
5,225 editsJoined 1 June 2015

Colonial Marines Wiki Maintainer

CM Timeline

Date: Events of Significance:
Roughly 2014

Pre-Alpha Era of CM begins: Infestation Station joins with New Eden, Jaggerstep takes over as host.

2014, Dec/2015, Jan:

Forked from Baystation and went closed source.

2015, Feb 2:

Jaggerstep resigns as host and Verbose Lucidity becomes the new host for New Eden and Colonial Marines.

2015, April 20:

Colonial Marines splits from New Eden Station: Apop becomes the host, Rahl becoming Co-Host.

2015, April 24:

First showcase of Weyland-Yutani PMCs.

2015, June 10:

Lv 624 map released.

2015, July 19:

Predator Whitelist opens.

2015, July 30:

Alpha Era of CM begins: The USS Sulaco recieved major updates

2015, Aug 14:

Crushers are added to the game.

2015, April 29:

Boilers are added to the game.

2016, April 22:

New projectile code and Hunter Games Gamemode released.

2016, May 3:

Resin Cuffs added.

2016, May 6:

Ice Colony Map released.

2016, Oct 3:

Resin Cuffs removed.

2016, Dec 11:

Commander Whitelist opens.

2017, Jan 24:

Dropship now crashes into the Sulaco at a RANDOM PLACE when the aliens use it. Additionally used on the USS Almayer as well.

2017, April 24:

Omega Era of CM begins: USS Almayer Map released along with the perspective sprite overhaul.

2017, May 29:

Motion detectors redone and added again.

2017, Aug 17:

Synthetic Whitelist opens.

2017, Nov 21:

Prison Station re-released.

2018, Jan 7:

Xenomorph Queen gameplay overhauled, introduces the ovipositor and auto egg laying once in stationary mode.

Marine Ships


Sulaco top.pngSulaco bottom.png

USS Almayer.png

Objective Maps



Map icecolony.png

Big Red.png

Map Prison.png

Whiskey outpost.png