More actions
General Diagnostics
Damage Types
Damage Type: | Symptoms: | Possible cause: | Treatment: |
![]() |
![]() Burn |
![]() Toxins |
![]() Suffocation |
![]() Genetic |
Organ Damage
Damage Type: | Symptoms: | Possible cause: | Treatment: |
Brain |
Eye |
Heart |
Lung |
Liver |
Kidney |
Other Medical Conditions
Medical Condition: | Symptoms: | Possible cause: | Treatment: |
Fractures |
Blood Loss |
Bleeding |
Internal Bleeding |
Pain |
Hard Crit |
Missing Limb/Decapitation |
Shrapnel and Foreign Objects |
Alien Infection |
Most auto injectors have 3 uses in each of them. Each injection will induce half of the overdose threshold of their chemical, so be cautious when injecting more than their overdose limits.
Autoinjector Type: | What it does: | Dosage: | Overdose: |
![]() Emergency Auto-injector |
An auto-injector loaded with a special cocktail of chemicals, to be used in a life-threatening situation. Contains 30 units of bicaridine, 30 units of kelotane and 20 units of oxycodone, which will all be instantly injected into the target instantaneously, irrespective of medical skill. | 80 units | Additional chemicals listed in its contents. |
![]() Bicaridine |
Heals brute damage, faster than tricordrazine. Overdose causes burn damage first, and then toxin damage. | 15 units | 30 units |
![]() Tramadol |
Standard issue painkiller of moderate strength, used to keep marines from paincrit, pain slowdown or whining about broken bones. Overdose causes toxin damage. | 15 units | 30 units |
![]() Pain-Stop |
A version of the Tramadol autoinjector that can be used by everyone. Found in First-Aid pouches and NanoMed dispensers. Overdose causes toxin damage. | 15 units | 30 units |
![]() Tricordrazine |
Heals toxin, burn, brute and oxy damage, albeit quite slowly. Overdose causes brain, toxin, burn, and brute damage. | 15 units | 30 units |
![]() First-Aid |
A version of the Tricordrazine autoinjector that can be used by everyone. Found in First-Aid pouches and NanoMed dispensers. Overdose causes brain, toxin, burn, and brute damage. | 15 units | 30 units |
![]() Dexalin+ |
Instantly heals all respiration damage. Overdose causes toxin damage. | 1 unit | 15 units |
![]() Kelotane |
Heals burn damage. Overdose causes brute and toxin damage. | 15 units | 30 units |
![]() Dylovene |
Heals toxin damage Overdose causes blindness. | 15 units | 30 units |
![]() Inaprovaline |
Stabilizes critical patients, slowing down their oxygen damage buildup. Also acts like a weak painkiller. Overdose causes heart damage. | 15 units | 60 units |
![]() Epinephrine |
An autoinjector loaded with 10 units of Epinephrine, better known as Adrenaline, a nerve stimulant useful in restarting the heart. | 10 units | +10 units |
![]() Oxycodone |
Very robust painkiller, practically making all of your pain go away - metabolizes fairly quickly, though. Very useful as anesthetic as well. Overdose causes hallucinations and toxin damage. | 10 units | 20 units |
Remember that you can restock your autoinjectors, so don't just throw them away. Put them back into your belt instead, they can be refilled at WeylandMed (WeyMed) vendors stocked with sufficient energy - just click on them to refill the injector if you have access to them. They don't need to be empty in order to be refilled - simply left click the vendor with a non-full injector in your active hand.
Pill Bottles
- You can hover over a pill bottle and see at a glance what chemicals the pill bottle contains by looking at the bottom left of your game window or by remembering the color code the pill bottle has.
- Pill bottles from vendors and lifesaver bags have a fixed color for the pill bottles and pills every round. However, if a pill bottle comes from chemistry/the pharmacy, you will need to refer to both the label name for the pill bottle and the examined contents of the pills inside.
Other pill bottles exist but have the same dosage and OD listed in the autoinjector section. Unless they are custom made from chemistry/pharmacy.
