The Skill System

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Skill System

This is a general overview and introduction to the skill system in place on the server. The skill system works by defining your job with a set of skill categories, these categories each have their own tier of skill, for example the Master tier is the highest a skill can be and the Untrained tier is the lowest a skill can be. Depending on what tier a skill is will affect how your character performs in tasks relating to that category, to simplify this take the Engineering skill, if that is designated at a master tier it means your character will be able to construct all of the items on the build menu, if you don't have the master skill you'll have a limited selection.

Skill Tiers

The skill tiers determine your characters knowledge of a skill, this then affects how you perform in that skill.

Skill Tier: Description:
Master Master level knowledge of a skill. Due to how this is the highest level of knowledge a character can have, you will be vastly superior to other players in that specific skill. An example for this is that the CMO has a master level of knowledge for medical and as such can perform medical tasks and procedures at a faster rate. Keep in mind that only a minority of skills have a master level.
Expert Expert knowledge of a skill. In practice this tier means that you'll have access to state of the art techniques relating to the specific skill and be able to perform them better and faster then someone who is specially trained.
Specially Trained Advanced knowledge of a skill. In round this tier means that you'll have access to more advanced techniques relating to the specific skill and be able to perform better then average on them as well.
Trained Basic knowledge of a skill. Effectively this is the fresh out of bootcamp tier, what this means in action is that you'll be able to use certain weapons and skill techniques at an average level.
Untrained Limited to no knowledge of a skill. In practice this means that your character will either perform worse in the specific skill or you simply won't be able to complete the task relating to it.


A list of the twelve skills that make up the skill system.

Skills: Description:
CQC This skill concerns your characters hand to hand combat prowess.
Engineering The higher the skill tier is, the more advanced constructs you are able to build.
Medical The higher the skill tier is, the more advanced medical procedures are available and overall speed increases.
Leadership The higher the skill tier, the more advanced leadership devices you're able to use.
Melee Weapons This skill concerns your characters melee weapon combat prowess.
Powerloaders Effects your characters powerloader efficiency.
Smartgun This skill concerns your characters smartgun combat effectiveness.
Firearms Concerns your characters firearm combat prowess. (Note that this skill doesn't effect the smartgun, spec weapons and pistols.)
Pistols This skill concerns your characters pistol combat prowess.
Policing Effects whether your character is knowledgeable in policing techniques and devices.
Heavy Weapons This skill concerns your characters heavy weapons (Spec weapons) combat prowess.
Piloting This skill effects your characters piloting knowledge, in short whether you're some top gun watching space maniac or someone who knows how to actually fly an AUD-25.

Skill System Tables

The below table represents how the skill system will be shown on the wiki, hopefully this'll provide some good visual aid about the skill system to new and old alike.

Standard Skill set.png