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Marine Equipment

From CM-SS13 - Wiki

"I'm ready, man. Check it out! I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do not want to fuck with me. Check it out! Hey, Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out. Independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. WHAP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase plasma pulse rifles, RPGs. We got sonic, electronic ball-breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks..." - Private Hudson, Aliens

The Colonial Marines are equipped with the best equipment around, well with what a couple thousand credits can buy, at least. They have a load-out of a lot of equipment.

Standard Marine Weapons

The marines get the choice of five weapons. They range from a pistol to a heavy M41A. The marines are equipped with guns for any situation they encounter, no matter what the threat will be. When using any weapon it is best to aim for the chest. This is because in case you accidentally hit a marine with a stray bullet they will take less damage. On a side note, aiming for the head only increases damage against ravagers. Unless you are 1v1ing a ravager, always aim at the chest because aiming anywhere else results in an accuracy penalty (that stacks with other ones). Armor Piercing ammo is unique in that it does moderately less damage overall in exchange for increased armor penetration. It is only effective against armored foes. Using it against unarmored foes will result in a large drop in damage instead. It also has a very high chance to break bones and rupture internal organs, which is ineffective against xenos but extremely deadly against humans. All of the standard marine weapons listed here (with the exception of the M44 Revolver) comes either in standard variant or snow variant.

Weapon: Description:
M4A3 Service Pistol
This is one of two pistols that the marines have a choice to take. It is a reliable fallback weapon and it uses 9mm pistol ammo with the magazine holding 12 bullets. All Staff Officers start with one, including 2 Extended Magazines and a Hollowpoint Magazine.

Ammunition: M4A3 Standard Magazine | M4A3 Extended Magazine | M4A3 Armour Piercing Magazine | M4A3 Hollowpoint Magazine | M4A3 Incendiary Magazine

M44 Revolver
This revolver is the standard side arm for military officers but is also available as a alternative sidearm for marines. The revolver deals significantly more damage per round than the M4A3. It uses .44 rounds and holds 7 bullets. The Executive Officer is issued with one.

Ammunition: M44 Speed Loader | M44 Marksman Speed Loader | M44 PW-MX Speed Loader

M39 Submachine Gun
This is the standard sub-machine gun. A mediocre firearm that is useful for support marines, such as medics, engineers or specialists with heavy weapons. It is also possible to be used in conjunction with a riot shield. It uses 10x20mm SMG rounds, and holds 48 bullets. This weapon can also load armour piercing, extended, and incendiary ammunition. Has burst-fire capabilities.

Ammunition: M39 Magazine | M39 Extended Magazine | M39 Armour Piercing Magazine | M39 Incendiary Magazine

M41A Mk2 Pulse Rifle
This is the standard issue pulse rifle used by many military forces around the universe. A reliable, robust and overall effective standard issue weapon. The M41A must be held in two hands to fire. It uses 10mm special rifle rounds and a standard magazine holds 40 rounds. Unlike the M41A Mk1 which holds 95 rounds the Mk2 only holds 40 rounds but offers the user greater capabilities to customize their weapon with attachments.

There are also extended magazines available. Has burstfire capabilities and it comes equipped with a 2-shot grenade launcher which can't be reloaded once all shots are used.

Ammunition: M41A Magazine | M41A Extended Magazine | M41A Armour Piercing Magazine | M41A Incendiary Magazine

M37A2 Pump Shotgun
Shotgun utilized by USCM Marines. This weapon is powerful in close quarters combat and is capable of killing even the strongest of hostile targets. This is in addition to its good chance to outright stun enemies if you fire at them at very close range. It is, however, difficult to use as the shotgun has to be cocked after ever time its fired. Ammo management can be difficult as well.

It uses shotgun slugs or buckshot shells and can hold 8 rounds plus a 9th in the chamber. You can take out a handful (5) shell into your hand and use these to rapidly reload your shotgun. Its highly recommended you set up a macro to pump your shotgun.

Ammunition: Slug Rounds | Buckshot Rounds | Incendiary Slug Rounds

M11 Combat Bayonet
A sharp cutting tool that can be hidden in your marine combat boots. Very useful for cutting through materials, but it should only to be used as a last resort against enemies. In case of being devoured it can be used to cut your way out of an Alien. Applying cable coil to its grip allows the knife to be used as a regular Bayonet Attachment.
M2132 Machete
Latest issue of the USCM Machete. Unlike the Combat Bayonet, this cannot slide on to marine boots, but it can fit on to your waist. Great for clearing out jungle or brush on outlying colonies. Found commonly in the hands of scouts and trackers, but difficult to carry with the usual kit. It comes with a scabbard which can fit on to your back. It's only available in Cargo's munition vendors.

Standard Marine Ammo

Pistol Ammo

The ammo for both the M4A3 Pistol and the M44 Revolver.

Ammunition: Description:
M4A3 Magazine
Holds twelve (12) 9mm pistol rounds.
M4A3 Extended Magazine
Holds twenty two (22) 9mm pistol rounds. Holds more ammunition than the standard magazines.
M4A3 Armour Piercing Magazine
Holds twelve (12) 9mm pistol rounds. Has better armour penetration, but lower overall damage.
M4A3 Hollow Point
Holds twelve (12) 9mm pistol rounds. Has lower overall penetration but better damage.
M4A3 Incendiary Magazine
Holds twelve (12) 9mm pistol Incendiary rounds. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round.
M44 Speed Loader
Holds seven (7) .44 rounds.
M44 Marksman Speed Loader
Holds seven (7) .44 rounds. Has better armour penetration, but lower overall damage.
M44 PW-MX speed Loader
Holds seven (7) .44 rounds. Has better overall damage, but lower penetration.

