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"Information is a commodity. Like any commodity, it needs trade routes, trusted channels through which it can flow where it needs to go. We are those channels. It is up to us to make sure that any United Americas asset out there knows exactly what, where and why are they getting into and likewise, we make sure that anything they do out there the people in charge know and approve of. At the end of the day, everything we do is meant to aid the flow of information in some way. Our Mandate compels us so."


The UAAC-TIS, formally called the United Americas Allied Command Intelligence Integration and Implementation Service, or more colloquially the "Three Eyes" are a Naval Intelligence formation working directly for the central Naval organization that coordinates the efforts of all United Americas armed forces out in the reaches of known and unknown space.

Essentially the US Mail, but for Military Intelligence, TIS agents are rather infamously recruited (often against the will of their superiors) from various UA aligned armed forces and form an intricate, dense web all over known space and UA assets. Field officers typically relay information to Agents in central deployment spots, who further relay the information to their superiors or other agents in known UA space using a AI-aided timetable system and the powerful TIS Mandate that gives them some wide reaching authority when it comes to facilitating the flow of information.

The TIS Mandate

To so called TIS Mandate lies at the core of all of the TIS operations in known space and is compromised of two parts.

The TIS Mandate in brief can be explained by two of its major points:

Implementation of Intelligence

In order to facilitate this part of the Mandate, the UAAC-TIS can request any piece of equipment, personnel or information in possession of any UA aligned armed force, UAAC included. as long as this request is used to facilitate the flow of information to and from UA assets.

These reassignments are typically temporary and UAAC-TIS Agents are compelled to be reasonable with them, but a particularly driven Agent of the service could, for example, demand a command position of a USCM ship as long as they can prove that that command is somehow essential to the flow of Information within the UAAC and its aligned forces.

More often than not this right is used to temporarily recruit Intelligence Officers when a piece of information needs to be transported from point A to point B, or request a shuttle or other form of transportation for the above. A temporary assignment with the TIS and good performance under their service is usually a good way of a more rare permanent transfer request. Permanent transfers are much more rare and are typically properly coordinated with the armed force that is losing their asset. These are most often done when a commissioned officer, typically with their whole command if they have one, are permanently assigned as Special Agents into the TIS.

Investigation of Injustice

Due to the sheer amount of often covert information that TIS Officers and Agents are exposed to on a daily basis, it would be considered a waste if they could not act on that information in case they see a serious issue with respecting generally accepted Law and Order across the United Americas.

To this end, should a TIS Officer or Agent encounter an issue with the implementation of Law among UA armed forces, they are compelled to act and investigate the issue thoroughly. This also means that should they encounter a direct, vulgar breach of generally accepted Law by any officer of UA member group big or small, they are allowed to take drastic action to correct such issues.

Effectively this means that TIS Officers and Agents are allowed to work in the same capacity as agents of any Law related organization within the UA and its member states. In case of the USCM, this means that TIS Agents can act as fully fledged agents of the USCM Provost Office.

Encountering the UAAC-TIS

UAAC-TIS Intelligence Officers and Special Agents are event spawns, sometimes offered by staff as part of their events. In-Character wise, the presence of a UAAC-TIS operative on board the ship means one of two things - either some special piece of intelligence is somewhere on the ship or in the AO of the ship, or someone high up is being investigated for some sort of crime. TIS agents are typically secretive and keep to themselves and its usually wise not to get in their way.

It is however important to remember that the TIS has no effective direct authority over USCM personnel and cannot issue direct orders while on board USCM assets. While they can, in theory, request anyone be transferred into their service on a temporary or permanent basis, these requests are not always bound to be reasonable and may be in fact done maliciously or to serve the agents self interest. In cases where a TIS operative seems to be overusing their authority or are obviously corrupt, a discrete fax to the UAAC or USCM High Command may resolve the issue. Remember however that as signals officers, TIS agents are very likely to find out who and when sent any compromising material or them and may act on this to make your life miserable. It is however important to remember that TIS officers are extremely unlikely to take direct, violent action against anyone, no matter how obstructive they may be and as they are, at the very least on paper, formally allied with you and the USCM in general.

UAAC-TIS Ranks and Structure

Role Description
Intelligence Officer - LTJG. The lowest Permanent assignment to the TIS, the Intelligence Officer acts in similar capacities as their USCM equivalents, but on a more general scale - these officers are expected to gather or distribute sensitive intelligence in their assigned AOs and often act as final-stage couriers for extra sensitive information that is delivered personally to its recipient. More rarely, they may be sent to investigate a criminal issue involving commissioned officer
Special Agent - LCDR.,CDR. The TIS is centered around its Special Agents - by far the most central and involved group in terms of day to day operation and function of the agency. Typically elevated from an Intelligence Officer, but sometimes recruited and transferred directly from other services, Special Agents coordinate and dispatch Intelligence Officers, are typically responsible for maintaining TIS operations within their AOs as well as may - and often do - launch complex investigations should the intelligence they come across suggest corruption or disloyalty within UA aligned armed forces. A Special Agent that is not a permanent assignment to your ship (and unless its a ship under their command that is a rare occurrence) are typically a good sign that someone on board is in potential trouble. Or will be shortly.
Coordinator - CAPT. A central, official function, typically on board major and flagships of UA aligned forces, coordinators oversee central intelligence hubs from which information is commonly dispatched and to which TIS Agents and Intel Officers are expected to actively contribute. Typically not seen outside of their assignment, TIS Coordinators often act as Handlers for sensitive operations and may sometimes issue additional directives, but are extremely unlikely to handle matters in person, using trusted Special Agents instead.
Director - RADM. The Director of the TIS is, as the name implies, the person in charge of the general direction of the agency and is a member of the UAAC Admiralty Board. Due to the nature of the service, their identity remains obscure to practically everyone within the Agency and only known to a few outside of it and as such meeting them in person is practically impossible unless one is also a member of the UAAC Admiralty. The Director handles business through their Coordinators and it is through them that regular servicemen of both the UAAC and the USCM are most likely to ever interact.


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