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Difficulty: Medium Supervisors: Mentor Manager, Head Mentor, Senior Mentor Rank: Mentor, Senior Mentor Duties: Train new players, assist players via mentorhelp, coordinate tactical assistance operations via MentorChat Guides: Leadership, Marine Law, Standard Operating Procedure, Guide to Engineering, Guide to construction, Guide to Medicine, Requisitions Unlock Requirements: Just gotta fill out this handy dandy Mentor Application. Detailed Description: Your job is to help out new players with the mentor help system, and shield new players from scary people like staff and military police that may try to hurt them. |__________| |
"Adminhelp this issue"
― Every mentor ever
A mentor is a volunteer position that anyone in the community may apply to, regardless of preexisting conditions. However, your mentor application may take a substantial amount of time to process, anywhere from 1 week to 3 months, however usually it is faster. As a community mentor, you are not held to a 'higher standard' like a moderator may be, but if you garner 24 hours worth of bans in one month, your mentorship can be revoked. Also, getting notes while applying for mentor will increase your chances of being denied, as in, you will be denied if you get noted. EORG bans are usually overlooked when considering notes.
NOTE: SEAs can only be played by In-Game mentors and moderator+. You can apply for mentor by accessing this link Mentor Application.
How 2 mentorhelp
F1, or function 1 will allow you to send either an administrative help, or mentor help. When someone mentor helps, you will get a few options.
The functions:
- Mark will let you claim the mentor help, and no mentors will be able to message that person, or see what you message them and vice versa. However, moderators+ still can!
- Close will let you close the mentor help ticket, returning the verb to the player. If someone mentor helps a meme or something, and you don't want to have a nice talk with them, you can close it.
- Autoresponse the lazy mentor's way out. This puppy is jam packed full of information. Sometimes I mentor help and send myself an auto response if I'm not sure of something. Just click this, then click the auto response you want to send and it'll send the info to the player in your message.
Mentorhelps should be reserved for actual questions. A meme here or there is fine, but be careful of the watchful eyes of the dreaded mentor overseer. Their gaze of death could snap you out of existence if you meme too much.
I want to be a good mentor
A good mentor doesn't have to know everything. A good mentor is willing to learn and accept when they're wrong. You should use mentor chat to talk to other mentors if you ever have a question. If a player is being hostile in mentor helps, you can close it, and also adminhelp them if you feel it's necessary, which it would be if someone were insulting mentors, because that's an improper use of the mentor help system. However, if they're just joking with you it's fine.
Mentor Regulations and Definitions
Remember how I said beware of the mentor overseer? Well, here's how you can avoid getting snapped. Just memorize all of these things:
The Mentor Team:
Mentor Manager:
The person or persons in-charge of the Mentor Team; a staff member who decides the policy and rules regarding the Mentor team and the Senior Enlisted Advisor role, as well as the members of the team.
Senior Mentor/Mentor:
Mentors are players and contributors to SS13 Colonial Marine that provide assistance to new players by the means of Mentor Helps, gameplay help discord channel and in-character training as SEA. Senior Mentor is a title with no further authority, simply a rank given to exceptional and/or long-time mentors. It was also once given to Mentors from the previous Mentor system; this role also has the ability to change the color of their OOC chat name, but cannot talk in the OOC during rounds.
Expectations of Mentors: A minimum amount of effort is expected, you may not need to be spending as much time ingame as answering Mhelps can be offset by other contributions to the community, such as assisting players in Discord and such. If you need to leave for an extended period of time simply contact the Mentor Overseer(s).
These are, in essence, rules specific to the Mentor Team. Violating these will usually result in a review of your place on the team. Team members should be aware of all policies, because everyone is expected to serve as oversight for everyone else; the policies would be pointless otherwise.
Behavior: As a member of the Mentor Team you represent the server to our community. You are not staff and will never be expected to act any more than casual. In the event another member of the Mentor Team breaks protocol take it directly to the mentor overseer. We do not file reports on other members of the team for breaking protocol. This includes incidents relating to the role of Senior Enlisted Advisor. If they break a server rule that would usually warrant a player report, the report can still be filed. Incidents such as abuse of power (what little you have) should be relayed to their overseer immediately.
Discord is mandatory for your duties and it is highly suggested for communication and organization. Mentors have the privilege of explaining the game in our Discord voice channel as long as they avoid metagaming. Example: Telling a player in voice chat what the next surgery tool is ok. Whereas telling them to go to Lambda Labs because that is where the hive is, isn’t permitted; even if this info could have been obtained by them normally. This right can be revoked.