Submachine Gun Ammo

The ammo for both the M39 SMG and the M39B/2 SMG.

Ammunition: Description:
M39 Magazine
Holds forty eight (48) 10x20mm rounds.
M39 Extended Magazine
Holds forty eight (48) 10x20mm rounds.
M39 Armour Piercing Magazine
Holds forty eight (48) 10x20mm AP rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.
M39 Incendiary Magazine
Holds forty eight (48) 10x20mm Incendiary rounds. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round.

Rifle Ammo

The ammo for the M41A Mk2 Pulse Rifle, M4RA Battle Rifle and M41A/2 Battle Rifle.

Ammunition: Description:
M41A Magazine
Holds forty (40) 10mm rifle rounds.
M41A Extended Magazine
Holds sixty (60) 10mm rifle rounds.
M41A Armour Piercing Magazine
Holds forty (40) 10mm AP rifle rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.
M41A Incendiary Magazine
Holds forty (40) 10mm Incendiary rifle rounds. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round.

Shotgun Ammo

The ammo for all shotgun weapons.

Ammunition: Description:
Slug Rounds
Single Slug Projectile. Effective in ranged combat. Armor piercing. Lesser damage.
Buckshot Rounds
Fires multiple small projectiles. Powerful in close range. Massive damage, Rapid damage fall-off at range. 4 meter range. Fires in a 15 degree radius.
Incendiary Slug Rounds
Single Slug Projectile. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round. Rare, only found in the plantside armory.

Specialist Marine Weapons

These marine weapons are weapons, or weapon systems, that only the Specialist has access to.

Weapon: Description:
M42A Scoped rifle.png
M42A Scoped Rifle
Scout or Sniper Loadout only. A high power sniper rifle, this weapon deals a considerable amount of damage per bullet and is capable of attacking and hitting targets at extreme ranges. It comes equipped with a high power scope allowing the user a wide range of vision. This weapon is limited to seven rounds per magazine. A very obvious and loud firing noise and that it is ineffective in close range combat as bullets fired too close to the user will miss.

Ammunition: M42A Marksman Magazine | M42A Flak Magazine | M42A Incendiary Magazine

M92 Grenade Launcher
Heavy Grenadier Loadout only. A midpoint between a shotgun and the rocket launcher, the grenade launcher is a two-handed weapon that can hold and fire up to five grenades of any variety. This weapon also has a inbuilt auto-lock system preventing the fired grenades from detonating if they hit a target that is too close to the weapon handler.

Ammunition: M40 HEDP Grenade | M15 Fragmentation Grenade | M40 HIDP Incendiary Grenade | M40 HSDP Smoke Grenade

SADAR Rocket Launcher
Demolitionist Loadout only. A reloadable, single shot rocket launcher. This weapon carries the most powerful and deadliest ordnance available to marine infantry in the form of either High Explosive, Armour Piercing, or White Phosphorus 84mm rockets. Where HE rockets are effective against tight groups of hostile targets, the AP rockets deal little actual splash damage but they deal immense damage to a single target. Unlike the grenade launcher SADAR ammo is more scarce, as well as the SADAR being more unwieldy to employ. Its not actually homing and its reusable but the user must stay still while reloading. Comes loaded with a HE rocket. It cannot be fired on the Almayer.

Ammunition: High Explosive (HE) Rocket | Anti-Armor (AA or AP) Rocket | Phosphorous (PHS) Rocket

Specialist Marine Ammo

Scoped Rifle Ammo

The 10x28mm ammo variants for the M42A Scoped Rifle.

Ammunition: Description:
M42A Marksmen Magazine
Holds seven (7) 10x28mm Caseless sniper rounds.
M42A Flak Magazine
Holds seven (7) 10x28mm Flak sniper rounds. Upon impact with the target, the round will split into multiple small projectiles.
M42A Incendiary Magazine
Holds seven (7) 10x28mm Incendiary sniper rounds. Will set ablaze any and all targets hit with this round.

Grenades and Grenade Launcher Ammo

The grenades that the Grenade Launcher can use. But it can also be used as regular grenades.

Ammunition: Description:
M40 HEDP.png
M40 HEDP Grenade
Exploding in a 3x3 radius, these Grenades also have the potential to damage nearby walls. Take care when using near structures leading to space or even near your own marines! Both the Demolition Specialist and Heavy Grenader Specialist has these grenades in their vendors at round start. More can be ordered in Cargo.
M15 Fragmentation Grenade
An outdated USCM Fragmentation Grenade. With decades of service in the USCM, the old M15 Fragmentation Grenade is slowly being replaced with the slightly safer M40 HEDP. It is set to detonate in 4 seconds. Slightly better radius than the M40 HEDP. Available in explosives crates.
M40 HIDP Incendiary Grenade
Exploding in a 3x3 radius, incendiary grenades are a powerful area of denial weapon that can deal immense damage to a hostile target if its caught in the fire. Difference with this grenade is that its effects linger for a while making it useful in keeping Xenomorphs back. Engineers start with 2 of these in their vendors at round start.
Smoke grenade.png
M40 HSDP Smoke Grenade
Standard issue USCM smoke grenade, does what it says on the tin. Primarily useful to deal with insurgents in colonies or potential hostile boarders. Squad Leaders start with 2 smoke grenades in their vendors at round start.

Rocket Launcher Ammo

The 84mm rocket variants for the SADAR Rocket Launcher.

