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Muffin's Loadouts

From CM-SS13 - Wiki


Welcome Muffin's loadouts. A selection of marine loadouts that are tailored to a very specific style of play. Found here will be a variety of equipment and strategies I use when playing as the standard grunt marine or any other marine role.

USCM Standard Marine.png Squad Marine Loadouts USCM Standard Marine.png

Jack of all Trades Rifleman

This loadout is aimed at covering as many areas as possible when fighting any target at normal screen range. Your main strengths are that you can adapt to whatever the enemy throws at you but you won't be able to specialise into any specific scenario.

Rifleman loadout

Weapon: Loadout:
M41A Variants.gif

M41A Pulse Rifle MK2

Attachments Used


Rail Flashlight



Angled Grip.pngAngled Grip OR Undershot.png U7 Underbarrel Shotgun


Your M41A Pulse Rifle is your primary weapon. This will be used to shoot at pretty much everything outside of shotgun range. Just like the squad marine itself, this weapon is versatile.

Your positioning with the rifle is key. The enemy must be beyond 2 tiles away from you to use this weapon effectively. Because if they get into melee range, that's where the shotgun or the under barrel shotgun comes into play. The rifle is best suited at peppering the enemy with enough bullets to hopefully kill them or at best, push them back to retreat and heal.

The attachment of either the angled grip or the under barrel shotgun is up to you. I prefer to use the angled grip most of the time because I don't like wield delay. But the utility of the under barrel shotgun allows you to breach into resin walls and doors very easily. Since resin structures are so prevalent on the field I would recommend the under barrel shotgun for clearing them out. The Rail Light is objectively good with no downsides as it allows you to see more of the darkness. Because being able to see your enemy allows you to shoot them.

The bayonet is solely for helping you clear weed nodes and resin structures in place of the under barrel shotgun if it is out of ammo. Do not try to kill a xeno with it. It won't end well, most of the time.

M37 Variants.gif

M37A2 Pump Shotgun

Attachments Used

Version A:

Magnetic harness.png

Magnetic Harness




Mini Flamethrower

Version B:

Magnetic harness.png

Magnetic Harness

Extended barrel.png

Extended Barrel

Angled Grip.png

Angled Grip

Strategy and tactics This depends on what you're going to be using the shotgun for. You want an instant pocket fuck off gun by your side or do you want the shotgun to be used in a more active role.

Strategy A: Using Buckshot

This is your true friend for those close encounters. This is your secondary weapon for when the enemy is within 2 tiles of you. If you're skilled and quick enough, you can holster your rifle into your back slot by pressing E twice. Once to put the rifle away and again to bring out your shotgun.

Switch to harm intent, click on their sprite and with a bit of luck, you'll be able to point blank them in the face, either stunning them, allowing for follow up shots or causing enough damage to kill them (AKA Runners).

The mini flamethrower isn't meant to be used offensively. It's a deterrence tool that blocks the path of xenomorphs and causes them to flee in panic. It's always something xenomorphs don't usually expect. To suddenly be on fire from what looked to be just a marine with a shotgun. The fire by itself isn't strong at all. Yet, if a xenomorph is on fire, they emit light, which is a good way to allow you to track and hunt them down. Fire is still dangerous and can hurt, not a lot in the mini flamethrower's case but every little helps.

Just try not to walk or get pulled into your own flames.

The bayonet is solely for helping you clear weed nodes and resin structures. Do not try to kill a xeno with it. It won't end well, most of the time.

Strategy B: Using Slugs This is using the shotgun with a more proactive role in combat. You load it with SLUGS and not buckshot. The utility of long ranged stun is very useful. The way I use it is holding the shotgun in my active hand and a motion detector on the off hand. Once I detect something or see anything in visual range, I immediately wield the shotgun and deliver a 1.5 second stun and a slow down on the target.

Instantly drop the shotgun, switch to the rifle and start blasting. You might secure a kill, you might not, really depends on how accurate you are.