Further Clarifications on Discord:
- If in doubt ask. You have other mentors and staff to ask if you can reveal something.
- It is ok to teach multiple people or to have others in the channel, extra care should be taken in such
- If you have to reveal something that can help others do so in private.
- Other mentors can assist you in voice chat.
- Take extra care if others are in the round on the other side.
- There is a private Mentor text channel. In this channel follow the general rules set and the rules in the topic of said channel. It is considered semi-formal but the rules still apply here.
Relation to Staff:
Relation to Staff In-Game:
As mentors are not staff members or an authority on the rules mentors are expected to defer to normal protocol. If a staff member instructs you not to do something or suggests avoiding some course of action out of concern with the rules listen to them, even if you disagree at the time. If you receive a mentor help regarding a rule issue inform the player to admin help the matter.
Relation to Staff in Discord:
See the above section for guidelines with the exception that Discord Moderators are always a higher authority than normal Moderators regardless of their in-game rank. Additionally, always seek out a Discord Moderator’s judgment first and report rule breaks to them first rather than skipping directly to an admin/manager/etc. In other words: let the Discord Mods handle the issue. If they’re unsure or it’s beyond their jurisdiction, they’ll pass it up the chain for you.
The gameplay help channel is in-part moderated by the Mentor Team; what that actually means is that Mentors have the ability to pin comments in the channel and delete messages. Do not use these permissions without good reason, and do not abuse them for unrelated manners
Senior Enlisted Advisor Guidelines:
SEA's Purpose:
The SEA's main and mechanical purpose is to be available for new players so that the SEA can directly coach and assist them. Doing this with a mix of IC and OOC methods, namely use of LOOC and Mhelps should they overlap. Otherwise, the SEA is meant to act as an enlisted adjutant to the Commanding Officer, to counsel enlisted personnel and handle disciplinary matters that aren't the concern of Marine Law.
Roleplay Standards:
SEA is considered a high roleplay role and is held to a higher standard. When playing the role do not act in an LRP manner, as the SEA you are not above officers aboard and are not to talk down to them. As well, when handling new players do not act derogatorily; you're here to assist new players and should be exceptionally patient when assisting them.
Marine Law:
SEAs are expected to have a good knowledge of Marine Law, must follow Marine Law and are forbidden to commit any crimes. As the SEA you cannot be deputized to perform policing duties and only in an emergency with no MPs on the server should you detain a marine. Call for MPs if you see someone breaking Marine Law. SEAs are allowed to issue NJPs to marines as they see fit as long as it complies with Marine Law. Furthermore, the SEA is not allowed to partake in mutinies but they are allowed to protect the Captain or any CIC staff member in the event there is a mutiny.
Assisting Departments:
SEAs are allowed to train and monitor departments to varying degrees. They can do this by physically showing them how to perform an action, or by using LOOC to link to the wiki and/or further explain things an SEA can’t or shouldn’t physically do. The SEA is allowed to handle the work of a department be it that no other person can do so and it is round critical; this excludes: Military Police duties, Overwatch duty, Research and ordnance construction. Examples of assisting a department would be organizing supply drops in Requisitions, piloting dropships for the purpose of transport or assisting medical with the basic treatment of wounded.
SEAs are allowed to deploy at their own discretion but are limited to the FOB's boundaries. Your role groundside can be either to assist with morale, assist with building the FOB, or to teach engineers/other persons how to prepare the FOB. You cannot be ordered to deploy against your will that is, barring to aid construction efforts of the FOB when teaching new engineers. If the FOB becomes threatened or you're otherwise needed on the ship you're to return immediately.
Skills and Equipment:
SEAs are allowed to carry a sidearm as well as a primary weapon of their choice, they are also allowed to use their personal fax machine at their own discretion. Rubber ammunition provided in the SeaTech vendor is only to be used in the ship's firing ranges and may not to be distributed for use outside of the Almayer's firing ranges. The SEA’s skill set is that of a generation one synthetic but they are to not abuse any of the skills the role would not realistically know. Examples: surgery, research, chemistry and ordnance construction. However, in a situation where critical personnel are lacking and the SEA has the skills necessary to assist and is able to do so without neglecting their primary training duties, they may do so in order to preserve the integrity and enjoyment of the round. In an emergency situation where the survival of the SEA and/or friendly personnel around them are in critical danger, the SEA is permitted to utilize their skills to the full extent.
Live Page
This is a live page, monitored and updated by Sargeantmuffinman, Fortelian, and Novacti. If you have any suggestions for additions to the page, contact one of them, preferably via discord.