Ammunition: Description:
File:SADAR HE.png
High Explosive (HE) Rocket
Deals damage and stuns in a 4 meter wide area. Deals little additional damage on direct hit with a target. Ineffective against heavily armoured targets.
File:SADAR AP.png
Anti-Armor (AA or AP) Rocket
Deals massive damage to any target hit directly by the rocket. Deals very little to no splash damage. Rocket MUST hit a target directly to do damage. Very effective against heavily armoured targets.
File:SADAR PHS.png
Phosphorous (PHS) Rocket
Generates very high heat levels on target. High heat will generally kill any Alien hit directly, as well as deal heat damage to anyone nearby for a extended period, human or otherwise. Effective against heavily armoured targets.

Restricted Marine Weapons

These marine weapons are uncommon and usually are only used by specialists, high ranking marine officers or select personal.

Weapon: Description:
M4A3 Commander Pistol
Unique variant of the M4A3 issued and only used by the Commander. Has a unique sprite but is otherwise identical to a M4A3. It starts loaded with hollow-point rounds and an AP magazine can be found in the Commander's quarters.

Ammunition: M4A3 Standard Magazine | M4A3 Extended Magazine | M4A3 Armour Piercing Magazine | M4A3 Hollowpoint Magazine | M4A3 Incendiary Magazine

88 Mod 4
A powerful sidearm issued mainly to Weyland-Yutani response teams, but also issued to the USCM in small numbers. Based on the original VP70 more than a century ago. Fires 9mm armour piercing pistol rounds and is capable of 3-round burst.<rr>It is typically used by Specialists employing the usage of the Scout Loadout, or the Corporate Liaison for self defence. It is also a standard sidearm for Weyland-Yutani PMC soldiers.

Ammunition: 9mm Armour Piercing Magazine

M56 Smartgun
The most complicated weapon available to a marine. Sadly, the Smartgun lacks any auto-tracking capabilities. It does, however, have an impressive 250 round ammo pool to draw from, an inbuilt infrared sensor allowing great visibility in low-light conditions, deals a good amount of damage per bullet with a high rate of fire, have burstfire capabilities, an automatic reloading system, and the coup de grace being that due to the gun's toggle-able complex targeting algorithms each bullet will not hit any fellow marine. This allows a smartgun operator to fire freely through a group of marines without fear of hitting them. The Smartgun requires a special harness to even lift and will automatically retract to the harness suit storage when the user is knocked down. Like the SADAR, the user must stand still while reloading.
Only Smartgunners can use this weapon, it's also available inside the Commander's secure box inside the Command Armoury.

Ammunition: M56 Power Pack

Tactical Shotgun
A unique Weyland-Yutani semi-automatic shotgun with a rapid fire rate and an attached Underslung Grenade Launcher.
Can be found in the Military Police armoury and Combat Information Centre's armoury.

Ammunition: Slug Rounds | Buckshot Rounds | Incendiary Slug Rounds

M240 Incinerator Unit
Capable of shooting flames by lighting welding fuel or the custom napalm manufacturers mix to fuel it, this weapon is capable of dealing massive damage to Xenos and Marines alike who stand in its fires. Unlike bullets, this weapon doesn't stop on the first mob hit, it can pass through metal grilles and girders, and can light narrow hallways ablaze, potentially damaging multiple enemies. Beware of friendly fire and make sure you have a Medic equipped with Kelotane or Dermaline if you decide to go this route! Fire protection is definitely something to consider as it lessens the effects of the burning liquid but it'll still hurt. The longer the enemy stands in the flames, the more they are damaged and have a chance of being set alight. Furthermore, the flamer has a high chance of setting both humans and aliens on fire, forcing them to roll to put themselves out. Be careful when you are using this weapon around friendlies, lest you doom them to a fiery grave.
In the right hands this is a powerful weapon. The tank can be refuelled only with welder fuel after you use up all of the napalm mix which came straight from the manufacturing line.
Currently, two flamers can be found in a Squad Leader's personal vendor. More flamers can be ordered from cargo.

Ammunition: M240 Incinerator Tank

M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle
Currently undergoing field testing, the M41AE2 is similar to its smaller M41A cousin. Armed with 100-round box magazines, the M41AE2 fires the same 10x24mm caseless ammunition as its relatives, albeit at a slower rate of fire. This means it is also capable of loading their (smaller) magazines in a pinch.
It can be ordered from Cargo via the WY Weapons Crate.

Ammunition: M41AE2 Magazine

M4RA Battle Rifle
An advanced prototype of the M41A and the designated marksman rifle of the USCM. Has a slower rate of fire but deals slightly more damage per round. It can also be used in burst fire mode. Uses special A19 high velocity rounds but is also backwards compatible with M41A magazines.
It can be ordered in WY weapon crates ordered by Cargo. Comes equipped with a rail scope and a M41A marksman stock.

Ammunition: A19 High Velocity Magazine | M41A Magazine | M41A Extended Magazine | M41A Armour Piercing Magazine | M41A Incendiary Magazine

M41A Mk1 Pulse Rifle
An older generation Pulse Rifle that has been phased out by the USCM. Still a popular weapon among mercenary groups and nostalgic soldiers. Holds 95 rifle rounds per magazine, but suffers from slightly less accuracy than the newer M41A Mk2.
Three rifles can be found in the command armoury on the Almayer.

Ammunition: M41A MK1 Magazine

Restricted Marine Ammo

Pistol Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
88M4AP Magazine.png
88M4 AP magazine
Holds eighteen (18) rounds. Has better armor penetration, but lower overall damage.