The idea with this type of strategy is to get the early advantage against xenos gain the upper hand. This also comes in handy with fucking over warrior grabs. Slugs have a 6 tile range for knockback and can save a marine from dying to xenos dragging them.

With the extended barrel, this will make all slugs reach their target instantly. So there's no need for leading the target most of the time.

Equipment: Loadout:
M10 pattern marine helmet.png

M10 Pattern Helmet

Storage Slots

Emergency Auto injector.png

Emergency Auto-Injector


The helmet's storage slot is usually free space. I use the emergency auto injector right before combat kicks off during my firsts engagement of the round so that I have a good amount of healing chems right before shit hits the fan. Is it a waste? Probably. Could I have used it at a more optimal time? Also probably. But then there's the save it for later mentality. You and I usually don't know when that will be most of the time. So I just pop it off now rather than later.

The amount of times I've scavenged marine bodies with first aid pouches containing a fully loaded emergency injector, is common enough for me to say, fuck it, I'll pop the emergency injector and head straight to battle.

Though that's just me. You can do whatever you want with it as well as the space that is now free since you used it up. Put some shotgun shells in there or something.


SensorMate Medical Hud

15 Point Buyable

Having a Medical Hud allows you to better judge where your health is. It also allows you to see which marines are revivable, who needs CPR done, who's a goner and if necessary, who's currently in need of emergency medical help.

For such a small investment to be able to see every marine's health. It helps you make some judgement calls on what to do with it.

B12 Pattern Personal Armour.png

B12 Pattern Personal Armor

30 Point Buyable

Storage Slots







The B12 Pattern Armour is the upgraded jack of all trades that is more protective than the normal medium M3. It protects the wearer a bit more from melee damage and gives a higher threshold before bone breaks occur. You're still as slow as the medium armour, but you'll stay a bit longer with a slightly higher chance to not fracture your bones.

M276 Pattern Ammo Load Rig.png

M276 Pattern Ammo Load Rig

Storage Slots

M41Amag.png 5 x M41A Magazines (Any type)

Just a nice tip. If you right click your belt and click Switch Storage Method. You can make it so when you click the belt, you instantly take out a magazine rather than opening up its inventory.

There's 3 modes to it.

Default: It's where you click on the belt and open the inventory up.

First Item: It's where you click the belt and take out the first item you put in.

Last Item: It's where you click the belt and take out the last item you put in.

I advise you switch it to the Last Item, because if you're collecting AP magazines or the like, you probably don't want to accidentally take out an empty magazine you just put in and forgot about.

Brown webbing vest.png

Brown Webbing Vest

Storage Slots

Buckbox.png 5 x Handfuls of Buckshot OR Slugbox.png 5 x Handfuls of Slugs

Same thing with the belt's quick tip. But I advise against it. Cause when you do use your shotgun shells up. You'll run into the problem of accidentally putting your medical supplies or other small things into your webbing. And if you forget to keep track of what's in the webbing, at an inopportune time you might pull out something that wasn't shotgun shells. So I advise to keep it on the default storage method of opening up the webbing and manually taking out the shells to avoid confusion.


Flare Pouch


Having flares allows you to extend your viewable range and decreases the darkness around you and your fellow marines. Reducing the darkness around you removes concealment, which is an advantage xenos have. You can not see the enemy if they are in the dark, but they can certainly see you.

Removing their concealment allows you to shoot at them making it so an advantage they have is lost.

Sling pouch.png

Sling Pouch


Storage Slots

Motion Detector.gif

Did you know that certain items go into the Sling Pouch? Did you also know that if you try to drop the items on the ground, they go into the Sling Pouch? Well this is what it was made for.

The Motion Detector doesn't show you the pings while it's in the pouch, but it does stay on and you can very easily click on the pouch to take it out. Very nice to detect xenos around places. Assuming they moved between pings.


First Aid Pouch (Injectors)

Taking the refillable injectors First Aid Pouch allows you to recover from a fight without the need to rely on medics to heal you. It isn't a replacement for medics, as they and anyone with medical skill 2 or above are the only ones able to revive you.

