emerged under the coordination of notorious colonial marshal Xur, mirroring that of the original American Thirteen colonies and declaration of independence. The Third Fleet’s intelligence network covering HERCULIS from CHINOOK station has managed to suppress any media outlets, also a blockade by the First Battlegroup of the Third Fleet has successfully prevented any travel of colonists who may try to spread the news. A solution however to either attempt peaceful negotiation or usage of military force must be decided before the number of the Sixteen Colonies increases.

Terraist Crusade

The Order of Terra, a devout religious sect of roman catholics dedicated to the expulsion and destruction of the colonies through holy crusade due to their belief of earth being the one and only true home to humanity have become a major problem in the outer-colonies. Their tactics involving terrorist attacks on civilian populations and military forces have earned them the ironic nickname of ‘terraists’ in their attempts to purge the colonies in favor of earth. There has been belief that the Vatican has been personally funding the order however Pope Pius XII has denied such allegations. They have established several major installations in asteroid belts which they have dubbed ‘The Crusader States’. To wipe them out would mean gaining colonial favor and good press, however to eradicate them completely would mean destroying an enemy of the CLF and rebellious colonies.