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== Fleets ==
== Fleets ==
(insignias credited to Naut)
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| Stationed in Eridani, with the expansion beyond the Sol System the Second Fleet served as the forefront for what would be known as the inner-colonies. The Fleet would gain notorious fame for its actions during the Tientsin campaign and has been regarded as the most experienced of the Fleets for coming out the least harmed however there has been blame for utilizing the Third Fleet as a shield for the damage in order to usurp the glory.
| Stationed in Eridani, with the expansion beyond the Sol System the Second Fleet served as the forefront for what would be known as the inner-colonies. The Fleet would gain notorious fame for its actions during the Tientsin campaign and has been regarded as the most experienced of the Fleets for coming out the least harmed however there has been blame for utilizing the Third Fleet as a shield for the damage in order to usurp the glory.
!{{Anchor|Others}} 3rd Fleet
!{{Anchor|Others}} 3rd Fleet [[File:third-fleet (1).png|thumb|left|200px]]
| Stationed in Herculis, the Third Fleet has been primarily tasked with the defense of the outer-most colonies and the suppression of the Colonial Liberation Front agitations. A majority of the fleet suffers from retrofitted vessels and outdated weaponry due to major damage taken during a surprise attack in the Tientsin Campaign and reluctance of additional funding due to the unimportance of the outer-colonies compared to that of Sol.
| Stationed in Herculis, the Third Fleet has been primarily tasked with the defense of the outer-most colonies and the suppression of the Colonial Liberation Front agitations. A majority of the fleet suffers from retrofitted vessels and outdated weaponry due to major damage taken during a surprise attack in the Tientsin Campaign and reluctance of additional funding due to the unimportance of the outer-colonies compared to that of Sol.

Revision as of 05:57, 19 May 2020

United States Colonial Marines


The USCM is divided into three overarching branches, called the Marine Space Forces: Sol, overseeing the core colonies and earth, the largest of the three; Eridani, operating among the Chinese and American colonised arms; Herculis, going through the Anglo-Japanese arms and the outer fringes. While each branch operates independently, all are responsible for protecting American space and working together in that goal. There is also a fourth group, the Reserves, which is stationed mostly on earth and serves to reinforce the other branches.

Marine Space Force, Herculis, Chinook 91 GSO station is a military space station in geosynchronous orbit around the colony world Georgia 525 (70 Ophiuchi A V), and is the headquarters for the Herculis branch of the USCM. Under its control are the 4th Colonial Marine Division, 4th Colonial Marine Brigade, 4th Aerospace Wing, and 1st Colonial Support Group of the USCM. Chinook 91 reports directly to O'Neill station in Earth-Lunar space. Tithonis Mountain on Bernice 378 is another large garrison of USCM troops, such as the 1st Colonial Support Group, and there are more minor garrisons along the Anglo-Japanese arm. The 2nd battalion of the 4th brigade, the Falling Falcons, and the USS Almayer are stationed in Herculis.


(insignias credited to Naut)

1st Fleet
Stationed in Sol, often regarded as ‘Sol’s Fist’ the First Fleet is the oldest space fleet beneath the Aerospace Force. Officially commissioned during the early establishment of the first Mars Colonies, the First Fleet is celebrated as the old guard among the Space Force serving in some of its most vital and early anti-piracy campaigns. They are known for being awarded the highest budget due to its priority over the homeworld.
2nd Fleet Stationed in Eridani, with the expansion beyond the Sol System the Second Fleet served as the forefront for what would be known as the inner-colonies. The Fleet would gain notorious fame for its actions during the Tientsin campaign and has been regarded as the most experienced of the Fleets for coming out the least harmed however there has been blame for utilizing the Third Fleet as a shield for the damage in order to usurp the glory.
3rd Fleet
Third-fleet (1).png
Stationed in Herculis, the Third Fleet has been primarily tasked with the defense of the outer-most colonies and the suppression of the Colonial Liberation Front agitations. A majority of the fleet suffers from retrofitted vessels and outdated weaponry due to major damage taken during a surprise attack in the Tientsin Campaign and reluctance of additional funding due to the unimportance of the outer-colonies compared to that of Sol.