To effectively utilise this, before you go into battle. Inject one of each chemical only once. Repeat once you're out of combat and know you won't overdose. Refill them all in the Nano/WY medical vendors.

To get the skill-less tricord injector, vend the Splints/Gauze/Ointment First Aid Pouch and get the refillable injector one as the second option or from the joint prep room.

Storage Slots







Tramadol Injector.png


The Ultimate Badass Loadout

This loadout is aimed at covering EVERYTHING you could potentially fight in a battle against the xenos. This loadout is where you min max the SHIT out of every available option a standard marine. Healing yourself up? No problem. Pitch dark out there? Entire place will look like day time. Buddy in crit and needs to be transported back? Roller bed for this situation. Friend on fire? Fire extinguisher ready.

This is the most min maxed loadout I can think of with no consideration of how you'll get a few bits and bobs gear.

I have come here to kick ass and conquer

Weapon: Loadout:

M41A Pulse Rifle MK1

Attachments Used


Rail Flashlight



UndernadeMK1.pngMK1 Under barrel grenade launcher


Your M41A Pulse Rifle MK1 is your primary weapon. This will be used to shoot at pretty much everything. Just like the squad marine itself, this weapon is versatile but the MK1 comes with more ammunition in each magazine.

Your positioning with the rifle is key. The enemy must be beyond 2 tiles away from you to use this weapon effectively. Because if they get into melee range, that's where the shotgun or the under barrel shotgun comes into play. The rifle is best suited at peppering the enemy with enough bullets to hopefully kill them or at best, push them back to retreat and heal.

The attachment is the god blessed MK1 Under barrel grenade launcher. Loaded with HEDP grenades or AGM-S Starshell Grenades. HEDP are just good on its own. But with the grenade launcher, you can fire these behind retreating xenos which will stun them and will more than likely cause them to die from the subsequent bullets you're feeding it.

AGM-S Starshell grenades are a good alternative to flares if no HEDP is available. Highly underrated but they don't last too long. Light up any are that will have xenos in it and every other marine can now suddenly see some targets. Useful in nearly every situation.

The Rail Light is objectively good with no downsides as it allows you to see more of the darkness. Because being able to see your enemy allows you to shoot them with the holy light of GOD/ALLAH.

The bayonet is solely for helping you clear weed nodes and resin structures in place of the under barrel shotgun if it is out of ammo. Do not try to kill a xeno with it. It won't end well, most of the time.

M37 Variants.gif

M37A2 Pump Shotgun

Attachments Used

Magnetic harness.png

Magnetic Harness




Mini Flamethrower

Strategy and tactics This is using the shotgun with a more proactive role in combat. You load it with SLUGS and not buckshot. The utility of long ranged stun is very useful. The way I use it is holding the shotgun in my active hand and a motion detector on the off hand. Once I detect something or see anything in visual range, I immediately wield the shotgun and deliver a 1.5 second stun and a slow down on the target.

Instantly drop the shotgun, switch to the rifle and start blasting. You might secure a kill, you might not, really depends on how accurate you are.

The idea with this type of strategy is to get the early advantage against xenos gain the upper hand. This also comes in handy with fucking over warrior grabs. Slugs have a 6 tile range for knockback and can save a marine from dying to xenos dragging them.

The mini flamethrower isn't meant to be used offensively. It's a deterrence tool that blocks the path of xenomorphs and causes them to flee in panic. It's always something xenomorphs don't usually expect. To suddenly be on fire from what looked to be just a marine with a shotgun. The fire by itself isn't strong at all. Yet, if a xenomorph is on fire, they emit light, which is a good way to allow you to track and hunt them down. Fire is still dangerous and can hurt, not a lot in the mini flamethrower's case but every little helps.

Just try not to walk or get pulled into your own flames.

The bayonet is solely for helping you clear weed nodes and resin structures. Do not try to kill a xeno with it. It won't end well, most of the time.

