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Military Contractors are military personnel owned and operated by Vanguard's Arrow Incorporated(VAI), a United States-based Private Military Company. They are equipped with modern military equipment and weaponry akin to the USCM.
Military Contractors are most akin to USCM in terms of playstyle and equipment, sharing most equipment and weapons. They capable of using almost anything you can come across with great expertise, however they are lightly armored.
The contractors operate under a much less rigid command structure, with everyone in the squad being of equal rank except the Team Leader, and all members of the squad being able to assist in whatever is needed at that particular moment.
The major difference between Military Contractors and other response teams is their complete friendliness to the USCM, their primary objective being to assist them in whatever ways are possible.
Founded by nine USCM Veterans in 2166, following the Tientsin Campaign, Vanguard's Arrow Incorporated grew steadily from then til 2180, eventually becoming one of the biggest PMCs operating out of the United Americas. In 2177, VAI managed to get the 2177 Military Aid Act passed by UA Congress, allowing independent contractors to assist USCMC forces in exchange for back-pay at a pre-determined rate, greatly increasing the potential cash-flow PMCs could make off the UA.
In early 2180, an unspecified incident involving mass-colonist casualties and damage to We-Yu property occurred on LV-191. Following this, many major contracts with VAI were dropped, however, a few months after, an unknown benefactor offered a new contract. In exchange for a large payment, that would consistently come, VAI would begin a campaign of corporate espionage and sabotage against Weyland-Yutani. VAI, almost out of contracts, accepted this deal, believing the extra cash-flow and weakening of We-Yu PMC forces would assist their business much more than being in a small-scale corporate war with WY would cause, as well as the loss of some minor contracts in the TWE. Later, this series of offensive operations against WY further escalated into full-scale attacks on small WY facilities.
Since this, the still-ongoing contract has kept VAI afloat, albeit still not anywhere near its hey-day. The 2177 Military Aid Act has also not been repealed, allowing VAI a bonus source of cash-flow via assistance of USCM forces wherever possible.
Vanguard's Arrow Incorporated is split into five sections: VAI Central Command(VAICC), contains all administrative and executive personnel of VAI. VAI Special Protection(VAISP), tasked with the protection of VAICC and VAIMS personnel and vessels. VAI Special Operations(VAISO), tasked with more unsavory operations, black ops, and the majority of anti-WY work. VAI Primary Operations(VAIPO), tasked with anything that is not in the realm of VAISP and VAISO. Makes up the majority of VAI combat personnel. VAI Medical Science(VAIMS), tasked with manning medical ships, dispatching medical specialists to act as team medics, and running laboratories. VAIMS was previously known as VAI Medical-Support until 2181, when the science and research division was established.
The majority of VAI personnel are ex-USCM, with the rest being made up of members of other UA militaries, and ex-military immigrants sprinkled in as well. The forces that respond to the USS Almayer's potential distress beacon are stationed on the USS Inheritor, made up of about 300 Contractors and 50 Support personnel, they are assigned to riot-control, military aid of the USCM, and sabotage and espionage of WY whenever it is convenient.
Standing Orders
VAIPO Mercenary Teams are to assist USCMC forces whenever possible. While the Team-Leader has ultimate authority over their team, in absence of commands from VAICC, teams are to report to the highest ranking USCM officer on-site for tasking and acquirement of IFF codes of the local USCM force. All VAI teams have also been tasked with their active contract of espionage and sabotage against Weyland-Yutani, however, it is highly recommended to keep these operations quiet, as a direct engagement with WY on-board a USCM vessel or on a USCM operation-site will draw unneeded attention, and depending on the standing of the officers in charge of the USCM force, a potential engagement with USCM forces as well.
DO NOTE: There's a chance for the contractors to be aware or unaware of the alien threat, the details are located in the backstory when you spawn.
Military Contractor Roles
Contractor Role | Description |
![]() VAIPO Mercenary (Contractor Standard) |
Equipped with a standard issue MAR40 battle rifle, or the
M41A MK2 Pulse Rifle, the M41A MK1 Pulse Rifle, or the MK221 Tactical shotgun and a modified M1911 Service Pistol. While they may appear as an underwhelming threat, they come equipped with a surplus of ammunition, high-quality weapons, and are heavily trained in their use. |
![]() VAIMS Medical Specialist (Contractor Medic) |
Equipped with a standard issue MAR30 battle carbine and the medical supplies to keep the team alive. Just like their USCM counterparts, they're able to heal most injuries sustained during combat.
![]() VAIPO Automatic Rifleman (Contractor Machinegunner) |
Equipped with a MAR50 Light Machine Gun and a modified M1911 Service Pistol. The Contractor Machinegunner is capable of laying down sustained fire, and if an M56B Smartgun is found, it can be used by them as well.
![]() VAIPO Engineering Specialist(Contractor Engineer) |
Equipped with a standard issue MAR30 battle carbine with standard ammunition, a motion detector, materials, and a mini-sentry for combat support.
![]() VAIPO Team Leader (Contractor Team Leader) |
Squad Leader of the contractor force. Equipped with an M41A MK1 Pulse Rifle and a modified M1911 Service Pistol. The Team Leader's job is to lead their squad on the field, and ensure their objectives are being carried out.
![]() VAIPO Support Synthetic (Contractor Synthetic) |
Equipped with standard support-synthetic gear, the Contractor Synthetic is the designated support specialist for the squad, capable of engineering, medical, and non combat duties.
NOTE: This role is locked to the Synthetic Whitelist. |