The USS Almayer, an Arikara-class patrol transport, was christened in 2171 but designed in the 2150s during a increased need for patrol craft in deep space. The first Arikara-class patrol transports were constructed in the 2160s, and the USS Almayer was the 4th ship in the class produced. The USS Almayer was constructed in the Heinlein Memorial Shipyards located above the earth’s moon for low gravity workstations. The main advantages of the Arikara patrol transport over other forms of transports and combat ships is its small footprint and rapid response time. However, the marines that serve aboard these patrol transports are either volunteer forces or conscripted to their long voyages in outer territories where most luxuries do not exist.

The USS Almayer underwent a Block 78A retrofit in 2178, which replaced many of the sensors and maintenance areas. Along with that, due to rising tensions between the company and various outer rim colonies, a need arose to include a corporate representative onboard. While the sum for this service was never officially disclosed, the USS Almayer was equipped with an office for a company representative and sent to patrol corporate outer-rim colonies. For more information on the USS Almayer head here.


The USCM was created following the passing of The National Security Act of 2101 authorizing the formal formation of four combat divisions and four aerospace wings, plus the support services organic to these formations. It's task primarily was the defense of the growing colonial frontiers of the United States government during the Great Space Race involving the three major powers of Sol attempting to spread their grasp across the stars. The marines would serve as primarily a defensive and reactionary force rather then an offensive one.

It would not be until after the Sol Campaign that the American military and government would make use of the USCM as a offensive might to wrest control of the colonial frontier through force. Having their Mars and Sol colonial assets shaken due to UPP proxy funding and igniting of civil unrest that led to a full sized conflict costing thousands in Sol, a severe scare befell the UA involving the belief that a similar fate would befall the American colonies which were farther from the reach of the standard army. The belief quickly led to the rapid mobilization and armament of the USCM along with the adaption of unrestricted military doctrine on civilian colonies. The result would cause the ignition of the Tientsin campaign.

The Tientsin campaign would become the USCM's first offensive deployment, tasked with retaking the colony of Tientsin whose colonial government had been overthrown in a social coup supported by the Union Of Progressive People in 2165. The number of marines would peak at 240,000 active combat Marines and over a dozen combat warships resulting in one of the largest conflicts fought between two major super-powers in decades. Eventually both sides would withdraw after the usage of nuclear weaponry, devastating the colonial population and leaving scars that would echo and become rallying calls for future colonies against falling under the banner of either power.

By 2179 the number of active combat marines had dropped to 165,000, with a further 50,000 in reserve stretched across the three sectors of Sol, Eridani, and Herculis. The USCM finds itself locked in a war on insurgency mainly in Herculis with everyday seeing another colony on the frontiers go dark due to an unseen enemy, or another colony declaring itself independent and aligning itself with the loose conglomerate known as the Colonial Liberation Front. As a result of the growing concerns during the Cold War against the UPP, most military funding has been directed inwards to Sol and the inner colonies of Eridani, leaving much of the USCM forces and warships in Herculis either outdated or retrofitted. The situation only continues to grow worse with new enemies appearing daily and insufficient funding and manpower to meet the threat head-on.


Sol Campaign

Regarded as one of the largest wars humanity has seen since the Great Wars of the early 21st century, the Sol War was the first major interstellar war fought between the colonial government of Mars secretly backed by the UPP against the UA and RESS forces to overthrow their administrative grasp on the massive colony. The total casualties still remain unaccounted for to this day but estimates fall into the high millions and thousands of naval vessels lost while trying to take control of space above and secure vital naval ports.

Most casualties are accredited due to failure to adapt more modern military doctrine when dealing with multi-planetary conflict. The first wave of reinforcements sent to put down the Mars Rebellion resulted in the loss of over 300,000 soldiers in the first week due to poor coordination, failure to disable planetary anti-warship batteries, and fighting against an enemy on their homeland and home space. As a result, Mars forces were able to mobilize defenses across the colonies, creating what was anticipated to be a quick war into a long grueling conflict stretching over four long years.

The War eventually came to a close with the capital of both UA and RESS colonies' captured and colonial government leaders subdued. However, the scars would remain even to the modern day with major humanitarian issues, children of dead families caught in the conflict, and a still recovering economy. Mars was permitted to create its own self-defense force in order to present them a sign of friendship however it remains severely underfunded with a limit of how many naval vessels and soldiers it may keep in its rosters.

Cristobal Massacre

Recap.... bal bla bla bla. For more information on the Cristobal Massacre.

