High Command Fax:
Format to use when faxing Marine High Command, to be used for any non-complaint needs.
How To:
[small][center][b]United States Colonial Marine Corps.[/b]
Form X342
Situation Report[/center][hr]
Facility: USS Almayer
Date: [date]
To: USCMC High Command - Missions Director
Subject: [field][list][field][/list][hr]
Signature: [field][/small]
USCMC HR Complaint:
Format to use when faxing Marine High Command to complain about a specific person currently in the Corps' employment:
How To:
[small][center][b]United States Colonial Marine Corps.[/b]
Form Z343
Complaint Form[/center][hr]Facility: USS Almayer
Date: [date]
Affected Person(s): [field]
Offender(s): [field]
Type of Complaint: [field]
Time of Incident: [field]
Reason for complaint:[list][field][/list]Preferred action:
Signature: [field]
Commanding Officer/Executive Officer's Signature: [field]
CMO Drug Distribution Form [Doctors + Researchers]:
Use this form for giving/attaining permission for certain drugs to be distributed to doctors and researchers:
How To:
[b]Medication Distribution Form 339D[/b]
The Chief Medical Officer has authorized the following medications for distribution, in the form of pills or liquid containers, to doctors and researchers aboard the U.S.S Almayer:
- Replace with the drug you want to be authorised
- Replace with the drug you want to be authorised
- Replace with the drug you want to be authorised
Chief Medical Officer Signature:
CMO Drug Distribution Form [All Medical Personnel]:
Use this form for giving/attaining permission for certain drugs to be distributed to all medical personnel:
How To:
[b]Medication Distribution Form 339B[/b]
The Chief Medical Officer has authorized the following medication(s) for distribution to the medical staff aboard the U.S.S Almayer, including field medics. The following medications can be provided in the form of pills or liquid containers:
- Replace with the drug you want to be authorised
- Replace with the drug you want to be authorised
- Replace with the drug you want to be authorised
Chief Medical Officer Signature:
Construction Permission Form:
Use this form for giving/attaining permission to alter/perform new constructions on the U.S.S Almayer:
How To:
[small][center][b]United States Colonial Marine Corps.[/b]
Form X347
Proposition of Construction[/center][hr]
Facility: USS Almayer
Date: [date]
Location of Construction:[field]
Description of Proposal: [field][list][field][/list][hr]
Acting Commander Signature: [field]
Chief Engineers Signature: [field]
Department Head Signature:[/small]
Research Journal template:
A simple all-purpose formula to document research.
How To:
[hr][small][i]The Company
Official Company Document
[b]Research Journal[/b][/i][/small]
[h3]Observations[/h3][small][b]Facility:[/b] USS Almayer [field]
[b]Date:[/b] [date] 2186[/small]
[hr][small]Research conducted by:
[i]The Company.[/i][/small]
Research Report Template:
Used for more in-depth documentation than the journal.
How To:
[hr][small][i]The Company
Official Company Document
[b]Research Report[/b][/i][/small]
[h3]Description[/h3][small][b]Facility:[/b] USS Almayer [field]
[b]Date:[/b] [date] 2186[/small]
[hr][small]Research conducted by:
[i]The Company.[/i][/small]
Research Interview Template:
Used to document research interviews
How To:
[hr][small][i]The Company.
Official Company Document
[b]Interview Journal[/b][/i][/small]
[h3]Interview background[/h3][small][b]Facility:[/b] USS Almayer [field]
[b]Date:[/b] [date] 2186[/small]
[hr][small]Interview conducted by:
Interviewee signature:
[i]The Company.[/i][/small]
Research Experiment Proposal:
Used to get authorization for experiments. Alternatively, you could include an authorization signature in any of the other templates.
How To:
[hr][small][i]The Company.
Official Company Document
[b]Research Experiment Proposal[/b][/i][/small]
[h3]Experiment Description[/h3][small][b]Facility:[/b] USS Almayer [field]
[b]Date:[/b] [date] 2186
[b]Experiment Procedure[/b]
[b]Experiment Purpose[/b]
[hr][small]Researcher signature:
Experiment Authorized by:
[i]The Company.[/i][/small]
Research Experiment Template:
Used to document research experiments.