Specialised Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
M56 Power Pack
A heavy reinforced backpack with support equipment, power cells, and spare rounds for the M56 Smartgun System.

Click the icon in the top left to reload your M56. This carries two hundred and fifty (250) smartgun rounds and can pass through friendlies by IFF.

Incinerator Tank
A fuel tank of usually ultra thick Napalm Fuel, a sticky combustible liquid chemical, for use in the M240 Incinerator Unit. Handle with care.
The Incinerator Tanks holds sixty (60) units worth of ultra thick napalm. This will set ablaze any and all targets hit.

Rifle Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
M41AE2 Magazine.png
M41AE2 Ammo Box
A semi-rectangular box of rounds for the M41AE2 Heavy Pulse Rifle.

The M41AE2 ammo box contains one hundred (100) 10x24mm rounds.

A19 High Velocity Magazine
A magazine of A19 high velocity rounds for use in the M4RA battle rifle. The M4RA battle rifle is the only gun that can chamber these rounds.
Holds fifteen (15) rounds.
M41A MK1 Magazine
A semi-rectangular box of rounds for the original M41A Pulse Rifle.

The M41AMK1 magazine contains ninety five (95) 10x24mm rounds.


Explosive: Description:
C4 is typically issued to Squad Leaders, Specialists (Using the Demolitions Loadout), Engineers and Responders. C4 is primarily useful for quickly breaking into secure buildings, but it's also the only method to destroy Alien tunnels. The minimum time that can be set on a charge is 10 seconds and detonates in a 1.5 meter radius. Engineers start with 4 per vendor, Specialists start with 2 in their vendor and squad leaders start with 1 per vendor.

Restricted Defensive Marine Equipment

Defensive Equipment: Description:
Sentry Gun
These engineer-only sentry guns are the spear and shield of the Colonial Marines. These beasts hold 300 shots a mag and cause moderate brute damage to the target hit. The tracking system is capable of identifying a non-marine from a marine and fire at it. Firing options are three round burst fire and single shot. They are capable of firing in a directional cone or 360 degrees around the turret. Directional mode engages targets faster than 360 mode.

How to construct it: Open the crate, Take the Plasteel out, activate it in hand and select the turret frame. Wrench turret frame in place, add cable, add turret, add sensor, add metal, weld together, add battery (try to put in a High-Capacity one rather than the standard one that comes in the box), Click on turret to turn on.

M56D Mounted Smartgun
These engineer-only mounted smartguns are the heavy lifters of the Colonial Marines. The M56D can hold up to 700 tungsten rounds that cause high brute damage to the target upon hit due to their increased armour penetration. The tracking system of a standard smartgun is non-functional on the M56D.

How to toggle burst fire: Ctrl click the M56D before manning it, when you next hop on it'll use burst fire.

How to construct it: Place the M56D mount on the ground, click and drag from the mount onto your character. Make sure it's on the ground, then anchor it with a wrench, then load the gun with a magazine. Mount the gun and then screwdriver it. Wrench to rotate and screwdriver to disassemble into mount and gun.

Ammo Boxes

Ammo Box: Description:
Big Ammo Box 10mm.png
10mmAmmo Box
These big ammo boxes are the life line of any conflict, making sure the soldiers always have ammo and can fight to the bitter end. Contains 1000 rounds to be placed into a mag at any given interval. This Ammo box can only be used to refill M41A magazines.


  • To reload a 10mm mag just click on the ammo box with the mag in your hand and it'll fill it up if there is ammo left.
  • Keep in mind you can't fill Armour piercing mags with this ammo box.
Big Ammo Box 9mm.png
10x20mm Ammo Box
These big ammo boxes are the life line of any conflict, making sure the soldiers always have ammo and can fight to the bitter end. Contains 800 rounds to be placed into a mag at any given interval. This Ammo box can only be used to refill M39 magazines.


  • To reload a 10x20mm mag just click on the ammo box with the mag in your hand and it'll fill it up if there is ammo left.
  • Keep in mind you can't fill Armour piercing mags with this ammo box.

Mercenary or Black Ops Equipment

Any equipment listed here is non-exhaustive. This list details classified or otherwise weapons or equipment employed by mercenary and black op teams.

Weapon: Description:
M42c Anti-Tank Rifle
A high power sniper rifle, this weapon deals immense damage per bullet and is capable of attacking and hitting targets at extreme ranges. It comes equipped with a high power scope allowing the user a wide range of vision. It also has an ID tracker to prevent non W-Y personnel to use it. This weapon is limited to ten supersonic rifle rounds per magazine, a slow rate of fire, a very obvious and loud firing noise and that it is ineffective in close range combat as bullets fired too close to the user will miss.
It is the standard sniper rifle for Weyland-Yutani PMC snipers.

Ammunition: M42c Magazine

MAR-40 Battle Rifle
While outdated and old, this weapon has historically proven to be extremely reliable and adaptable. It has a magazine size of 60 7.62x39mm heavy rifle rounds, and burst fire capabilities. Originally created by the USSR as a quickly deployable rifle in any form of exoplanet environment. It gained a great positive reputation among poorer mercenary and planetary militia groups due to its reliability and ease of manufacturing and maintenance.
It is one of the standard rifles for Freelancer Mercenaries, Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries and The Iron Bears.

Ammunition: MAR Magazine | MAR Extended Magazine

MAR-30 Battle Carbine
A cheap, reliable assault rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm. Commonly found in the hands of criminals or mercenaries. This is the carbine variant. It shares ammo with the MAR-40.
It is one of the standard rifles for , Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries and Iron Bear soldiers.

