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From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Evolves From: Drone
Evolves To: N/A
Role: Shape the Hive to your will with a massive plasma reserve. Become one with weeds and sprint around weeded terrain like a Runner. Use pheromones to assist fellow Aliens.
Guides: Hivelord Guide, My Badass Hive Guide, Guide to Hive Building, Guide to Pheromones

General Information

The Hivelord, as its name implies, is the workhorse of the Hive. Where Drones would be the humble workers, the Hivelord is capable of moving mountains, more or less literally. Enjoying an increased plasma reserve and a greatly increased plasma regeneration, it can build far more, far more often, far more efficiently, capable of easily creating a whole new Hive chamber where a Drone might have to take multiple breaks to recharge its plasma. The Hivelord's resin walls are also a lot stronger than the resin walls of her sisters, making him a high priority caste for building large nests and defensive works.

The Hivelord, however, trades this ability to shape the Hive with probably one of the weakest combat abilities in the entire Hive. It has a small health pool, a very weak attack, and a sluggish speed when caught off weeds. This all compounds into making the Hivelord a big, obvious target, meaning that any badly planned adventure out of the Hive, much less near Marine positions, will end very poorly.

Luckily, the Hivelord is not just a better Drone, and enjoys new, powerful abilities. Like the Drone, it has access to its trusty Pheromones but slightly more powerful than them. For its own uses, he also has access to the Resin Walker ability, allowing it to become one with the weeds and get a speed boost that would almost rival a Lurker as long as it walks the weeds.

Hivelord Stats
Maximum Health 550
Maximum Plasma 1000
Plasma Regeneration 5.5
Armor 0
Evasion 0
Speed 0.8
Slash Damage 20–25
Claw Strength 1
Explosion Resistance 10

Playing as a Hivelord

As a Hivelord, the vast majority of your time will be spent away from the frontlines, building up the Hives that your sisters will soon use as defensive positions. It is highly recommended to not step up into direct combat with tallhosts, even if assisted by stronger sisters, as you will probably take a major thrashing without much use and might even get killed on the spot. The Hivelord can however afford to stay in combat on terrain it controls, fully weeded and built up with resin to allow it to easily get out of dangerous encounters and use its Resin Walker ability to rapidly change positions.

Resin Walker should always be enabled when possible. While it will draw into your plasma regeneration, it is already massive enough to not be an issue. In exchange, you will gain a massive speed boost, allowing you to get around quickly as long as you stick to weeds. Of course, if the path you need to take does not have said weeds, you might want to expand your garden a little bit.


Abilities: Description:
Xeno Rest.png
Used to rest and get up. Aliens heal faster when resting on weeds.

To haul, grab a host with Ctrl + Click or Grab intent (3 in hotkey mode) then click yourself, keep still, this will start restraining them. To stop the host from getting up and running away, you can switch to an empty hand (X in hotkey mode) and keep tackling them using Disarm intent (2 in hotkey mode) when you are restraining them, once fully restrained you will haul them. Xenos hauling humans can not vent crawl but Xenos hauling monkeys can. Hosts with boot knives or other melee weapons can injure the Xenomorph they are being hauled by if they are conscious. Using this ability whilst hauling a host will free them from your grip, giving a moderate stun.

Plant purple sac.png
Plant Resin Node
Can't be planted if there is already a node on the tile.

Costs 75 plasma.

Build select.png
Choose Resin Structure
Click to choose what resin structure to make. .This opens up a menu of all buildable resin structures for you to choose from. The default structure is a Resin Wall.

Buildable Structures:
Structure: Description: Stats:

Thick Resinwall.png Thick Resin Wall

Weird slime solidified into a wall. The most basic hive structure available to construct. Much stronger than the drone version. Bullet resistant but won't do well against melee hits.. Health Points: 900

Melee Damage Multiplier: x 8.2

Thick Resinmembrane.png Thick Resin Membrane

Weird slime translucent enough to let light pass through. Allows non strain boilers to launch globs of acid over it. Much stronger than the drone version. Health Points: 600

Melee Damage Multiplier: x 8.2

Resin door.png Resin Door

A door specifically made to allow other friendly xenomorphs to pass through. Requires two walls on both sides to be able to build one. It's destroyed if nothing is supporting it on both sides. Stronger than the drone versions. Health Points: 900

Melee Damage Multiplier: x 8.2

Resin sticky.png Sticky Resin

A layer of disgusting sticky slime. Slows a host down that walks over it significantly. Health Points: 45

