Food/Cheese Wheel

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Add 5u of

universal enzyme
Found in kitchen fridges.
Found in the dinnerware vendor.

to 40u of

Kitchen fridges.
Apply reagent container to live cow.


Starts out as 'immature cheese', microwave it to age up a stage. The basic stages are: immature, mature and aged.

Primordial cheese
Microwave aged cheese with 5u sugar
Chem dispenser.
, 5u milk
Kitchen fridges.
Apply reagent container to live cow.
, 1u table salt
1u Sodium
Chem dispenser.

1u Chlorine
Chem dispenser.
and 10u leporazine
1u Silicon
Chem dispenser.

1u Copper
Chem dispenser.
OT workshop has sheets.

5u Phoron
Grind bars from:
OT workshop
Req can order more.

requires a bit more work.