Ammunition: MAR Magazine | MAR Extended Magazine

PPSh-17b SMG
Very outdated weapon, commonly used as a standard issue weapon for Iron Bear operatives. While old, the weapon is reliable and can hold a large magazine size of 35 or 71 7.62x25mm SMG rounds.
It is the standard SMG for Iron Bear soldiers.

Ammunition: PPSh 17b Magazine | PPSh 17b Extended Magazine

M41A/2 Battle Rifle
Slightly more powerful variant of the M41A Pulse Rifle. This rifle deals slightly more damage per rifle bullet.
It is the standard rifle for Weyland-Yutani PMC Officers and W-Y Commando Units.

Ammunition: M41A Magazine | M41A Extended Magazine | M41A Armour Piercing Magazine | M41A Incendiary Magazine

M39B/2 SMG
A more versatile SMG variant. This SMG uses specially issued 48 round armour piercing SMG magazines, making the SMG far more viable to use against armoured hostile targets. It can also use standard 48 round M39 magazines. It has an ID tracker to prevent non W-Y personnel to use it.
It is the standard SMG for Weyland-Yutani PMC Standards, in addition, more can be found in the armory of Big-Red.

Ammunition: M39 Magazine | M39 Extended Magazine | M39 Armour Piercing Magazine | M39 Incendiary Magazine

VP-78 Pistol
A massive, formidable automatic handgun chambered in 9mm rounds and contains 18 pistol rounds in the clip. Commonly seen in the hands of wealthy Weyland Yutani members. In addition, this sidearm has 3-burst capabilities.
It is a standard sidearm for Weyland-Yutani PMC Officers, it can be found elsewhere.

Ammunition: VP-78 Magazine

Korovin PK-9 Pistol
An updated variant of an old Russian design, dating back to from the 19th century. It holds 12 9mm pistol rounds inside the extended magazine. It also features an integrated silencer.
It is one of the standard sidearms for Iron Bear soldiers.

Ammunition: Korovin PK-9 Magazine

Mateba Autorevolver
Uses .454 caliber rounds and holds 6 heavy rounds in the chamber. The Mateba revolver is a very powerful revolver capable of knocking down any human it hits and uses its own recoil to rotate the cylinders. it also has burst-fire capabilities.
It is available to the Iron Bears Sergeant and Weyland-Yutani Commando Units as their standard sidearm.

Ammunition: Mateba Speedloader

SVD Dragunov-033 Sniper Rifle
A sniper variant of the MAR-40 rifle, with a new stock, barrel and scope. It doesn't have the punch of modern sniper rifles, but it's finely crafted in 2133 by someone probably illiterate. Uses 7.62x54mm rounds and holds 10 sniper bullets in the clip. It comes with a rail scope, sniper barrel and wooden stock attached.
It is a standard Sniper Rifle for the Iron Bear soldiers.

Ammunition: SVD Magazine

Mercenary/Black Ops Ammo

Pistol Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
88M4AP Magazine.png
VP78 Magazine
The VP78 magazine holds 18 9mm rounds.
Korovin PK-9 Magazine
The PK-9 magazine holds 12 9mm rounds.
Mateba Speedloader.png
Mateba Speedloader
The Mateba Speedloader holds 8 .454 bullets.

Specialised Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
File:M42CMarksman Magazine.png
M42C Marksman Magazine
The M42C marksman magazine holds 6 10x99mm rounds.
SVD Magazine.png
SVD Magazine
A large caliber magazine for the SVD sniper rifle.The SVD magazine holds 10 7.62x54mmR rounds.

Rifle Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
MAR Magazine.png
MAR Magazine
A 7.62x39mm magazine for the MAR series of firearms.

The MAR magazine holds 40 7.62x39mm rounds.

File:MARExt Magazine.png
MAR Extended Magazine
A 7.62x39mm MAR magazine, this one carries more rounds than the average magazine.

The MAR extended magazine holds 60 7.62x39mm rounds.

Submachine Gun Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
Drum mag.png
PPSh Drum Magazine
A drum magazine for the PPSh submachinegun.

The PPSh-17b drum magazine holds 35 7.62x25mm rounds.

Drum mag.png
PPSh Extended Drum Magazine
An extended drum magazine for the PPSh submachinegun.

The PPSh-17b extended magazine holds 71 7.62x25mm rounds.

Miscellaneous Equipment

A list of miscellaneous weapons and equipment that can be found in one of many unique scenarios. These items are either non-standard weapons of the USCM or are random non-specific weapons found throughout known Human space.

Weapon: Description:
An advanced, select-fire machine pistol capable of three round burst. Last seen cleaning up the mean streets of Detroit.
Not available during normal gameplay. Only available at admin events.

Ammunition: Auto-9 Magazine

Spearhead autorevolver.png
CMB Spearhead AutoRevolver
Uses .357 rounds and holds 6 pistol rounds inside the chamber. Weaker then the standard .44 magnum, but has a 3 round burst fire. Standard sidearm of the colonial marshals.
Can be found in both LV-624 and in Big-Red. More can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: CMB Speedloader

KT-42 Automag
The KT-42 Automag is an archaic but reliable design, going back many decades. There have been many versions and variations, but the 42 is by far the most common. You can't go wrong with this handcannon.
It is one of the standard sidearms for Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries and Iron Bear soldiers.

Ammunition: KT-42 Magazine

Skorpion SMG
A robust, 20th century firearm that's a combination of pistol and submachinegun. This fires .32ACP calibre rounds from a 20 round magazine.
It is one of the standard SMGs for Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries.