Resin fast.png Sticky Resin

A layer of disgusting sleek slime. Increases a friendly xenomorph's speed as they run over it. Does not slow down hosts. Health Points: 30

Reflective Resinwall.png Resin Reflective Wall

Weird hardened slime solidified into a fine, smooth wall. Reflects projectiles and even rockets back to the shooter. Health Points: 300

Melee Damage Multiplier: x 8.2

Resin spike.png Resin Spike

A small cluster of bone spikes. Ouch. Deals 8 damage to a random leg or foot when a host walks over it. Health Points: 45

Acid Pillar.png Acid Pillar

A resin pillar that is oozing with acid. Fires a lane of acid against targets within a 5 tile range and extinguishes xenomorphs on fire. Health Points: 300

Deals 41 burn damage.

Range of 5 tiles.

Extinguishes xenomorphs on fire.

Secrete Resin.png
Secrete Resin
Secrete the chosen Resin Structure. Hivelord Resin Structures are significantly more durable than Drone or Queen structures. As a Hivelord, you secrete resin faster than the Drone you evolved from. You can also secrete resin into adjacent tiles by hovering your mouse over them while activating this ability and upgrade normal Resin Structure the same way. However, due to these advantages Hivelord Structure costs 33% more plasma to secrete.

Costs 100 plasma.

Transfer plasma.png
Transfer Plasma
Transfers 200 Plasma to any target you can see. You have to stand still when transferring, but not for as long as when you were a Drone.
Corrosive acid.png
Corrosive Acid
Vomit a glob of acid on item to dissolve it. Multiple items can be clicked at once as long as you are standing still. The cost of plasma is increased compared to the drone due to how the hivelord has stronger corrosive acid.

Costs 100 plasma.

Emit pheromones.png
Emit Pheromones
Emit one of the three Pheromones. It is advised to emit the pheromone that are not already being emitted, as pheromones don't stack except for Frenzy pheromone.

Costs 30 plasma to emit and then drains plasma while active.

Resin Walker.png
Resin Walker
When activated increases the movement speed of the hivelord when on weeds.

Costs 50 plasma and then drains plasma while active.

Tail Stab64x64.png
Tail Stab
Activating tail stab will begin a windup of one second, and upon conclusion, will enable you to launch a two tile attack that deals 1.2 times your maximum melee damage. It requires a direct click on the targets sprite, however, if it is missed, it only incurs a standard slash delay. Additionally, it will always hit the targeted limb.

Unless otherwise stated, this is shared by all strains.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Attainable Strains


Resin Whisperer

Strain Abilities

Resin Whisperer
Abilities: Description:
Toggle Long Range Sight.png
Toggle Long Range Sight
Toggles long range sight in the direction you're facing.

Costs 50 plasma.

Secrete Resin.png
Coerce Resin
Toggle the ability to remotely create the resin structure you've selected, The construction will be built faster or slower depending on the distance it is away from you.

Costs 150 plasma.

Resin Whisperer Hivelord Stats
Maximum Health 550
Maximum Plasma 800
Plasma Regeneration 5.5
Armor 0
Evasion 0
Speed 0.8
Slash Damage 20–25
Claw Strength 1
Explosion Resistance 10

Hivelord Tactics

  • Hivelords consume plasma quickly when building. To more effectively set up hive defenses at the beginning of the round, find a Drone to feed you plasma -- and between the two of you, you should be able to continue building nearly uninterrupted.
  • Make sure to study your Hive Building theory. Knowing all the resin structures you can build and their uses in and out is a must, not a plus, as a Hivelord. A Hivelord that cannot build proper Hives is a waste of a Tier 2 slot and a major burden on the Hive as there will rarely be more than two, and probably just one.
  • In combat, you should always be in the back line, fortifying and repairing damage while your sisters bring the fight to the tallhosts. In a siege, you can afford to be the frontline as you build and rebuild your main line of resin walls, but if you get shot you should fall back quickly. Despite your size, you are no tank and bullets will rapidly tear through your delicate chitin.
  • If ever you are caught in direct combat, emit Frenzy pheromones, stick to weeds, and use your resin structures as cover. Running should always stay a solid option, a single mistake can cost you your life.

Hivelords can not Evolve any further.

Hivelord Stats

Tier 16
Tier 15
Tier 14
Tier 13
Tier 12
Tier 11
Tier 10
Tier 9
Tier 8
Tier 7
Tier 6
Tier 5
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1
Health Lower Melee Upper Melee Plasma Plasma Regeneration Armor Explosive Resistance Speed Evasion

You can learn more about alien stats here.