How To:
[hr][small][i]The Company.
Official Company Document
[b]Research Experiment[/b][/i][/small]
[h3]Experiment Description[/h3][small][b]Facility:[/b] USS Almayer [field]
[b]Date:[/b] [date] 2186[/small]
[h3]Experiment Results[/h3][small][field][/small]
[hr][small]Researcher signature:
[i]The Company.[/i][/small]
Research Volunteer Template:
Extended version of the experiment template for when an experiment requires a human volunteer. Alternatively, the results section could be left out and written on a different paper instead.
How To:
[hr][small][i]The Company
Official Company Document
[b]Human Research Experiment[/b][/i][/small]
[h3]Experiment Description[/h3][small][small][b]Facility:[/b] USS Almayer [field]
[b]Date:[/b] [date] 2186[/small]
[b]Purpose of Study[/b]
[b]Procedure of Study[/b]
[b]Upon completion, the volunteer will receive the following:[/b]
[h3]Experiment Results[/h3][small][field][/small]
[hr][h3]Volunteer information[/h3][small][b]Full name:[/b] [field]
[b]Gender:[/b] [field]
[b]Age:[/b] [field]
[b]Occupation:[/b] [field]
[b]Rank (if any):[/b] [field]
[hr][small][i][b]Right to refuse or withdraw[/b]
The volunteer retains all rights to refuse or withdraw from the experiment at any time.
[b]Right to ask questions and report concerns[/b]
The volunteer retains all rights to ask questions about the research before, during and after the experiment. The volunteer may ask and report any problems or concerns about the experiment.
The volunteer's signature below indicates that they have decided to participate in this experiment of their own free will, and that they have read and understood the information provided above.
[hr][small]Researcher signature:
Volunteer signature:
[i]The Company.[/i][/small]
PMC recruitment template:
A template for Liasons to recruit from the ranks of USMC personnel for the corporate PMC team. The recruitment form mentions a subsection of Weyland Yutani "Whiteguard Solutions". This form promises the recruit a 10-acre plot of land and gradually increasing pay for 4 years and basic health-care. Credit: -Vispain
How To:
The BBcode for the template
[b]Whiteguard Solutions Job Application Brief[/b][/center]
Form 268/b23 "Whiteguard Solutions"
Facility: USS Almayer Date: [date]
I, [field], enter into this contract of sound mind and body that post-enlistment with the United States Colonial Marines, if deemed mentally and physically able by appointed doctors of Weyland-Yutani or any of its subsidiary companies, will be under contract as a Standard Private Military Contractor working on a reduced entry-level PMC rate of 50% the normal entry-level with the Company affiliate “Whiteguard Solutions” for a period of 4 years or until Whiteguard Solutions deems the contract void.
[*]I understand that should the conditions of a) “the signature provider’s mental health or physical health be unable to complete their duties” or b) “the signature provider does not break trust” are not being met, "Whiteguard Solutions" may terminate my service.
[*]In the second year of employment, pay may be fully raised to 60% of the standard entry-level pay of a member of "Whiteguard Solutions". On the third year of employment, the payment will be raised to 80% the pay of what a third-year PMC employee receives or full pay should the pay of a third-year PMC employee be less than the standard pay of an entry-level PMC employee. On the fourth year of employment, the payment will be raised to normal fourth year PMC employee levels. I understand that my pay may be reduced following an internal inquiry should I be unable to complete any of the duties assigned to me during my employment with "Whiteguard Solutions."
[*]At the four years of service, I understand that a 10 Acre plot of land on a habitable planet owned by Weyland-Yutani or any of its subsidiaries will be provided on the condition that I enlist in the registrar as an Auxiliary or Reserve member of a Weyland-Yutani approved local militia, security or police organization. In accordance with such, I will serve such local militia, security or police organization in an auxiliary or regular capacity for a period of no less than 2 years.
[*]Should the signature provider choose to not renegotiate their contract, a 5% severance payment based on the employee’s last yearly wage will be made by The Company to the employee as a gesture of goodwill. Should the signature provider choose to renegotiate their contract and terms both parties sign to the renegotiated contract, a guaranteed bonus of 5% the pay of the new yearly wage will be made to the employee.
