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Hailing from the jungle planet of Watchman, the Dutch's Mercenary Team are a small, yet powerful group of mercenaries specialized in jungle warfare. Its members are trained to fight with low tech weapons and equipment, learning special survival techniques and how to conduct guerrilla warfare. They employ very older or outdated weapons such as the M16A2 and other types of weapons, however, they are extremely well trained to use these weapons, often better than any marine with a M41A.
Standing Order
You have one job, one single job. If you find it, you will kill it. No exceptions, no survivors. If more come, you kill them and more? You kill them. You will find them, you will hunt them down and you will exterminate every single one of them.
Give them no mercy.
The marines themselves, are not hostiles and the other hostile lifeforms that get in your way, are not the priority.