Template:HJRA-12 Handheld Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher Consolidated

Template page
Recoil Wielded: 3

Recoil Unwielded: N/A

Scatter Wielded: 5

Scatter Unwielded: N/A

Burst Scatter Multiplier: N/A

Burst Amount: N/A

Firerate: 50 RPM

Burst Firerate: N/A

HJRA-12 High-Explosive Rocket.png

HJRA-12 High-Explosive Rocket

A rocket for the UPP standard-issue HJRA-12 Handheld Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher. This one is a standard High-Explosive rocket for anti-personal or light-vehicle use.

Maximum Range: 7 Tiles

HJRA-12 Anti-Tank Rocket.png

HJRA-12 Anti-Tank Rocket

A rocket for the UPP standard-issue HJRA-12 Handheld Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher. This one is a standard Anti-Tank rocket designed to disable or destroy hostile vehicles.

Maximum Range: 6 Tiles

HJRA-12 Extreme-Intensity Incendiary Rocket.png

HJRA-12 Extreme-Intensity Incendiary Rocket

A rocket for the UPP standard-issue HJRA-12 Handheld Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher. This one is an extreme-intensity incendiary rocket, using an experimental chemical designated R-189 by the UPP, it is designed to melt through fortified positions and bunkers but is most commonly used in an anti-personnal role due to over-issuing and the tempatures after use in its intended role leaving the tempature of the air incompatible with human life.

Maximum Range: 10 Tiles

Muzzle Attachments None
Rail Attachments Magnetic harness.pngMagnetic Harness (Default - Cannot be removed)
Underbarrel Attachments None
Stock Attachments None