[*]Acting on the behalf of "Whiteguard Solutions", Weyland-Yutani additionally provides and guarantees all standard medical benefits that Standard, Entry-Level PMCs receive including Dental, Eyecare, and critical care for combat-related injuries while remaining in employment. I understand these services may cease, with the exception of critical care, if I am left unable to complete my employment terms.
[*]I understand that should I fail to perform as to this agreement and all pursuant documents before 4 years, a minimum fee of one year's pay a normal entry-level PMC may be applied and the promised “10-acre plot of land” upon a habitable planet will not be granted to the signature provider.
I understand that forfeit all right to bring a suit against the Weyland-Yutani Corporation for any reason on the site. This agreement releases the Company from all liability relating to injuries and financial responsibilities for injuries that may occur on the site.
[i]I acknowledge that this is a preliminary agreement while still in the employ of another organization and understand additional forms (“Form 263, Form 264, Form 265, Form 266, Form 267, and Form 269”) related to Healthcare, Lodging, Non-Disclosure, Liability, Payment method, and transfer to Whiteguard Solutions (a subsidiary of Weyland-Yutani).[/i]
Signature: [field]
Corporate Liaison Signature: [sign]
Police Interrogation Report:
For recording an interrogation of an incident.
How To:
[center][b][u]Police Interrogation Report[/b][/u][/center] [center] [small] [u] USS Almayer [/u] [/small] [/center] [center] [small] [u] 2nd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 'Falling Falcons' [/u] [/small] [/center]
[small][i]An audio recording or transcript of the interview must be attached via label to this report to be considered valid! In the event of a criminal prosecution, this report is considered as evidence![/i][/small]
[b]Interviewer's name: [/b][field]
[b]Rank: [/b][field]
[b]Interviewee's name: [/b][field]
[b]Rank: [/b][field]
[b]Designation[/b][small][i](Suspect/Witness/Other)[/i][/small][b]: [/b][field]
[b]Other personnel present: [/b][field]
[b][u]Interview Notes: [/u][/b] [field]
[hr] [b]Interviewer's Signature: [/b][field]
[center] [small] [u] USS Almayer [/u] [/small] [/center] [center] [small] [u] 2nd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 'Falling Falcons' [/u] [/small] [/center] [center] [small] (location) Duty Log [/small] [/center] [hr] (example text: 12:20 - CPL Jenning begins duty desk[br] 12:35 - SSGT Hawkings visited duty desk asking after PFC Smith[br]
Command Requisition Request Form:
For requesting supplies from Requisitions.
How To:
[center] [b] [u] Command Requisition Request Form [/u] [/b] [/center] [center] [small] [i] To be filled out by any Officer to ask any Enlisted to fetch them supplies from requisitions [/i] [/small] [/center] [hr]
Officer requesting supplies: [field]
Rank: [field]
Reason for request: [field]
Officer's signature: [field]
Items requested: [list] [*] [field] [*] [field] [*] [field] [/list] [hr]
[small] [i] This must be stamped by Requisitions to prove the order was completed in full. [/i] [/small]
Pardon Form
Description of use.
How To:
[center][b][u]Official Pardon Form B-229 [/b][/u][/center]
[center] [small] [u] USS Almayer [/u] [/small] [/center]
[center] [small] [u] 2nd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 'Falling Falcons' [/u] [/small] [/center]
[small] [i] The time of a crime must be known roughly, as well as exactly what the crimes were in accordance with U.S.C.M protocol 447, 284 (2144). [/small] [/i]
Date: [field]
Arresting Officer: [field]
Pardoned Individual: [field]
Listed Crimes:
> [field]
> [field]
> [field]
Reason for Pardon: [field]
Time of Pardon: [field]
Commanding Officer's Name: [field]
[i] [small] The Commanding Officer may be held responsible for further criminal actions committed by those they pardon, and should High Command reverse the decision; they must ensure the condemned return to serve their time without incident. Failure to do so may result in removal and arrest at the discretion of High Command. [/small] [/i]
Signature of Commanding Officer: [field]