Interacting with the environment
Overcoming obstacles
- Climb: drag yourself onto the obstacle (barricades without barbed wire, window frames and tables).
- Move marines over obstacles: Grab or right-click -> pull a marine, then click
(or press Z in hotkey mode) two times (there is a few seconds cooldown in between) to upgrade it to
. Then click the window frame/table next to you to put them on it. You can also use throw
to throw them up to 7 tiles away and over unbarbed wire barricades but it doesn't pass over window frames and tables.
- Flip tables: drag the table to the direction you want to flip toward then release, or right-click -> flip table. Reverse the drag or right-click -> flip table again to set the table back.
Ladders & Wall Holes
- Look up or down a ladder or through a wall hole: drag the ladder or wall sprite onto your character, to cancel this view you can either walk away from the ladder or you can go into the OOC tab and click "Cancel camera view" (you can bind a hotkey for it with Macros).
- Throw a flare up or down a ladder or through a wall hole: activate the flare then click on the ladder/wall hole. Also applies to flashlights.
- Throw a grenade up or down a ladder or through a wall hole: without priming the grenade, click on the ladder/wall hole with a grenade in your hand, the grenade will be automatically primed and thrown.
- Shoot point-blank: switch your intent to Harm, click on their sprite. Though, there is a bug where buckshot weapons and weapons that fire bursts will treat pointblank firing into one shot resulting in less damage.
- Walk to improve accuracy: your accuracy will improve when you toggle walking mode. Walking also let you go over wet tiles without issue, instead of slipping and falling over.
- Turn on/off gun's safety: alt-click the gun.
Reasons your gun is not firing
- The weapon is out of ammo or a loaded magazine/shell/rocket has not been loaded. Hold a gun and its respective ammo with two hands and click the weapon while your ammo is in the active hand, this will load the weapon or using any reloading methods listed above with their respective weapon. If the weapon does not have an auto-unload system (the gun blares beeps to signify the weapon ran out of ammo), you unload the empty magazine manually by clicking on the unload magazine button.
- A shell from a recently fired pump-action shotgun is not 'pumped' or loaded. Activate Unique action to the shotgun to unload the spent shell and load a new one.
- A bullet inside the revolver is not in the right chamber. Either pull the trigger (fire) or activate Unique Action to the weapon a few times until the bullet is in the chamber.
You need a more secure grip to fire the weapon!
- You're using a two handed weapon with one hand. Two hands are required to fire two handed weapons (Like sniper rifles, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, etc.), use the two handed gun to wield it with both hands.
- Rifles, shotguns and such weapons on the other hand can be fired with one hand, but firing such weapons will have their recoil increased majorly, which throws off your cursor's aim.
- However, pistols, machine pistols, revolvers and SMGs can be wielded properly with one hand, as such, you can fire these weapons without the risk of recoil.
- A Gyroscopic Stabilizer attachment will make a two handed weapon greatly decrease recoil and increase accuracy while firing one handed.
You don't know how to use [Weapon]...
- You're either holding a Smartgun or a Specialist Weapon with a role that does not have the knowledge to use this weapon. Only a Smartgunner (as well as a Commander) and a Specialist can use these weapons respectively. A simple squad marine cannot use the Smartgun without smartgun training, a Smartgunner cannot use the M5 RPG without heavy weapons training and so on.
- Reloading a shotgun: Hold shotgun shell box with one hand, click it with another hand to take out the shells. Take the shotgun in one hand, load it the shells one by one. Pump the shotgun with Unique Action Button
, you need to pump it after each firing (you can bind a hotkey for it with Macros).
- Reloading revolver: click it to open the revolving cylinder, load the speedloader, click the revolver to close the revolving cylinder
- Tactical Reload (reloading with one hand): drag a magazine onto the weapon in your hand.
- Refilling Incinerator Tanks: once emptied, clicking on a fuel tank, welder pack or welding tank with the tank in your hand.
M56D mounted smartgun
- Man the gun: drag the gun onto yourself.
- Toggle burst fire: Ctrl-click it.
- Throwing: Priming (Z) then click the place you want to throw to (priming automatically sets it to throw). Do NOT throw/fire grenades (directly/diagonally) if there is a marine/wall next to you in the firing direction, it will bounce back to you.
- Reloading weapon attachments: toggle the attachment on then feeding the attachment with its relevant ammo type. Underbarrel grenade launchers take M40 grenades (typically HEDP), Masterkey Shotguns take buckshot shells, and Mini Flamethrowers take flamethrower tanks.
- Using Rail Scope: There are two ways to use the rail scope, Toggle Rail Flashlight
and Activate Weapon Attachment
. (you can bind a hotkey for it with Macros)
- Removing attachments: click field strip weapon to select which attachment to remove, or install another attachment to replace it.
- Talk to intercom: stand next to an intercom, add :i in front of your message. You can also click the intercom to open it's interface than engage the mic.
- View a container's content: drag the backpack, belt, box, etc onto yourself. This works for containers on the floor or equipped on you, though backpacks will have to be in your hand, or on the floor.
- Remove equipment from other marines: drag their sprites onto yours to open their equipment window, click the item names to strip.
- Remove weapon with Magnetic Harness attached: remove their armor.
- Restocking/refill items: drag them onto an appropriate vendor. Useful restockable items are Smartgun Powerpacks to their vendors, Autoinjectors in Nanomed and hot drinks to vendors.
- Your helmet can take two tiny items (protein bar/throwing knife) into it, and your armor can take two small items or weapon magazines into it.