Item: | What it does: | Dosage: | Overdose: |
Tramadol | Standard issue painkiller of moderate strength, used to keep marines from paincrit, pain slowdown or whining about broken bones. Overdose causes toxin damage. | 15 Units | 30 Units |
Peridaxon | Stops most symptoms from Organ damage but does not fix them. Available from marine medical vendors. Overdose causes brute damage. | 10 Units | 15 Units |
Dexalin | Removes oxygen damage at a moderate rate. Overdose causes toxin damage. | 15 Units | 30 Units |
Russian Red | Removes radiation and causes Brute damage every cycle. (Note: currently disabled and should not appear during normal gameplay.) | 10 Units | 10 Units |
Note: Dosages are for pills found in MarineMed vendors, medics' Automated Equipment Racks, Lifesaver Bags, and the Requisitions medical crate.
First Aid Kits
Item: | What it contains: |
![]() Basic first aid kit |
![]() Advanced first aid kit |
![]() Fire first aid kit |
![]() Oxygen deprivation first aid kit |
![]() Toxin first aid kit |
![]() Radiation first aid kit |
Item: | What it does: |
![]() Health Analyzer |
Basic tool of every single medic - this miraculous item allows you to see the patient's status, showing the damage, bleeding, internal bleeding, blood level, and broken bones. Keep in mind that this toy won't show you organ damage or if the patient is infected with a xenomorph embryo. Don't leave your home without it. You can also scan a patient's vitals through a stasis bag by just clicking on the stasis bag with the analyzer in hand. |
![]() HealthMate HUD |
When worn, allows you to see marines and other personnel's health bars, essentially giving you at quick glance an idea of what condition they are in. If the bar's empty, the patient's dead - yet if they still have a little thunderbolt icon next to the bar, they can still be brought back to life with a defibrillator. If there is no health bar it means that the patient is at 100% health. The Healthmate Hud also allows you to add holographic cards onto marines you examine for triage purposes (same way that you mark criminals as 'wanted' with security HUD glasses). Scan reports are stored in the patient's medical records once viewed in the scanner console, when you wear a HealthMate HUD you can view their latest scan report by examining them. |
![]() Gauze |
Basic gauze used to stop the bleeding and fix brute trauma over time. The less effective counterpart of the Advanced Trauma Kit. |
![]() Ointment |
Basic burn treatment item that heals 5 burn damage once applied and fixes it over time. The less effective counterpart of the Advanced Burn Kit. |
![]() Advanced Trauma Kit |
Used to treat moderate to high brute damage. Heals 12 brute damage once applied and fixes it over time. The time spent of using the trauma kit and efficiency depends of one's medical skill. |
![]() Advanced Burn Kit |
Used to treat moderate to high burn damage. Heals 12 burn damage once applied and fixes it over time. The time spent of using the burn kit depends of one's medical skill. |
![]() Splints |
Used to hold that broken/fractured bone of yours in place so they don't tear a major blood vessel. Or their internal organs. The time spent of using the splints depends on one's medical skill. |
![]() Hypospray |
An experimental high-end chemical injector, used for instant injections. Holds 30 units. Injects 5 units per use. Can be empty or preloaded with Tricordrazine. Can dissolve pills into. Can be unlocked using a screwdriver or the 'Unlock Hypospray' verb, to allow the vial capsule to be ejected like a magazine. |
![]() Emergency Defibrillator |
Used to bring recently dead marines and other personnel back to life. Can be recharged in a special recharger (usually located in the medbay)
![]() Stasis Bag |
Used to store critically injured patients.
![]() Body Bag |
Used to store your recently dead comrades.
![]() Syringe |
Used to inject marines and other personnel with ungodly chemicals, or as a ghetto IV drip. Can instantly inject (At the cost of some brute damage, and a broken syringe.) if used on harm intent. |
![]() Syringe Case |
Used to store syringes, autoinjectors, and syringe bottles. Contains 3 slots. |
![]() Roller Bed |
Allows you to quickly transport injured marines and other personnel across the battlefield. Can be folded up when not in use.
![]() Med Evac Stretcher |
Used to airlift patients to a supporting dropship. Functions in the same way as a roller bed but cannot be moved when deployed. To activate the med evac beacon on the stretcher (Is active by default but can be deactivated and reactivated with a right click the stretcher and then a click on "Activate Medevac". Only medics (or marine personnel with equal or higher medical skill) can activate the beacon and it can only be used outdoors or if the ceiling is glass (examine the tile to check.).).