Ammunition: ACP Skorpion Magazine

A German design, this was one of the most widely used submachine guns in the world. It's still possible to find this firearm in the hands of collectors or gun fanatics.
Not available during normal gameplay. Only available at admin events.

Ammunition: MP5 Magazine

An archaic design going back hundreds of years, the MP27 was common in its day. Today it sees limited use as cheap computer-printed replicas or family heirlooms. Holds 30 SMG rounds, uses 4.6x30mm. This weapon can fire in bursts.
It is one of the standard SMGs for Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries. This can also be found inside the Big-Red's Administration Armoury.

Ammunition: MP27 Magazine

FN FP9000 Submachine Gun
An archaic design, but one that's stood the test of time. Fires fast armor piercing rounds and can fire in bursts.
It is one of the standard SMGs for Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries. This weapon can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: FN Magazine

MAC-15 Machine Pistol
A cheap, reliable design and manufacture make this ubiquitous submachinegun useful despite the age. Turn on burst mode for maximum firepower. Fires 9mm and carries 32 machine pistol bullets inside the magazine.
This weapon can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: MAC-15 Magazine

Desert Eagle.pngGold Desert Eagle.png
Vintage Desert Eagle
A bulky .50 calibre pistol with a serious kick, probably taken from some museum somewhere. This one is engraved, "Peace Through Superior Firepower." This does have a mag that holds 7 rounds, uses .50 heavy pistol bullets. Comes in standard and gold plated.
It is the main sidearm of the Freelancer Mercenaries Captain and one of the standard sidearms for Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries. More can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: Desert Eagle Magazine

HG Pump Shotgun
Four round pump shotgun that uses a internal magazine for quick reloading, typically used by Colonial Marshals and similar security forces.
Can be found on the both planets LV-624 and Big-Red. More can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: Slug Rounds | Buckshot Rounds | Incendiary Slug Rounds

Double Barrel Shotgun
A archaic design, this weapon is a simple but reliable close range shotgun. It uses shotgun shells and can only hold two shells at a time. Is able to burst-fire to fire both rounds at once.
Can only be found in LV-624's old house and in the hands of Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries. More can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: Slug Rounds | Buckshot Rounds | Incendiary Slug Rounds

N-Y Revolver
Reliable revolver often found in the hands of mercenaries or criminals, can hold eight 7.62 pistol rounds in the chamber.
It is one of the standard sidearms for Iron Bear soldiers.

Ammunition: N-Y Speedloader

Holdout Pistol
Easily concealable pistol, a tiny weapon that can fit in small containers or even pockets. Fires weak .22 rounds in a five light pistol round magazine.
Can only be found on planet LV-624. More can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: Holdout Magazine

Highpower Automag
A Colonial Marshals issued, powerful semi-automatic pistol. Used for centuries by law enforcement and criminals alike, recently recreated with this new model. Fires 9mm rounds and carries 13 pistol rounds inside the magazine.
Can only be found in LV-624's security armoury and in the hands of Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries. More can be ordered by the Blackmarket crate.

Ammunition: Highpower Magazine

M4a3 45.png
M4A3 Service Pistol .45
One of the standard USCM service pistols chambered in .45 caliber. But only issued in small numbers and reserved for high military personnel. It functions similar to the marine-issued M4A3, it deals greater damage but it's magazine size is much smaller than the 9mm version, only carrying 7 rounds. And it has less ammo variants than the 9mm.
One pistol can be found inside Cargo's armaments vendor. It is also one of the standard sidearms for Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries. More ammo can be ordered from cargo.

Ammunition: .45 M4A3 Magazine

Custom Built Shotgun
A small shotgun made out of cobbled-together pile of scrap and ailen wood. Fires shotgun shells and can only carry 6 shells in the chamber. This shotgun also has a burst fire feature, as if this gun needs it.
It is one of the standard shotguns for Freelancer Mercenaries and Dutch's Dozen Mercenaries.

Ammunition: Slug Rounds | Buckshot Rounds | Incendiary Slug Rounds

Smith & Wesson Revolver
A lean .357 revolver made by Smith & Wesson. A timeless classic, from antiquity to the future. Uses .357 rounds and carries 6 revolver rounds in the chamber.
It is one of the standard sidearms for Freelancer Mercenaries.

Ammunition: Speedloader

M16 Assault Rifle
The M16 is an American-made assault rifle chambered with 5.56×45mm rifle rounds. M16 variants have been the US military's standard issue assault rifle since the Vietnam War. Although it has long since been replaced by the M41A Mk2 as the standard assault rifle for military operations, some are still supplied in times of need.
Not available during normal gameplay. Only available at admin events.

Ammunition: M16 Magazine

Beretta 92FS Pistol
A popular police firearm in the 20th century, often employed by hard-boiled cops while confronting terrorists. A classic of its time, chambered in 9mm.
Not available during normal gameplay. Only available at admin events.

Ammunition: Beretta Magazine

Mateba Autorevolver Custom++
This version of the Mateba revolver is snubnosed, engraved with gold, tinted black, and highly customized for a high-ranking Admiral. It is otherwise similar to the original Meteba in general.
Not available during normal gameplay. Only available at admin events.

Ammunition: Mateba Speed Loader

Ol' Painless Minigun
It's a minigun, an enormous multi-barreled rotating gatling gun. It only fires in bursts. Don't stand in front of it. Don't stand beside it. Just don't stand anywhere close to one and you might be fine. Possibly.
Not available during normal gameplay. Only available at admin events.

