Trade the ability to build resin structures for an ability to transfer health to other xenomorphs and enhanced pheromones.
Applicable Caste(s): Drone
Trade some speed to automatically attack anyone you pounce, depending on intent..
Applicable Caste(s): Runner
Steel Crest
Trade the ability to tail sweep for the ability to use your other skill in Crest and Fortify stances. Additionally, your headbutt does more damage and gains 1 tile extra range.
Applicable Caste(s): Defender
Trade the ability to fling for a lower cool down, increased damage and range on your punch ability. Punch loses the ability to immediately break bones. Gain a new ability, Jab: A stun ability that applies no damage but refreshes punch ability.
Applicable Caste(s): Warrior
Trade your neuro-toxin in exchange for an acid spray that is similar to the Boiler's acid spray.
Applicable Caste(s): Spitter
Trade the ability to make tunnels and traps for a small AoE stun when you unburrow and staggering everyone in range.
Applicable Caste(s): Burrower
Egg Sac
Trade the ability to carry facehuggers for an ability to generate an egg once every 60 seconds for 50 plasma.
Applicable Caste(s): Carrier
Royal Protector
Trade the ability to spit in exchange for increased pheremones, the ability to tail sweep (as Defender) and a shorter wind-up on your acid spray.
Applicable Caste(s): Praetorian
Trade the ability to charge in exchange for a small AoE stomp that stuns targets.
Applicable Caste(s): Crusher
Trade the ability to bombard with gas clouds in exchange for a single acidic projectile that deals more damage against structures with perfect accuracy.
Applicable Caste(s): Boiler