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From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Evolves From: Warrior
Evolves To: N/A
Role: Make use of your armor and your massive body to shield and tank bullets. Eat up explosions without flinching thanks to your thick hide. Charge your foes down and stomp on them to dislodge every single bone in their body.
Guides: No External Guides.


Little larvae, do you like to:

  • Get shot a lot?
  • Use your head to break things?
  • Fly into people or knock them down?
  • Run into explosions or large groups of people?
  • Be a literal bodyguard for squishier aliens?

Then maybe being a Crusher is for you! Read on, little larvae:

The Pros:

  • With your sturdy armor, you can take a lot more punishment than other castes, giving you both a support and offensive role.
  • Your charge can break barricades, walls, and most barriers. (Although it takes some time)
  • You're highly resistant to explosions; this makes you a great minesweeper.
  • You have a shield ability that is great for escaping!
  • Your slashes are special. If you slash someone, everyone next to that person also receives a slash from you.
  • You can defend choke-points and the like very effectively.
  • You work great in a team, you go getter you!
  • You can knock marines over if you charge into them, stunning them and normally badly hurting them!
  • Stomping your target deals good damage if someone is prone, under you, and stuns in a AoE, that applies a slow down. The stun itself lasts only for a second.

The Cons:

  • Armor piercing ammo and attacks do more damage to you, and defeat your armor with ease (obviously!)
  • You're a big, fat target, like most T3s
  • You aren't super fast
  • Your slashes aren't the greatest damage on a single target
  • You do poorly in wide open spaces
  • Stomp doesn't stun for very long at all. (Only a second)
Crusher Stats Collapse
Maximum Health 700
Maximum Plasma 400
Plasma Regeneration 4
Armor 30
Evasion 0
Speed 0.8
Slash Damage 40–40
Claw Strength 3
Explosion Resistance 100

Playing a Crusher

You are the Crusher. Your task is simple - crush the enemy! You're a classic tank caste, with the ability to soak up lots of damage thanks to your hardened carapace armor which will absorb a good deal of damage incident on you.

You also have the ability to charge. Charging has a short wind up time, which cannot be canceled. If you try moving during windup, you'll be forced to finish it anyways, but you're charge won't happen, and you'll have to wait for the cooldown. It takes practice to understand the limitations of the ability and how best to use it.

You also have the ability to stomp. Stomping ability allows you to crush any enemy you are standing on with your large feet. This causes a sturdy amount of damage, and is good for quickly disabling vital targets. It also applies a (1 second) stun AoE in a 5x5 based on you, that also slows down anyone effected by it.

One downside to being a Crusher is that you move slower than most. Also, you're a big, juicy target. Marines will try to chase you down. Be sure to use your master of defense ability to soak up those bullets and get outta there.

It's a bad idea to go off hunting solo or without support, especially in somewhere without weeds. If you want to run away but marines are chasing you, you'll either have to try and charge away, letting them shoot you during wind up, or just run and hope you can get to safety. Marines run faster than you so it's entirely possible for them to chase you down and end you once you're hurt.


Abilities: CollapseDescription:
Xeno Rest.png
Used to rest and get up. Xenos heal faster when resting on weeds.

To haul, grab a host with Ctrl + Click or Grab intent (3 in hotkey mode) then click yourself, keep still, this will start restraining them. To stop the host from getting up and running away, you can switch to an empty hand (X in hotkey mode) and keep tackling them using Disarm intent (2 in hotkey mode) when you are restraining them, once fully restrained you will haul them. Xenos hauling humans can not vent crawl but Xenos hauling monkeys can. Hosts with boot knives or other melee weapons can injure the Xenomorph they are being hauled by if they are conscious. Using this ability whilst hauling a host will free them from your grip, giving a moderate stun.

Brutalizer PASSIVE: Your slashes slow their targets. Your slashes deal 60% of their damage to enemies adjacent to the target and reduce ability cooldowns by 1 second plus 0.5 seconds for every cleave.
Toggle Charging.png
Click on a tile you want to charge at, after a brief non cancel-able windup time. Charge at the tile you targeted bashing and damaging anyone and anything in the way. Hitting an enemy with the charge reduces its cooldown.

Costs 20 Plasma, cooldown: 15 seconds.