![]() Portable Surgical Bed |
A collapsible bed used for field surgery. Functions in the same way as a roller bed but cannot be moved when deployed.
![]() IV Drip |
Allows you to inject blood into a patient or extract blood from them to do a blood transfusion.
![]() Blood Bag |
Holds blood inside of it. Make sure the blood type's compatible with the recipient. |
![]() Surgical Line |
A roll of military-grade surgical line, able to seamlessly seal and tend any wound. Also works as a robust fishing line for maritime deployments. |
Medical Contraptions
Name | Description | |||
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To put a patient inside the sleeper use grab intent and click on the patient then the sleeper. To take out the patient right click the sleeper then click Eject Occupant.
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To put a patient inside the body scanner use grab intent and click on the patient then the body scanner. To take out the patient right click the body scanner then click Eject Occupant.
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The AutoDoc is an extremely useful machine in medical that can automatically fix a marine with any number of injuries, just be aware that it cannot perform larva removal, organ repair, or fracture repair without the corresponding upgrade from the research department. To learn more about the AutoDoc and it's features head here. |
Medical Procedures
CPR will keep someone in hard crit (>150 damage) alive by reducing their oxy damage. If you notice a marine or other personnel gasping and on the floor, they may require CPR, otherwise, they will reach 200 damage in total and suffocate.
- First you'll want to set your intent to help.
- Make sure you aren't wearing a mask.
- Have an empty hand.
- Click on the gasping injured player.
- If you start shaking them, they don't have enough oxygen damage to permit the use of CPR.
- Once you start doing CPR keep doing it until you can get them to a safe location or to a medic.
- CPR can also extend the timer of dead marines that are still revivable. The default time a marine has after death is 5 minutes before becoming clinically declared dead. (Permanent death)
- If the person you are CPRing is deceased, doing CPR requires 4 seconds and adds 7 seconds to the dead marine's defibbable status timer. You have to wait between CPR pumps at least 3 seconds or else the CPR fails. If you fail a CPR pump due to pumping too quickly, you must still wait at least the full 3 seconds before you can attempt another successful CPR pump. Failing CPR does not increase the time the person has before they become permanently dead.
Pro tip you can grab them in one hand and do CPR with the other.
- Shipside roles such as nurse, doctor, researcher, and CMO, have high medical skill and require only three seconds to CPR. Count to four seconds if you are performing CPR on a deceased marine as one of these roles.
- Moving will interrupt CPR. Switching hands while the CPR is winding up will *not* interrupt CPR. You can administer medication while performing CPR.
Procedure for Reviving Non-Breathing Patients
- Locate non-breathing patient with a green/orange heart rate icon next to their health bar (Only visible if wearing the healthmate HUD).
- Scan the patient with a health analyzer.
- If the sum of the patient's brute, burn, oxygen, and toxins damage is less than 200, proceed to strip armor and defibrillate. Recognize that oxygen damage can be ignored if you plan on using epinephrine. Otherwise, apply trauma and burn kits to all untreated parts of the patient's body. Pro tip: Using your numpad keys allows you to quickly cycle through limbs to decrease the total time required to kit them.
- Scan the patient again. If the sum of the patient's summed damage is less than 200, proceed to strip armor and defibrillate. Otherwise, consider performing tend wounds surgery. Remember that tend wounds with surgical line repairs 10 damage every 2 seconds, or 300 damage per minute if uninterrupted. If you can bring their damage under 200 damage with tend wounds before the patient's revival timer expires, proceed to tend wounds. Otherwise, apply CPR while asking nearby medics and marines to perform CPR on the patient while you perform tend wounds surgery. One marine is enough for CPR. If there are extra medics available ask them to tend wounds along with you. If there are no marines nearby, consider pulling the patient to marines that can perform CPR. Once someone is performing CPR, continue on to tend wounds.
- Tend wounds (Target an area of the body of the patient that has the highest amount of brute and burn damage. Use surgical line for brute and synthgraft for burns. Hold the surgical line in your hand and click the patient with the help intent and surgery intent enabled). The surgery will repeat until no more burn or brute damage can be resolved upon that limb, upon which you may target another area of the body and repeat. Scan periodically with a health analyzer to keep an eye on the patient's summed damage. Repeat until you run out of limbs to treat or summed brute and burn damage drop below 200.