Ammunition:Rotating ammo drum

M57-A4 'Lighting Bolt' Quad Thermobaric Missile Launcher
The M57-A4 'Lighting Bolt' is possibly the most destructive man-portable weapon ever made. It is a 4-barreled missile launcher capable of burst-firing 4 missiles. Enough said. Be careful when you point at friendlies.
Not available during normal gameplay. Only available at admin events.

Ammunition: 84mm thermobaric rocket array

Miscellaneous Ammo

Pistol Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
88M4AP Magazine.png
Auto 9 Magazine
The Auto-9 magazine holds 50 9mm rounds.
Spearhead Speedloader.png
Spearhead Speed loader
The Spearhead speed loader holds 6 .357 rounds.
KT42 Magazine.png
KT-42 Magazine
The KT-42 magazine holds 7 .44 rounds.
Skorpion Magazine.png
Skorpion Magazine
The Skorpion magazine holds 20 .32ACP rounds.
M4A3 .45 Magazine.png
Desert Eagle Magazine
The Desert Eagle magazine holds 7 .50 rounds.
NY Speedloader.png
N-Y Speed loader
The N-Y speed loader holds 7 7.62x38mmR rounds.
Tiny Pistol Magazine
A surprisingly small magazine, holding .22 bullets. No Kolibri, but it's getting there.

The tiny pistol magazine holds 5 .22 rounds.

M4A3 .45 Magazine.png
Highpower Magazine
The Highpower magazine holds 13 9mm rounds.
M4A3 .45 Magazine.png
M4A3 Magazine .45
The M4A3 magazine holds 7 .45 rounds.
S&W Speedloader.png
S&W Speed loader
The S&W speed loader holds 6 .357 rounds.
File:Beretta Magazine.png
Beretta 92FS Magazine
The Beretta 92FS magazine holds 15 9mm rounds.
Mateba Speedloader.png
Mateba Speed loader
The Mateba speed loader holds 6 .454 rounds.

Specialised Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
RotatingAmmoDrum .png
Rotating Ammo Drum
The rotating ammo drum is chambered in 7.62x51mm and contains 300 rounds.
84mmThermobaric RocketArray.png
84mm Thermobaric Rocket Array
A thermobaric rocket tube for an M83AM quad launcher. Activate in hand to receive some metal when it's used up.The 84mm thermobaric rocket array holds 4 84mm rockets.

Rifle Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
M16 Magazine.png
M16 Magazine
A 5.56x45mm magazine for the M16 assault rifle.

The M16 magazine holds 20 5.56x45mm rounds.

Submachine Gun Ammo

Ammunition: Description:
MP5 Magazine.png
MP5 Magazine
The MP5 magazine holds 30 9mm rounds.
File:MP27 Magazine.png
MP27 Magazine
The MP27 magazine holds 30 4.6x30mm rounds.
FN Magazine.png
FN Magazine
P90 magazine holds 50 5.7x28mm rounds.
MAC15 Magazine.png
MAC15 Magazine
The MAC-15 magazine holds 32 9mm rounds.
MAC15 Magazine.png
MAC15 Extended Magazine
The MAC-15 extended magazine holds 50 9mm rounds.

Weapon Attachments

Marines can acquire attachments for weapons. Most attachments must be acquired via the Requisitions Officer located in the center of the Almayer's lower deck. Most ROs usually only give one or two attachments to most marines, though some may grant more to squad leaders, medics, engineers, or specialists. Being polite to the Requisitions staff might get you extra stuff. Say please and thank you.

Most guns have three attachment locations: the rail, under barrel and the muzzle. Each location allows only one attachment at a time. Most attachments offer an advantage and some disadvantage.

The statistics for attachments are subject to change and will most likely change often. Until they do change, this page will be up to date on the statistics on each attachment.

Muzzle Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Useable With Image
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Greatly decreases firing sound (and removes firing messages)
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when burst fired
  • Slightly decreases damage
  • M41A
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • Greatly increases weapon melee damage
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • M41A
  • M41AMK1
  • M37 Shotgun
  • .44 Magnum
Extended Barrel
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases damage
  • M41A
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • .44 Magnum
Extended barrel.png
Barrel Charger
  • Greatly increases damage
  • Moderately decreases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases firing speed
  • M41A
  • Smartgun
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • M44 Combat Revolver
Barrel charger.png
Recoil Compensator
  • Moderately decreases recoil
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases damage
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M44 Combat Revolver
Recoil compensator.png

Rail Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Useable With Image
Rail Flashlight
  • Generates a Light Source
  • None
  • M41A
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • M240 Incinerator Unit
Red Dot Sight
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • None
  • M41A
  • M41AMK1
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • M44 Combat Revolver
Quickfire Adapter
  • Slightly increases firing speed
  • Moderately decreases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases burst-fire shots by 1
  • Moderately increases scatter when burst-fired
  • M41A
  • M39 SMG
  • M4A3 Pistol
  • M44 Combat Revolver
Magnetic Harness
  • Dropped weapon goes to suit slot
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • M41A
  • M39 SMG
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M240 Incinerator Unit
Magnetic harness.png
Rail Scope
  • Greatly increases accuracy
  • Allows the user to 'zoom' in to see longer distances.
  • Moderately decreases firing speed
  • Slightly decreases burst-fire shots by 1
  • M41A
  • M44 Combat Revolver

