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Alpha Trivia

  • The Infestation Gamemode (Default game mode in CM) previously has 5 victory conditions. Marine Major Victory is total eradication of the Aliens, and Marine Minor Victory is when the Hive has no queen for 20 minutes. Alien Major Victory is the complete eradication of the Marines, and Alien Minor Victory is when the entire crew of the Sulaco has successfully evacuated from alien infestation. And Planetary Eradication, where both sides are eradicated.

Pre-Alpha Trivia

  • Ravagers for a brief period could slash through walls and doors due to having a two tile slash. It was later removed.
  • Colonial Marines use to have text to speech, but it was later removed because it caused massive lag.
  • Aliens could strip marines in their nests of certain clothes and items.
  • If you stood one tile directly in front of the HMG there was a bug which allowed you not to be hit by the bullets as they only appeared on the second tile in front of the HMG not the first.
  • Custom events were plentiful, some of which being: Necromorphs, The Re-enactment of 1812, Space Marines, Aka Bruva Spess, Borers, Zombies and more.
  • Firing a taser at a Xeno would slow it down.

Heavy Infantry Team

Before Emergancy Response Teams were introduced, the Marines could call in a Heavy Infantry Team (HIT). The HIT was the only Response Team available during the Pre-Alpha stage, and these people were armed with advanced laser weaponry, riot shields and other unique weapons that were on par with the Corporate Commandos of today. They were usually called in when the Marines couldn't complete the assigned mission on their own.


The HIT's objectives were to find the Marine's Commanding Officer for their objectives then assist the marines in their mission whenever possible and protect them as they complete their mission. Likewise, they obeyed the Marine's In-Game knowledge of RP, meaning that HIT's DID NOT know about aliens and were sent because of a distress signal sent by the station. This ERT was rarely called due to a certain circumstance that must be met to call them. These circumstances are that:

  • The evacuation shuttle has not been called.
  • The Aliens outnumber the Marines at a certain ratio.
  • There must be about five or more ghosts (dead players) to join the HIT.
  • High Command (Admins) is informed about receiving the message.