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From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Revision as of 16:10, 14 January 2022 by Nivrak (talk | contribs) (→‎Abilities)
Evolves From: Larva
Evolves To: Spitter
Role: Provide ranged support in combat by stunning foes from afar. Use your acid to help the Hive break into places.
Guides: The Guardian Caste Guide

General Information

The Sentinel is a relatively fragile caste, not able to engage in direct combat due to its low durability and low damage. However, this is completely made up for with a massive advantage compared to other melee castes. Sentinels can Spit Neurotoxin, giving them a ranged attack that will disable any human hit by it. This, coupled with their surprising speed and their large plasma reserve, makes them an excellent support caste both inside and outside of combat.

Sentinels are best suited for supporting engagements by slowing marines down and helping other aliens capture or marines.

It should also be noted that Sentinels have access to a corrosive acid they can use to melt structures. While Sentinel acid is agonisingly long to act, it will eventually melt through. However, as it cannot deploy weeds for itself, it is dependent on its local Drone for massive melting projects.

Playing as a Sentinel

The Sentinel's Neurotoxin Spit is perhaps its single greatest strength, and while often underestimated can easily disable targets without putting yourself in much risk. If you ever find yourself in a dangerous fight, a single well placed glob of Neurotoxin can allow you to immediately disengage while your target recovers. Of course, if you have some support, a stunned target is a trivial target for even the most ill-suited castes.

Your speed and your personal plasma reserve actually makes you a great flanking class, much like the Runner. While your spit is more expensive to use than a Pounce, it can be used to straight up murder any single Marine you catch if you are lucky and your globs all hit. Of course, if you get in a sticky situation, you can spray neurotoxin in the general direction of your pursuers to make your escape easier. Then again, your very presence will make most people think twice before pursuing.

Never forget your corrosive acid. Whereas Runners might be blocked by a walled-off area, you can simply douse it in acid and come back later when it finally melts down. In the meantime, you can recharge at weeds, maybe find more things to melt. Just be careful not to waste all your plasma, not having enough plasma to spit can go wrong extremely quickly.

If you want to help directly in the fight, try to find a small flank and stun people. You don't ever have to hit them, every single person downed on the floor is or recovering from slow down effects are not firing at your sisters. Do it enough, and you might goad the Marines into falling back in despair. Just be careful not to get lit up in a position where you can't be saved. If you can shoot them, so can they.


Abilities: Description:
Xeno Rest.png
Used to rest and get up. Aliens heal faster when resting on weeds.
To devour, grab a host with Ctrl + Click or

Grab intent (3 in hotkey mode) then click yourself, standstill. To stop the host from getting up and running away, you can switch to an empty hand (X in hotkey mode) and keep tackling them using Disarm intent (2 in hotkey mode) when you are devouring them. Xenos with devoured humans inside them can not vent crawl but Xenos with devoured monkeys can. Hosts with boot knives can injure the Xenomorph they are inside if they are conscious. Using this ability with a host devoured will regurgitate them back up, giving a moderate stun. (Edit this template)

Corrosive acid.png
Corrosive Acid
Vomit a glob of acid on item to dissolve it. Multiple items can be clicked at once as long as you are standing still.

Costs 75 plasma.

Xeno Spit.png
Slowing Spit
Use middle mouse button to spit a glob of slowing neurotoxin to stun hosts.

Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.

Acid Shotgun.png
Scattered Spit
Use middle mouse button to spit globs of paralyzing neurotoxin, Knocking down hosts hit for 0.7 seconds.

Cooldown: 8 seconds.

Paralyzing Slash
Empowers you next attack to inject neurotoxin into the host, Dazing them for 4 seconds and immediately after knocking them down helpless for 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 12 seconds.

Attainable Mutators


Scatter Spitter

Strain Abilities

Abilities: Description:
Xeno Spit.png
Alien Spit
Spits toxins and spreads them out among the three tiles infront of you like a shotgun.

Costs 30 plasma.

Sentinel Tactics

  • Sentinels make wonderful ambush partners. You can easily stunlock a particular target while your buddy has a field day on their poor body. If you feel less vindictive, you can also try to go for an infection.
  • Neurotoxin Spit is extremely convenient to cool down escaping hosts. Whereas tackles are not reliable and put you at risk of a point blank buckshot blast or rifle burst, spits can be delivered at comfortable ranges and are more likely to hit. If they don't, just duck and cover. You can also use the Tackle and the Spit as a double dip to try and immediately stun hosts that try to escape from capture.
  • Your neurotoxin requires multiple successive hits to down a marine. But with every hit, it will slow them down until it'll finally knock them down.
  • Don't get too cocky with your neurotoxin stuns. Running in to slash someone you stunned might expose you to offscreen Marines who spotted their teammate going down and are coming in to rescue. If your reflexes are not on point, you might take a full burst and end up in a bad shape.
  • Do not underestimate the ability of the Neurotoxin Spit to immediately slow down a serious threat, just don't rely on it too much as it can always miss. A buckshot Marine suddenly rounding the corner, an M5 RPG Specialist suddenly appearing from off-screen, launcher up on the shoulder, an SMG Marine rushing in. A single spit can make or break it, and turn their rush into a miserable failure.
  • As a fast ambushing caste, you can fight dirty to harass Marines. Run up to them and stun them, and then melt their gun. This requires you to be a bit nimble, but if pulled off correctly you've just set someone's fighting tool to self destruct in a few minutes. If you manage to hit a unique gun like a Flamethrower expect many tears to be shed.
  • Of course, you also are the best caste to melt flares. You can move in fast, melt it, and leave before the hail of bullets smashes into you. It is usually a good idea to inch forward and back first to make sure someone doesn't have their sights on it already.

Sentinel Evolution

Sentinels can Evolve into the Spitter. The Spitter trades off the sentinel's defensive abilities into more mobility and health and a new, extremely powerful ability to spit corrosive acid, allowing them to dish out regular damage from afar. Their corrosive acid also becomes stronger in general, allowing them to melt through defenses faster.

Sentinel Stats

Sentinel stats.png You can learn more about alien stats here.