- Strip armor of the patient. (Click-drag the patient to your character and select the armor in their armor slot. Do not move or switch hands until the wind-up has elapsed or stripping will cancel)
- Apply the defibrillator. Take the defibrillator out of your bag, press Z while the defibrillator is in your active hand to pop the handles out of their housing, and click the patient. If you are successful, after seven seconds of windup chimes the defibrillator will shock your patient and revive them. Do not move while the windup is occurring, or the defibrillation will cancel. While the defibrillator is winding up, you may swap to your other hand and begin feeding the patient pills or applying auto injectors. Repeat defibrillation until the patient has been revived. (Toggling belt mode on your medical belt to remove pills directly from bottles on click or middle clicking to open pill bottles without having them in your hand may help with this).
- Continue to treat the patient until they are stable.
- You can also apply necessary medicine BEFORE resuscitation but it will not be metabolized until the patient is living again. (You can give inaprovaline before reviving to stabilize them after they are resuscitated.)
- RECOMMENDED: If available, inject epinephrine (use Hypospray/Syringe) into the patient before defibrillating. This will greatly enhance the amount you heal per each attempt, in addition to clearing all oxygen damage on revival. ([12 + 16 brute and 16 burns] healed damage instead of [12 + 4 brute and 4 burns]). Note that epinephrine and inaprovaline are present in revival mixture available in squad medic preparation vendors.
- If you see a marine with an orange line on your HUD that has a lot of damage when scanned, ask a nearby marine to "CPR!" if any are in the vicinity.
- And please, don't ever give up if you see someone with over 200 damage. You can use advanced trauma and burn kits while defibbing with your other hand. You can also inject epinephrine while defibbing. Don't give up. Keep going. Save that marine!
Revival icons
If the icon has a red square around it when it is still green/yellow/orange, that means the client of the dead player has disconnected. It is still possible for them to come back.
Lost Causes
Don't try to defib any of the following corpses:
- Chestbursted personnel
- Decapitated personnel
- If you receive the message "Patient is braindead" or "Patient is DNR" from the defibrillator when you try to defib them.
- If you receive the message "Their eyes are blank and there are no signs of life" when you check their status (stand adjacent to the subject, right click their sprite, and select Check-status).
Defibrillator Tips
- If someone is brought back to life with a defib then die immediately afterwards, their death timer is reset.
- Defibrillators deals 3 to 5 heart damage each time a shock is successfully applied. If the defibrillation fails theres 25% chance to deal 3 to 5 heart damage. This is significant, as heart damage between 1 and 10 reduces effective blood volume by 80%, which, in turn, assuming the marine has full blood, will cause 20 oxygen damage on its own. Try to keep the patient alive after first defibrillation to minimize heart damage dealt. If at all possible when reducing damage in preparation for revival, prefer to apply brute and burn kits and sutures over repeated defibrillations, as both methods reduce damage at a higher rate than defibrillating and do not incur heart damage.
- Your patients won't get their items back on by themselves the majority of the time. If you can, redress them.
- Switching hands while using a defibrillator will NOT CANCEL its use. You're able to operate the defibrillator while using another item in your off hand.
- Performing CPR on a patient will extend the defib time if done no more than once every 10 seconds.
- The only time a defibrillator loses charge is when its windup is completed and the shock is applied. There is also a brief delay after activating one before you can use it.
- If "Vitals signs are weak" is displayed it means that their combined brute/burn damage is over 200, keep using the defibrillator to lower that damage if you've already applied trauma and burn kits.
- Alternatively, it means that they've left their body and won't return if the combined damage is now below 200. Examine the corpse and if it says "Soul is departed" then give them ten to twenty seconds before defibbing again. If you get it again, then the player doesn't want to be revived.
Synthetic Maintenance
- To revive a dead synthetic, use a defib on them. Synthetics need to have their head attached to their torso and have combined total damage below 200 points. Defibs do not repair damage on dead synthetics like they do on humans, you must repair the excess damage first.
- To fix brute damage on a synths body use a blowtorch on help intent.
- To fix burn damage on a synths body use cable coil.
- To fix heart/brain damage, apply nanopaste to that body part (head/chest).
- Synthetics can never permanently die unless their head is irreversibly damaged or lost. This means that a deceased Synthetic can be revived even hours after their time of death.