Equipment: Loadout:
M10 pattern marine helmet.png

M10 Pattern Helmet

Storage Slots

Emergency Auto injector.png

Emergency Auto-Injector


The helmet's storage slot is usually free space. I use the emergency auto injector right before combat kicks off during my firsts engagement of the round so that I have a good amount of healing chems right before shit hits the fan. Is it a waste? Probably. Could I have used it at a more optimal time? Also probably. But then there's the save it for later mentality. You and I usually don't know when that will be most of the time. So I just pop it off now rather than later.

The amount of times I've scavenged marine bodies with first aid pouches containing a fully loaded emergency injector, is common enough for me to say, fuck it, I'll pop the emergency injector and head straight to battle.

Though that's just me. You can do whatever you want with it as well as the space that is now free since you used it up. Put some shotgun shells in there or something.


SensorMate Medical Hud

15 Point Buyable

Having a Medical Hud allows you to better judge where your health is. It also allows you to see which marines are revivable, who needs CPR done, who's a goner and if necessary, who's currently in need of emergency medical help.

For such a small investment to be able to see every marine's health. It helps you make some judgement calls on what to do with it.

B12 Pattern Personal Armour.png

B12 Pattern Personal Armor

30 Point Buyable

Storage Slots


2 x MK1 AP magazines


Roller Bed

The B12 Pattern Armour is the upgraded jack of all trades that is more protective than the normal medium M3. It protects the wearer a bit more from melee damage and gives a higher threshold before bone breaks occur. You're still as slow as the medium armour, but you'll stay a bit longer with a slightly higher chance to not fracture your bones.

M276 pattern M82F flare gun holster rig.png

M82F Flare Gun Holster

Storage Slots

Flare Gun.png The M82F Flare Gun

This may come as a shock to people. To have a belt of flares and said flare gun instead of you know, ammunition. But since this loadout is using the Pulse Rifle MK1 rather than the MK2. Ammunition isn't as much of a problem. Cause just from the MK1 gun case, you get 3 magazines in total, which includes the one in the gun. That's 95 x 3, which is 285 bullets. That's almost an entire HPR box magazine, which is 300 rounds. And the jack of all trades loadout has 240 rifle rounds in total not counting extended magazines. You'll be fine for ammunition.

The flares last a while. Which means you can effectively light up an entire battlefield with them. And the amount of flares you can carry is 17 flares plus 1 in the flare gun. You could effectively ruin a xeno's night by making it day time.

Did you also know, that if you use unique-action on a loaded flare gun, you can fire a flare into the air providing more light than just throwing one? Same goes for shooting it normally which produces a brighter flare, somehow.

Brown webbing vest.png

Brown Webbing Vest

Storage Slots

Slugbox.png 5 x Handfuls of Slugs

Same thing with the belt's quick tip. But I advise against it. Cause when you do use your shotgun shells up. You'll run into the problem of accidentally putting your medical supplies or other small things into your webbing. And if you forget to keep track of what's in the webbing, at an inopportune time you might pull out something that wasn't shotgun shells. So I advise to keep it on the default storage method of opening up the webbing and manually taking out the shells to avoid confusion.

Sling pouch.png

Sling Pouch

Storage Slots

Motion Detector.gif

Did you know that certain items go into the Sling Pouch? Did you also know that if you try to drop the items on the ground, they go into the Sling Pouch? Well this is what it was made for.

The Motion Detector doesn't show you the pings while it's in the pouch, but it does stay on and you can very easily click on the pouch to take it out. Very nice to detect xenos around places. Assuming they moved between pings.


Medkit Pouch

Did you know that you middle click a medkit pouch to open the medkit inside of it? Crazy right? And you can take items out of the medkit without even taking the medkit into your hand. The wonders of futuristic technology.

Stuff the medkit with the basic gauze, ointment (though it can be replaced with the health scanner), splints and all skill less auto injectors. To get the skill-less tricord injector, vend the Splints/Gauze/Ointment First Aid Pouch and get the refillable injector one as the second option or from the joint prep room.

