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Revision as of 08:04, 18 May 2020 by Vampmare (talk | contribs)




Britain's economy is bought out by Japan after declaring Full Bankruptcy. The two nations Royal Families marry into each other to cement the nations new unity. This leads to a a new nation being formed known as "Royal Empire of Shining Sun". The foundation of the new nation reverts itself to feudalism, with the Monarch at its head. This drastic change is grounded in the belief that the old ways were deemed failures and drastic change was needed to avoid bankruptcy.


Terraforming begins on Earth's moon Luna, first headed by Joint Anglo-Japanese Corporation known as "Weston-Yamada". Nations from around the globe will send their best and brightest families to establish colonies on the surface over the next 10 years, rapidly expanding as a flood of rare minerals are found beneath the planets surface drawing in a high demand for people seeking riches mining the surface and supporting the growing infrastructure required to maintain the mining efforts. In many ways it mirrors the Westward expansion of the United States in the 1800's, just more culturally separated as nations carve out their own slices of land. Still, things remain peaceful with no blood shed for many many years.


The American based company Thiokol-Rockwell invents the first FTL Drive. Weston-Yamada in partnership with many other engineering business as well as Thiokol-Rockwell announces their intent to build ships with this engine to colonize planets beyond the Sol solar system.


Waypoint Station begins constructed in Earth orbit as an international project with even the Soviets and Chinese participating in the effort. The station is to act as a checkpoint and hub for travel between Earth and the growing outer solar system colonies. Large cargo is still handled by individual countries in their own ways.


With the incredible growth of FTL travel colonization has expanded beyond what had been expected. To protect their interests beyond the stars many governments look to forming their own Colonial Military Forces. The first is the United States of America, taking from the best of the United States current branches The National Security Act of 2101 establishes the United States Colonial Marines as a department of the Space Force. After initial recruitment their number would total 160,000 uniformed combat personal.


In celebration of the strength and unity of communist nations on earth and their progress in forming joint colonies rivaling the UA and RESS, the Soviet Union and China along with their many puppet nations officially join together to form the Union of Progressive Peoples. This is the official statement, in reality it is a bid from the communist nations in an attempt to become relevant again and compete with UA and RESS.


Hadley's Hope colony is established on Acheron LV-426.

The Arikara-class patrol transport vessel is designed and begins manufacture for use by the USCM. 10 of these ships will be made in the next decade including the USS Almayer


The Sol Campaign


The Cristobal Massacre takes place, leading to growing tensions in the colonies. In a Desert Storm style operation USCM forces are deployed to Cristobal and swiftly take down a colonial freedom fighter who had lead a colonial militia and convinced the planet to declare its independence. The resulting massacre is largely covered up with official number of dead colonists tallying up to 258, when in reality thousands of non-violent civilans had been murdered. Back in the sol system no one takes notice or cares, but in the colonies many take this as their time to go more underground or to come out to the light and start fighting.


The Tientsin campaign is fought by the USCM against colonial secessionists attempting to join the UPP. Man power is drawn from other branches with the peak number of troops at any one time hitting 549,500 strong with over 9 million serving in total. Due to the Jungle climate and familiar danger and enemy tactics the conflict is nicknamed "Space Nam". Fighting will last several years.


USS Almayer is retrofitted. Upgrades included: sensor updates, implementation of the ARES AI system, expansion of troop capacity from 2 to 4 squads, a rearrangement of upper deck space with the addition of a Corporate Liaison Office, all engines being placed on the lower deck, new models of the UD-4 Dropship, Stocks of the M41 Mk2 pulse rifle and L42 Carbines.

The Almayer is redeployed to begin patrolling Corporate funded outer-rim colonies in UA space along the Anglo-Japanese boarder.









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