Underbarrel Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Useable With Image
Forward Grip
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when rapid-fired
  • Makes one handed weapons two handed
  • Increased weapon size
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M41A
  • M39 SMG
Gyroscopic Stabilizer
  • Makes two handed weapons one handed
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • Slightly increases recoil
  • Slightly increases bullet scatter when rapid-fired
  • M41A
  • M37 Shotgun
  • M42A
  • Greatly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Increased weapon size
  • Slightly decreases firing speed
  • Requires setup
  • M41A
  • M42A
Underslung Grenade Launcher
  • Ability to fire two grenades only
  • Cannot reload after exhausting ammo
  • M41A
  • M41AMK1
  • Mk221
Mini Flamethrower
  • Ability to fire several flame bursts
  • Cannot reload after exhausting fuel
  • M41A
  • Mk221
Masterkey Shotgun
  • Ability to fire five semi-auto shotgun slug rounds
  • Cannot reload after exhausting ammo
  • M41A
  • Mk221
Burst Fire Assembly
  • Enables burst-fire on a weapon or enhances burst-fire capability; Slightly increases burst-fire shots by 2
  • Slightly increases bullet scatter
  • Slightly decreases accuracy
  • M41A
  • M39
  • Smartgun
  • M4A3 Service Pistol

Stock Attachments

Attachment Benefits Drawbacks Usable With Image
M41A Skeleton Stock
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when burst-fired
  • Slightly increases weapon melee damage
  • Slightly increases weapon size
  • Greatly decreases firing speed
  • M41A
M44 Magnum Sharpshooter Stock
  • Moderately increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly decreases bullet scatter when burst-fired
  • Slightly increases weapon size
  • Slightly decreases weapon melee damage
  • Greatly decreases firing speed
  • 44 Combat Revolver
Magnum stock.png
M37 Wooden Stock
  • Slightly increases accuracy
  • Slightly decreases recoil
  • Slightly increases weapon melee damage
  • Slightly increases weapon size
  • Greatly decreases firing speed
  • M37 Shotgun
M37 stock.png

Standard Marine Clothing

Helmet.png Helmet - Provides a light amount of protection for your head. There are several variants of helmets available.

Armor.png Marine Armor - This armor protects from most damage. Do try to avoid friendly fire, however marine Armor will block most damage dealt from a bullet. There are several variants of armor available. Comes installed with a toggleable suit light.

Boots.png Combat boots - Basic boots that give feet a small amount of protection on your feet. A sheath allows a knife to be stored in them.

Jumpsuit.png Jumpsuit - Marine combat fatigues. Gives a small amount of protection. It allows you to wear your Marine Armor and gives more slots to store items in.

Gloves.png Gloves - Tactical gloves that are coloured for the squad. Not very useful if you're an engineer, take the insulated gloves instead. Gives a small amount of protection to your hands.

File:Belt.png Marine Belt - It holds 6 slots worth of ammo.

Flare.gif Flare - Much more useful than the flashlight in terms of brightness, but burns out over time. Make sure to take multiple flare boxes and keep them in your pocket.

Medic Extra Clothing

Medicalbelt.png - This is used for carrying all your medical appliances to help patch up wounded and make sure everyone returns at some healthy state.

MedicHud.png - The Medical Hud allows the player to see the vitals of fellow players, letting you know who you will need to focus on. It also allows you to see when players are within the time window to be revived by using a defibrillator.

Combatmedicbelt.png - The Combat lifesaver bag is used for carrying all your medical appliances to help patch up wounded and make sure everyone returns at some healthy state.

Engineer Extra Clothing

Toolbelt.png Tool belt - As a engineer you will most likely replace the marine belt with this as it can carry all your tools which are :

Screwdriver.pngWrench.pngWirecutters.pngWelder.gifMultitool.pngCrowbar.png When you have these tools you should be set for hacking open doors and building defenses in a Forward Operating Base(FoB).

File:Mesons.png Meson Goggles - Meson Goggles are very useful when setting up the supermatter, as they protect you from its otherworldly glow.

Goggles.png Welding Goggles - Something that every engineer should wear. Allows you to weld things without damaging your eyes.

Insulated Gloves.png Insulated Gloves - These gloves are essential to any engineer as they protect you from electric shocks. Wear them at all times.

Marine Armor

There are several different kinds of Armor available to marines, depending on which role a marine is fulfilling.

Armour: Description:
M3 Pattern Personal Armour
Standard Issue Armour used by most marine infantry. Provides modest protection from bullet and melee attacks. The M10 Helmet has one internal slot for storing pocket sized items.

Addendum: "Donator" Armour, as well as most ERT Armour, while looking unique, is essentially a resprited piece of M3 Armour in terms of defence.

B12 Pattern Personal Armour
Unique Armour worn by squad leaders. The main difference with the squad leaders Armour is that the Armour has an attached, and stronger , personal flashlight that can be activated at will. In addition the M11 Helmet has a inbuilt camera allowing for command overwatch to observe the squad's actions from the Almayer.
M2 Pattern Personal Armour
Older generation Armour worn by Military Police. M2 Armour offers higher protection against melee attacks but less protection against projectile attacks.
B18 Experimental Personal Armour
Heavy Grenadier loadout only. This Armour has the best personal protection of any Armour the Marines can get as it has a very high armour soak value and three tricordrazine auto injectors.
M4 Pattern PMC Armour
A modification of the standard M3 Pattern armour, worn by high profile security operators and corporate mercenaries.
X-13 Apesuit
A prototype combat armour worn by the Weyland-Yutani Commando unit. It is the most powerful personal armour available, it has an extremely high armour value that makes it very resistant to melee and projectile attacks, in addition the armour is utterly acid proof.

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World of Guns