Storage Slots













Tramadol Injector.png


Mobile Squad Automatic Weapon Fire Support

The idea behind this loadout is entirely based around firing as many bullets down range, suppressing the enemy's position, supporting the marine's advance and landing as many bullets as possible into any would be idiot to charge you down.

Heavy Pulse Rifle Loadout

Weapon: Loadout:

M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle

Attachments Used


Rail Flashlight



Angled Grip.png

Angled Grip


This is your primary damage dealer. It's a glorified Pulse Rifle on its own with a giant 300 round box magazine. Usually the role of the Squad Automatic Weapon goes to the Smartgunner since they can switch from non AP to AP ammunition in an instant, fire as fast as you and has more ammo than you. But there's usually just 4 of them (5 if you count the CO). This is where you come in.

You're going to be somewhat up into the thick of it. It doesn't really matter how many bullets you shoot. The entire point of this gun is to spray and pray you hit anything that aren't your own marines. It's 300 rounds of ammunition, just keep breaking your mouse on single fire OR use the burst. Either works.

An ideal situation is when the queen screeches and a bunch of marines are knocked down. What you can do is rush in just out of neuro range and rain a hail of bullets at the xenos trying to rush in. This helps suppress the enemy's advance to reconsider as they're taking a lot of firepower from you. Just try not to get targeted with a neuro stun knockdown. Bonus points if you have holo targeting rounds loaded.

It is also viable to use the bipod on defence. Sets your single fire rate to 600 RPM and 444 RPM on burst fire. You could essentially hold off the xenos with the amount of bullets you're spraying alone if you manage to land them.

A tip. Before you move off of a bipod position, manually undeploy the bipod. This makes it so you don't get the bipod slowdown when you move off normally. The slow down is a death sentence to deal with if you've caught yourself falling back or retreating. A slow marine is a dead marine.

M37 Variants.gif

M37A2 Pump Shotgun

Attachments Used

Magnetic harness.png

Magnetic Harness




Mini Flamethrower


This is your true friend for those close encounters. This is your backup weapon for when the enemy is within 2 tiles of you. If you're skilled and quick enough, you can holster your rifle into your back slot by pressing E twice. Once to put the main weapon away and again to bring out your shotgun.

Switch to harm intent, click on their sprite and with a bit of luck, you'll be able to point blank them in the face, either stunning them, allowing for follow up shots or causing enough damage to kill them (AKA Runners).

The mini flamethrower isn't meant to be used offensively. It's a deterrence tool that blocks the path of xenomorphs and causes them to flee in panic. It's always something xenomorphs don't usually expect. To suddenly be on fire from what looked to be just a marine with a shotgun. The fire by itself isn't strong at all. Yet, if a xenomorph is on fire, they emit light, which is a good way to allow you to track and hunt them down. Fire is still dangerous and can hurt, not a lot in the mini flamethrower's case but every little helps.

Just try not to walk or get pulled into your own flames.

The bayonet is solely for helping you clear weed nodes and resin structures. Do not try to kill a xeno with it. It won't end well, most of the time.

Equipment: Loadout:
M10 pattern marine helmet.png

M10 Pattern Helmet

Storage Slots

Emergency Auto injector.png

Emergency Auto-Injector


Since you're not going to be in face to face combat that much. You can save the emergency auto injector for an actual emergency. My best advice to when to use it, is when you're going to be pushed back HARD and you have no chance of escaping. Lifeboats last stands and holds come to mind. Use it at your discretion


SensorMate Medical Hud

15 Point Buyable

Having a Medical Hud allows you to better judge where your health is. It also allows you to see which marines are revivable, who needs CPR done, who's a goner and if necessary, who's currently in need of emergency medical help.

For such a small investment to be able to see every marine's health. It helps you make some judgement calls on what to do with it.

B12 Pattern Personal Armour.png

B12 Pattern Personal Armor

30 Point Buyable

Storage Slots

M41AE2 holo magazine.png

M41AE2 Holo Magazine

M41AE2 Magazine.png

M41AE2 Magazine


The B12 Pattern Armour is the upgraded jack of all trades that is more protective than the normal medium M3. It protects the wearer a bit more from melee damage and gives a higher threshold before bone breaks occur. You're still as slow as the medium armour, but you'll stay a bit longer with a slightly higher chance to not fracture your bones.

