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Revision as of 17:39, 30 October 2017 by TopHatPenguin (talk | contribs)

This is a compact table list of frequently asked questions and unique CM server features that you may want to learn. If you have a question that is not covered by this article, please Ahelp in-game and a member of the staff will assist you.

What you'd like to know: How To:

This section contains the general information that is useful for both teams:

Gamemodes and Maps

Infestation The infestation gamemode is Aliens vs Marines, this gamemode ends upon the eradication of one side. Custom events started by admins can sometimes take place during this mode.This is the default gamemode of CM.
Hunter Games The Hunter Games gamemode is split into two modes, the first one being a deathmatch style with random weapons scattered about and after a ceratin amount of time everyone is told to head to the nexus if they don't they'll be killed by the hellhounds which are spawned in.(Note that hellhounds are not allowed to go into the nexus.). The second mode is where there are still weapons scattered about and it is still a free for all deathmatch however rp is encouraged due to how multiple 'tribes' are spawned in at certain areas of the designated map to play on. From there the tribes can go to war, conduct diplomacy, execute their prisoners of war, go looting etc. Nearing round end the remaining players of the tribes are told to get to more of a 'There can be Only One' styled of gameplay, with the last player standing wins. This is a gamemode that needs one of the heads of staff to be online in order to play this mode properly. Remember, this is a gamemode that can only be playable from round start.
Whiskey Outpost During the Whiskey Outpost gamemode you play as one of the dust raiders who were previously in charge of 'keeping the peace' in the tychons rift sector.The aim of the mode is for the dust raiders to hold the outpost for as long as possible (Until Wave 10) against the xenomorph hordes, the game ends if either the aliens annihilated the dust raider marines or the dust raiders survived 10 waves against the xenomorphs. Requires one of the heads of staff to be online in order to play. Take note that after the round starts, you cannot late join onto the marine side and as such are forced to observe or play as a xeno.
Extended Gamemode The Extended gamemode does appear in CM, but they are reserved for admin-related events only.
Maps Colonial Marines has 5 maps. The foggy, tropical warzone colony of Lazarus Landing in Planet LV-624. The harsh, cold winter enviroment of Ice Colony. The modern, hot areas of the Big-Red. The everfloating, yet confusing Prison ship. And the soon-to-be overrun Whiskey Outpost.


How to look up or down a ladder Click and drag the ladder sprite onto your character, to cancel this view you can either walk away from the ladder or you can go into the OOC tab and click "Cancel camera view".

Setup Character

The WO Role The WO role is a custom preference for the map Whiskey Outpost (WO). If you have it set to yes, you may be chosen to become a Doctor or Commander on that map instead of a standard grunt.

Interacting with the map

How to climb over obstacles Click and drag your character onto the obstacle and you'll start to climb onto it. A example of an obstacle being a window frame, table and barricade.


Turning off xenomorph preference Go to the preference tab for verbs (top right) and click on toggle "specialrolecandidacy" and select xeno. After you've done this you'll have disabled your xenomorph preference meaning that you won't be placed into a larva body.

This section contains information for marine players:


How to throw a grenade down or up a ladder Click on a ladder with the grenade in your hand. Don't prime it. This'll throw the grenade down or up the ladder primed, so always remember to not prime a grenade when you want to use it on a ladder.
How to throw a flare up or down a ladder Activate the flare in your hand so that it's providing light then click on the ladder and you'll drop it up or down the ladder.


Tactical Reload You can "tactically reload" your weapon with a magazine. Hold your weapon in your active hand and then drag a magazine onto that weapon.
Reloading weapon attachments You can reload weapons attachments by toggling the attachment on, then feeding the attachment with its relevant ammo type. Underbarrel grenade launchers take M40 HEDP grenades, masterkeys take buckshot shells, and underbarrel flamethrowers take flamethrower tanks.
Refilling Incinerator Tanks Incinerator tanks can be refilled with a welding tank once fully empty.
Reloading Heavy Weapons (Smartgun and SADAR) You can only reload Heavy Weapons by standing still, as moving will inturrupt your reload.


Grenade Throwing Priming a grenade automatically sets it to throw. Just prime and click; toggling the throw button after that will mean the grenade stays in your hand when you click, which is probably not what you intended.
Mounting Emplacements You can mount the m56d emplacements by clicking and dragging them onto your sprite.
Abilities: Orders The "issue order" verb in the IC tab lets leaders (Squad Leader and LT+) issue an order (temporary buff) to marines around them. To read more about the order ability click here.
Friendly on Fire You can help put someone out if they're on fire by using help intent and clicking on them with an empty hand.
Using a rail scope. There are multiple ways to use the rail scope. You can toggle your scope with this ui button: Activate-Weapon-Attachment.png, or you can make a macro for this action by using the command .click activate-weapon-attachment
Pumping a shotgun. There are multiple ways to pump a shotgun. You can pump your shotgun with this ui button: Use-Unique-Action.png, or you can make a macro for this action by using the command .click use-unique-action


Squad Hud As a non-combat role, you are able to see the squad HUD by toggling it to enabled, by right clicking your headset.
Medical Hud: HoloCards You can use the medHUD to add a visible holocard onto someone by shift-clicking them and using the holocard option at the bottom of their examine description.
Intercomms and Headsets You can directly speak into an intercom without having to enable it by prepending your text with :i. For example, ' :i I'm speaking into an intercom. '

Note that all radio channels and how to use them with a headset can be found here.

Removing Facepaint Pick up a piece of paper, target the mouth and click on yourself.
Mutinying Mutinies are allowed, but should only be reserved for extreme situations. To follow the correct procedure so that you aren't banned while attempting one check out the rules page.


Containers and you You can view the insides of a container (backpack, belt, armor, etc) by clicking and dragging it onto your sprite. This works for containers on the floor or equipped on you.
Helmets and you Your helmet can take two tiny items into it, and your armour can take two small items or weapon magazines into it.


Stripping Attachments The "field strip weapon" verb in the weapons tab lets you take off all attachments from a weapon you are holding.

This section contains information for xenomorph players:

Capturing Hosts

Devouring You can devour a host by grabbing them and clicking on yourself.

Evolving and Upgrading

Evolving When you evolve as a xeno it means you evolve yourself to the next tier of caste. An example being a runner evolving to a hunter.
Upgrading When you upgrade as a xeno it means some of your stats are increased, this carries on until you reach the last upgrade tier which is ancient. Note that once you upgrade you cannot evolve to a higher xenomorph caste tier.


Checking if slashing is enabled/disabled Click on the stats tab, once open it'll be clearly displayed in that tab whether or not slashing is enabled/disabled.
How to knock over vendors Use grab intent (the yellow square on the intent wheel) and click on the vendor.
How to clear snow Use grab intent (the yellow square on the intent wheel) and click on the snow.