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Colonial Liberation Front

To some, the Colonial Liberation Front (Also known as Free Colonist) are the militia to keep the peace, to others they're rebels who oppose the USCM in the Tychon's Rift Sector. As a member of the CLF you fight for freedom against the United Americas, who foolishly believe that your homes belong to them.

An increasingly powerful rebellion of angry colonists and extremists. The CLF have taken up arms against the USCM over fears that the government is no longer able to keep them safe. Particularly angry over the suppression of worker strikes, liberal application of force against them in the past, and the increasing disappearance and loss of colonies from various hostiles, many of these homegrown terrorists and freedom fighters seek to cause as much destruction and mayhem as possible. In just a year since their original creation, they have exploded in size. Exact numbers are unclear, but it is rumored they now surpass the 150,000 active members of the USCM in quantity.


The Colonial Liberation Front or Free Colonist (approx. one-hundred and fifty-thousand fighters, active) were formed due to massive dislike towards the United Americas government and the USCM forces, and the perceived lack of the USCM in being able to protect the frontier from pirates and other threats, and for a time the frontier felt a degree of safety and security due to the lack of any USCM presence.

In 2181, the situation changed as the United Americas moved the USCM Battalion, the 'Dust Raiders', and their flagship the USS Alistoun, to the sector.

There was a decent amount of death and hardship, even when the Dust Raiders were in the Tychon Rift Sector, and as such the CLF feel the USCM can't protect them. In this regard some could call them a militia that protects their neighbouring colonies, however they also want to fight for their freedom, so they're a rebel group in that regard. Previously there was an armed insurgency against the Dust Raiders, including a suicide attack by a Cargo Freighter called the USCSS Corrinus that collided with the USS Alistoun killing a handful of Dust Raider marines along with rupturing the cyro-storage section and damaging the engines, most likely by a more radical element according to sources at the time. As a direct result of these events, the Dust Raiders used bombardments and other aggressive methods to try and quell the insurgency and restore order, however this led to a high civilian casualty rate.

Eventually by the end of 2181, the Dust Raiders, with their flagship the USS Alistoun, withdrew from the sector, with many colonists considering themselves free from governmental rule.

Nine years later, in 2190, the arrival of the USCM Battalion, the 'Falling Falcons', and their flagship, the USS Almayer, have reaffirmed that the United Americas considers Tychon's Rift part of their holdings.

It is up to the CLF to make them realize that they are trespassers, that the sector is no longer theirs.



Role Description
CLF Standard.png
Colonial Liberation Front Standard
A CLF Militia soldier with varying degrees of equipment. Spawning in with a random selection of weaponry and equipment, what the CLF standard lacks in equipment they make up for in spirit, and numbers. Armed with either knives or assault rifles, what ever they have, they have to use it.
CLF Medic.png
Colonial Liberation Front Medic
Poorly equipped CLF Militia medics compared to their USCM counter parts yet capable enough to do their job. The CLF Medic's job is to keep the enthusiastic CLF members alive that tiny bit longer. Usually armed with a pistol of sorts and if they're lucky, an SMG to dispatch any would be foes from harming your comrades.
CLF Leader.png
Colonial Liberation Front Leader
The CLF Militia team leader is tasked with ensuring their assault force can execute the goals of the CLF. Though the rest of the gang may have a mismatch of equipment, the CLF Militia team leader has the most "standard issued" equipment produced by the CLF. The full set of a colonial militia hauberk and a fancy beret to let your troops know who's in charge. Armed with any sort of fire arm and some C4 to punch holes into anything that stands in your way.


Factions Connections
USCM Patch.png UPP ???.
USCM Patch.png CLF ???
USCM Patch.png Freelancers ???
USCM Patch.png Weston-Yamada ???
USCM Patch.png RESS ????


Major Factions
Minor Factions