For the free slot, I recommend taking one more holo targeting magazine.

Motion Detector.gif

Motion Detector

15 Point Buyable or get it from Requisitions

You can put the Motion Detector on your belt slot and it will actively spot and show movement on screen. It works just as if you were holding it in your hand. I use it because it allows me to fire off bullets in that direction with the bipod up to hopefully cause some form of suppressing fire.

And sometimes, when you see movement behind a solid wall. You can setup the bipod and prepare to unload 100s of rounds into the unsuspecting foes face.

Brown webbing vest.png

Brown Webbing Vest

Storage Slots

Buckbox.png 2 x Handfuls of Buckshot Splint.png






In this case, you're keeping both the shotgun shells and medical supplies in here. You're not going be using the shotgun much. That is your backup weapon.


Flare Pouch

Having flares allows you to extend your viewable range and decreases the darkness around you and your fellow marines. Reducing the darkness around you removes concealment, which is an advantage xenos have. You can not see the enemy if they are in the dark, but they can certainly see you.

Removing their concealment allows you to shoot at them making it so an advantage they have is lost.


First Aid Pouch (Injectors)

Taking the refillable injectors First Aid Pouch allows you to recover from a fight without the need to rely on medics to heal you. It isn't a replacement for medics, as they and anyone with medical skill 2 or above are the only ones able to revive you.

To effectively utilise this, before you go into battle. Inject one of each chemical only once. Repeat once you're out of combat and know you won't overdose. Refill them all in the Nano/WY medical vendors.

To get the skill-less tricord injector, vend the Splints/Gauze/Ointment First Aid Pouch and get the refillable injector one as the second option or from the joint prep room.

Storage Slots







Tramadol Injector.png


A Menace to (Warrior) Society

Do you hate Warriors? Do you hate it when they instantly lunge a marine making them get a near instant win? WELL I HAVE THE LOADOUT FOR YOU!

INTRODUCING THE MENACE TO SOCIETY LOADOUT! This loadout is entirely revolving around the MOU53 Break Action shotgun. But instead of trying to gigachad double juggle kill armoured xenos with flechette rounds it's going to be ENTIRELY LOADED WITH SLUGS. Yes dear reader, you read that right. You're going to fill the 3 barrels of the MOU53 WITH SLUGS.

Stun ANYTHING (Medium sized or smaller) that is even remotely on screen with slugs. Both slowing them down AND disabling their abilities for a hot second.


Causing Warriors And Everyone to have Salt Loadout

Weapon: Loadout:


Attachments Used

Magnetic harness.png Magnetic Harness OR Mini Scope.png S4 2x Telescopic Mini-Scope Knife.png


Angled Grip.pngAngled Grip


As stupid as this loadout and gun sounds. It actually is fun and somewhat useful to see xenos immediately get stunned from range against slugs. Your main objective is to shoot anything that is a Tier 2 xeno and below. If you're purely here to fuck over Warriors, stay just behind all of the marines and try not to get hard focused on by any Warriors that realise you're using slugs.

Once they lunge a marine, immediately blast the bastard with Slugs. This will drop their grip on the marine and stun them for a split second. Unload the other two barrels filled with slugs and either pray another marine finishes off the job or kill them with a follow up weapon of your choice.

It's also just useful in general to push back xenos and ambush castes like Runners and Lurkers. Those two xenos are dead against slugs if you land them. Runners may be a bit too difficult, but Lurkers if they pounce on a marine OR you got the drop on them first.

Now, since they re-added the Mini Scope to the MOU53, you can also just plink away slightly off screen against xenos to annoy them further. They probably won't get stunned, but it'll be fun to annoy them.