Line Stomp.png
Slam the ground with a 5x5 AOE slow down that affects all hostiles in range. If there is someone underneath you, they take heavy damage.

Costs 20 Plasma, cooldown: 20 seconds.

Defensive Shield
Gain a temporary shield that blocks the next 200 damage (Is immune to explosive damage) lasting 7 seconds. Any damage that impacts the shield is reduced by 12.5 before processing.

Costs 20 Plasma, cooldown: 28 seconds.

Tail Stab64x64.png
Tail Stab
Activating tail stab will begin a windup of one second, and upon conclusion, will enable you to launch a two tile attack that deals 1.2 times your maximum melee damage. It requires a direct click on the targets sprite, however, if it is missed, it only incurs a standard slash delay. Additionally, it will always hit the targeted limb.

Unless otherwise stated, this is shared by all strains.

Cooldown: 10 seconds.

Attainable Strains

Abilities: CollapseDescription:
Directional Armor PASSIVE Charger has 50 frontal armor, 35 side armor, and 25 rear armor. Because of this ability, charger crusher is unable to direction lock itself.
Toggle Charging.png
Use this ability to toggle charging on and off.

Cost: 3 plasma on every step

Charger tumble.png
Clicking to the side of where the crusher is facing will launch it 2 tiles to the side in the clicked direction. Hitting a human will knock them over. This ability can be used while charge to quickly offset yourself. However, it will reset your momentum to 0.

Costs: 25 plasma, 10 seconds cooldown.

Line Stomp.png
Charger Stomp (Crush)
Unlike the base crusher, it does not stun, but does heavy damage to any human unfortunate enough to be under the charger, it also applies a mild screen shake to any humans in view and can be used to help escape.

Costs: 25 plasma, 12 seconds cooldown.

Charger Ram.png
A simple offensive ability that flings mobs without stun. Much like warrior fling.

Costs: 0 plasma, 10 seconds cooldown.

Charger Crusher Stats Collapse
Maximum Health 780
Maximum Plasma 400
Plasma Regeneration 4
Armor 20
Evasion 0
Speed 0.95
Slash Damage 30–30
Claw Strength 3
Explosion Resistance 100

Crusher Techniques

  • Hit and Run - Run in, use your stomp, run out again. Useful for when the enemy is behind barricades you cannot break with one charge (plasteel barricades and the like)
  • Run em down! - If you hit a marine with your charge, you will knock them flying and cause serious damage. You can use this to take out dangerous individuals, such as smartgunners or M5 RPG users. Just be careful they don't dodge your charge and you overextend yourself! You will get chased down (video).
  • Fuck you sentry! - If you charge into a sentry at high momentum, it will be automatically knocked over, but you will also be stunned. If you've taken a burst from the sentry while charging, you may be at low health, so always do this with backup in case marines guarding the sentry take advantage of your prone state!

Crusher Tactics

  • Crushers aren't stunned by mines. Use this to your advantage!
  • Sentries still pose a significant threat to you, and should not be taken on alone. Even if they're meant for enemy surpression, their bullets easily pierce your armor.
  • Flamethrowers are dangerous to you because of your slow movement speed when not charging.
  • A direct hit from an armor piercing rocket will put a serious dent in your health!
  • Don't die for the wrong reasons. While it is noble and normally doable to shield a critical hive member while they get dragged to safety, it would be a waste for you to die say, shielding a runner, especially if you both die!
  • Start slashing once they've been knocked down. Your slashes deal a good chunk of damage against marines and are applied in an AoE.
  • If you know you're going to be charging into somewhere with a sentry or a large group, don't do it on anything other than full health. Remember you will have to get back to safety with potentially multiple angry marines firing at you!
  • Team up with other Crushers, pick an approach line, and charge! This wall of solid muscle and rage is enough to send most Marines scattering for cover.

Crusher Stats

Tier 16
Tier 15
Tier 14
Tier 13
Tier 12
Tier 11
Tier 10
Tier 9
Tier 8
Tier 7
Tier 6
Tier 5
Tier 4
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1
Health Lower Melee Upper Melee Plasma Plasma Regeneration Armor Explosive Resistance Speed Evasion

You can learn more about alien stats here.

Reading and Sources

Let's Crush! - Where this wiki page is based upon.