Tientsin Campaign

The Tientsin Campaign was the first major conflict the USCM were deployed into since the Sol Campaign pressured congress to bolster their funding and recruitment. The colony world of Tientsin suffered from a socialist-led coup resulting in the overthrowing of the UA-supported government and the installment of a pro-UPP regime. American Government and USCM High Command, already haboring a deep distrust in the colonies wasted no effort in mobilizing and deploying a massive task-force dedicated with retaking the colony by force. The UPP also, not desiring to lose the opportunity to get their hands on a rich colonial world deployed their own task-force, resulting in the first major engagement between the two super-powers since the start of the Cold-War.

The Campaign was extremely bloody, most notably for the civilians caught in the crossfire. The USCM had already gained a sour reputation among colonial worlds due to rumored massacring of civilians, there was also a deep disliking of the colonies by veteran officers who had served in the Sol Campaign. They foresaw Tientsin as the second Sol Campaign and therefore permitted marines off the record to fight unrestricted, regardless of civilian life caught on the battlefield in order to prevent such a disaster from ever occuring in American history a second time. Some historians argue these cruel stances by high command as a result of nervousness and desire to protect more American lives, however others saw it as a sole desire to uphold American hegemony through an iron fist.

The end resulted in the usage of nuclear weapons and withdrawl of both of the UPP And USCM forces after years of battle. The conflict failed to see a result with most of the colony now in ruins and referred to 'unusable'. After the full withdrawl a humanitarian relief force was assembled and said to have been sent to aid those left in the aftermath. However, little money actually went to the relief force. In the end after the media had blown over it was eventually disbanded and the planet left on its own. The disaster quickly became the first rallying call for a rise to action with the belief of 'Fend for ourselves' mentality.



Role Description
USCM Standard Marine.png
Private | Pvt.
A Private is the youngest and newest enlisted soldier to the USCM. They typically vary in age but at most have basic training in firearms from boot-camp. Each is assigned to a marine squad within a Platoon and answers directly to their Squad Leader who is expected to guide them in the field of battle.
USCM Medic.png
Lance Corporal | LCpl.
A Lance Corporal is the second rank in any marine squad. Mostly, they consist of Privates who have proven their worth and have been recognized for surviving their first battle by listening to orders or by sheer luck. Some Lance Corporals also opt for additional training which is provided to them upon promotion, allowing for them to serve as Squad Medics.
Corporal | Cpl.
A Corporal is often the senior private of any marine squad. They are survivors of various battles and may at some point have even taken command of their own squad due to its more senior leadership being wounded or killed in combat. They are straight-forward soldiers that have proven their worth in the USCM. Some marines opt to partake in training permitting them to receive a heavy hitting M56 Smartgun.
Gl spec.png
Sergeant | Sgt.
A Sergeant is a NCO that has proved not only his combat capability but also his leadership abilities in the field of battle. These are hard-line soldiers who have survived and contributed to countless battles and USCM successes. It is not uncommon to see Sergeants placed in charge of the direction of a fireteam on the field. Some Sergeants opt for specialist training giving them access to greater and more powerful weaponry in a specific field.
Staff Sergeant | SSgt.
A Staff Sergeant is the cream of the crop within any USCM Platoon. They are the veterans and the most senior NCOs in charge of the squads assigned to them. Due to their superior combat and leadership abilities they are put in direct communication with the commanding officers of the operation and often make personal calls in the field when faced with difficult situations. One would not expect to get into a fight with a Staff Sergeant and walk out unharmed.

Military Police

Role Description
Staff Sergeant | SSGT.
The lowest of ranks in the Military Police Force. Staff Sergeants are tasked with the maintaining of the Uniform Code of Military Justice onboard any USCM vessel or military base they are assigned to. They are often deployed as companies and fall beneath a Lieutenant Commander. They are trained in the art of policing and are prepared to ensure the law is followed at any cost.
Lieutenant Commander | LCDR.
Senior Officers in the Military Police Force and commonly referred to as the Chief of Military Police, the CMPs are regarded as veterans who are trusted with command of a Military Police unit onboard USCM vessels and bases. They are responsible for reporting to the Provost Marshal should an issue arise with their assigned Commanding Officer or if a major law crisis occurs. No lawbreaker can avoid their watchful eyes.
Provost Marshal | PM.
The Provost Marshal is the highest authority any member of the Military Policing Force can achieve in their career. They are regarded as the judge, jury, and executioner and are responsible for ensuring that the Uniform Code of Military Justice is obeyed throughout the Fleet they are assigned to. Their power is unmatched and with only a signature they hold the authority to have any Commanding Officer be put under court-martial and have their military rank and authority stripped.