- If a Synthetic loses its head for whatever reason, it is of the utmost importance to secure the head and to keep it from being lost before the Synthetic is revived. Synthetics are an incredibly valuable asset to the faction they serve, but they cannot be revived unless their head is properly attached to their body.
Overdose Treatment
- Put your patient into a sleeper.
- Make sure it has a non-full, preferably empty beaker inside of it.
- Select "Start dialysis" option below the injections and wait few moments.
- Eject the patient and scan him just to notice his blood's clean.
Keep in mind that dialysis is a process that takes time, the chems won't flush out immediately.
- Only applicable in most cases if the patient was OD'd after death, during treatment
- CPR the dead patient to metabolize chems in the body
- Scan to make sure chems are below OD
- Revive
This is only applicable if the patient was not alive during their overdose, and was OD'd when death during treatment pre-revival. Major overdoses should still be used with Dialysis as perma timer will be accelerated with excessive CPR.
Blood Transfusions
By Blood Bag
- Select a blood bag (standard issue for Corpsmen)
- Ensure it is of a compatible blood type to the patient, Corpsmen issued Blood Bags are universal blood types.
- While standing next to the patient, click them with the bag
- The bag will now begin transfusing into the patient.
- When you are finished, click the patient with the bag to disconnect them.
By IV Stand
- Ensure a blood bag of compatible blood type is loaded into the IV stand. (You can unload a blood bag from an IV stand by clicking on the stand with an empty hand to check its blood bag if it is already loaded. Otherwise, you can load a bag into an IV stand by clicking it while the bag is in your active hand).
- Move the IV so that it is adjacent to your patient. (control click the IV stand to grab it. Then to move the stand, either move your character to pull the stand behind you or twice-click a tile adjacent to the stand to move the stand to that tile while the hand with the "UP-GRADE" sprite representing your grasp on the IV is active)
- Insert the IV into your patient's arm (click-drag the IV stand to your patient. No need to target the arm.)
- Your patient can move freely in a 7-tile wide square centered on the IV stand with the IV remaining in their arm.
- When you are satisfied with the amount of blood that has been transferred, remove the IV from the patient's arm (click-drag the IV stand to your patient again).
By Syringe
- Ensure you have a blood bag with blood compatible with the human you are transferring blood to. If it is O- blood, it is safely transfusable to humans with any blood type.
- Ensure the syringe is empty by verifying the interior of the syringe is colored black and there is green text underneath that says "DRAW".
- With the syringe in your active hand, click the blood bag three times to draw 15u of blood. The interior of the syringe will be colored red and there should be orange text underneath that says "INJECT".
- With the syringe in your hand click the human you wish to transfer blood to three times to transfer 15u of blood. Ensure harm intent is not enabled. If harm intent is enabled the syringe will break. If the target human is yourself, the blood will be transferred instantly. If the target human is not you, there will be a short windup before the blood will be transferred. You do not need to wait for the windup for the transfer of the first 5u of blood to complete before clicking again to initiate the windup for the transfer of the second and third 5u of blood.
- Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the amount of blood transferred
Additional information
- Alternately you can extract blood from a human if they have the right blood type by hooking them up to an IV with an empty blood pack or by using an empty syringe on them.
- Even after you've transfused blood into your patient, if they have been lacking blood for a while they are likely hungry. Ask them to eat!
- Not being too hungry enables you to regenerate blood. If you do not have access to blood transfusion or hemogenic iron generating drugs, advise your patient to eat food.
- Iron has the hemogenic trait, meaning when this reagent is in your system it regenerates blood volume.
- Sugar reduces a patient's hunger, enabling them to naturally regenerate blood slowly over time.
- Iron pills or combination iron-sugar pills are available aboard the Almayer from the pharmacy in medbay lower decks or from the Research pharmacy in medbay upper decks. Take advantage!
- Remember that in a pinch, hot cocoa also provides nutriments similar to food, and that flasks filled with hot cocoa, MRE's, protein bars, and vendor meals can all fit compactly into a med kit and are generally available to all roles!
Blood Compatibility
General Tips
- The cryo cells loaded with cyroxadone can slowly heal internal bleeding, depending on the severity of it. Clonexadone heals internal bleeding as well, but faster.
Community guides and tutorials
Medical Tutorial - By C4xmaniac, George Franks/Virgil