Your choice for another weapon


Since I've solely focused on using the MOU53 to annoy xenos and hopefully not slug marines in the back of the head. The secondary or follow up weapon is entirely up to you. I used to pair this with the M39 SMG but the damage is to be desired and the spray is god awful. You can still use it like old, just don't expect it to secure you kills that often.

I suggest using the L42A without a stock, no bullet fall off and high alpha damage to give chase to whoever you just slugged in the face. A shotgun works too filled with buckshot with an angled grip.

Equipment: Loadout:
M10 pattern marine helmet.png

M10 Pattern Helmet

Storage Slots

Emergency Auto injector.png

Emergency Auto-Injector


The helmet's storage slot is usually free space. I use the emergency auto injector right before combat kicks off during my firsts engagement of the round so that I have a good amount of healing chems right before shit hits the fan. Is it a waste? Probably. Could I have used it at a more optimal time? Also probably. But then there's the save it for later mentality. You and I usually don't know when that will be most of the time. So I just pop it off now rather than later.

The amount of times I've scavenged marine bodies with first aid pouches containing a fully loaded emergency injector, is common enough for me to say, fuck it, I'll pop the emergency injector and head straight to battle.

Though that's just me. You can do whatever you want with it as well as the space that is now free since you used it up. Put some shotgun shells in there or something.


SensorMate Medical Hud

15 Point Buyable

Having a Medical Hud allows you to better judge where your health is. It also allows you to see which marines are revivable, who needs CPR done, who's a goner and if necessary, who's currently in need of emergency medical help.

For such a small investment to be able to see every marine's health. It helps you make some judgement calls on what to do with it.

M3 light armor.png

M3 Light Armor

Storage Slots





You want to be moving VERY quickly with the MOU53 in order to best catch up and utilise that slowdown effect you just caused on the xeno. You want to follow up with your chase weapon and what better armour to do it with than the M3 Light Armour.

I'ma be real with you chief. You're entirely relying on your speed and positioning to get out of a jam. This thing ain't gonna protect shit. Surprisingly, if you die quick enough you might not get a bone that breaks. You're dead though, so that's the downside until you get revived by a medic.

But as an old saying goes, the best defence against taking damage, is to avoid getting hit in the first place.

Shotgun belt.png

Shotgun Shell Load Rig

Storage Slots

Slugbox.png Fill it to the brim with slugs and maybe flechette if you want

Just a nice tip. If you right click your belt and click Switch Storage Method. You can make it so when you click the belt, you instantly take out a handful of shells rather than opening up its inventory.

There's 3 modes to it.

Default: It's where you click on the belt and open the inventory up.

First Item: It's where you click the belt and take out the first item you put in.

Last Item: It's where you click the belt and take out the last item you put in.

Use the Last Item mode cause that means you'll always take out a full handful of shells. Just remember to reorganise all of the handfuls when you've got some downtime to avoid pulling up handfuls of less than two.

Entirely up to you


It is entirely up to you for what you want to have webbing wise. Whatever you like or think will help you.

Sling pouch.png

Sling Pouch

Storage Slots

Motion Detector.gif

Did you know that certain items go into the Sling Pouch? Did you also know that if you try to drop the items on the ground, they go into the Sling Pouch? Well this is what it was made for.

The Motion Detector doesn't show you the pings while it's in the pouch, but it does stay on and you can very easily click on the pouch to take it out. Very nice to detect xenos around places. Assuming they moved between pings.


First Aid Pouch (Injectors)

Taking the refillable injectors First Aid Pouch allows you to recover from a fight without the need to rely on medics to heal you. It isn't a replacement for medics, as they and anyone with medical skill 2 or above are the only ones able to revive you.

To effectively utilise this, before you go into battle. Inject one of each chemical only once. Repeat once you're out of combat and know you won't overdose. Refill them all in the Nano/WY medical vendors.

To get the skill-less tricord injector, vend the Splints/Gauze/Ointment First Aid Pouch and get the refillable injector one as the second option or from the joint prep room.

Storage Slots







Tramadol Injector.png


USCM Squad Engie.png Squad Combat Technician Loadout USCM Squad Engie.png