Role Description
Lieutenant | Lt.
A Lieutenant is the lowest rank in the officer-corps and is primarily composed of Officer Academy graduates who are trying to earn their role and recognition in the USCM. Their primary hope is to one day Captain a vessel of their own but until then their time is spent on Overwatch or maintaining the ship's systems.
Commander | Cdr.
A Commander is the second in command of any vessel they serve on, as Executive Officers they are expected to help coordinate the ship and if the Captain has a problem they are unable to deal with is incapacitated, the Executive Officer steps in to solve it and fill in as Acting Commanding Officer until the Captain is back to good health.
Captain | Cpt.
A Captain is a position given to officers who have proven their worth and abilities to be trusted as Commanding Officers of vessels of their own. They serve as the sword and shield of the Fleets. The vessel they command falls in line with a division beneath a battle-group.
Commodore | CDRE.
A Commodore is a senior position for Captains who are awaiting admiralty and have proven their dedication as an officer both to their vessel and to the Rear Admiral they serve beneath. They serve as model examples of a Captain and often advisors to Captains below them. Due to their seniority and trust by the Rear Admiral the Commodores are placed in charge of naval divisions within the battle-group and are expected to carry out the missions and orders given to them by the Rear Admiral.
Rear Admiral | RADM.
A Rear Admiral is the first step into admiralty in the officer-corps and answers directly to the Vice Admiral. There are four Rear Admirals per fleet and each are in charge of a battle-group assigned to them. They are the highest ranking authority in charge while away from Headquarters in the field and are chosen based on their quality leadership and strategic minds.
Vice Admiral | VADM.
A Vice Admiral serves directly below the Admiral and is the second step into admiralty. There are two Vice Admirals assigned to each fleet and they are given command over two of four battle-groups within the fleet they serve in. They are expected to carry out tasks given to them by the Admiral in the sector and make tactical decisions that result in the greatest benefit to the USCM.
Admiral | ADM.
An Admiral is the second highest ranking position a USCM Officer can achieve. There are three at a time in the USCM and are each stationed in the primary headquarters of the sector they are in charge of. They are tasked with coordinating and organizing one of the three fleets designated to them and are responsible for all military matters pertaining to their designated fleet's sector and are expected to report to the Fleet Admiral.
Fleet Admiral | FADM.
The Fleet Admiral is the highest ranking officer in the USCM. They are tasked with overseeing all three sectors and fleets of the USCM and are responsible for coordinating defensive and offensive measures against any movement that would be perceived as a threat to the United States


Factions Connections
USCM Patch.png UPP The Union of Progressive People and the United Americas have been locked in a Cold War for decades. Since the end of the Great Space Race and military conflicts such as the Sol Campaign and Tientsin Camaign, movement and amassing of military forces along borders has not been uncommon. Various skrimishes between the two are common but undisclosed to the public as the result could escalate into a full-scale nuclear war.
USCM Patch.png CLF The Colonial Liberation Front are the USCM's primary enemy Tychon's Rift Sector, opposing the American Government which they believe have long since abandoned the colonies. As a result, they wage a fierce guerrilla war on the Marine forces. Although under-equipped and undermanned compared to their marine enemy, they have made up for such lacking with strategic hit-and-run tactics which have proved devastating in the war of attrition with the under-funded USCM forces in the sector.
USCM Patch.png Freelancers The Freelancers since their appearance in the Tychon's Rift Sector have served as both a blessing and a annoyance to the USCM. While there have been recorded instances of the Freelancers supporting depleted USCM forces against rebellious colonies, the mercenaries love money. And for the USCM, that is not something possessed in great numbers, creating the worry rebelling colonial worlds will bolster their forces with the mercenaries.
USCM Patch.png Weston-Yamada The USCM purchases equipment from Weston Yamada in great numbers and is very close allies with its founding country the Third-World-Empire. However, suspicions continue to be raised surrounding the disappearance of USCM vessels and colonies on the far frontiers and traces have continued to lead to Weston-Yamada itself, straining relations intensely.
USCM Patch.png RESS ????


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