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From CM-SS13 - Wiki

"The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility...its purity. A survivor - unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality." ...Is there room enough in space for us and it?"- Ash, Alien

The Alien (A.K.A. Xenomorph) is a moderately difficult antagonist role to play aboard the Colonial Marines server. The aliens' strength comes mostly from close-quarters combat. You'll have to maintain at least a noticeable level of roleplay and avoid meta-gaming situations at all costs. Your job is to serve the Queen of your hive. You do not feel remorse or compassion, no needs other than to propagate and protect your own kind. If you do well, then there will be little in your way to stop you.


Starting Out

In the beginning, you are spawned in with a group of aliens, ranging from a Drone, several Runners and many Larvae, aboard the mysterious planet known as LV-642 or another planet depending on the map which is being played. The amount of starting aliens scales with the number of Marines that initially join at round-start. The original aliens should have full knowledge regarding the locations and areas of the planet and human settlement to assist them in their mission of repopulation.

Several locations on the planet are prime nesting grounds, complete with a few monkeys and other animals to help repopulate. You would be wise to establish your Hive somewhere in the far northern cave network, nesting in the southern jungle is very risky.

If you're a first-timer, check the Xeno Quickstart Guide. Here are additional tips:

  • Speak in Hivemind by using :a before your message.
    • Example: Say ":a My life for the Queen!"
  • You are a slave to the Queen's will. Follow her orders or die trying - unless it's against the server rules.
  • Grow the Hive. Gather together any hosts and bring them to her chosen nest for repopulation.
  • Weeds weeds weeds. Plant weeds everywhere. While on weeds, aliens regenerate health and plasma very quickly.

Tier 1 Evolution

As soon as your Larva has matured, you will be able to choose between the three initial Xenomorph castes: Drone, Runner and Sentinel. Depending on which you choose, you will then be able to progress in their respective castes.

Job Role
Build the Hive and expand it with new weed nodes. Support fellow Xenomorphs with your pheromones. Occasionally plant weeds aggressively to support pushes.
Scout for the Hive. Harass and ambush Marines, especially lone wolfs. Flank positions during sieges and stand-offs. Gather hosts.
Guard the nests until hosts mature. Provide ranged support in combat by stunning foes from afar.

Tier 2 Evolution

Job Role
Carry huggers around, allowing the Hive to impregnate new hosts on the move. Use pheromones to assist fellow Xenomorphs.
Shape the Hive to your will with a massive plasma reserve. Become one with weeds and sprint around weeded terrain like a Runner. Create tunnels to bypass harsh terrain. Use pheromones to assist fellow Xenomorphs
Disable and capture lone prey. Use your natural cloak to stalk around and spy on Marine positions. Act as one of the Hive's main line combatants.
Protect your fellow Xenomorphs with a corrosive acid spit, allowing you to damage hosts from a distance and deny areas or lanes of fire to them.

Tier 3 Evolution

Job Role Difficulty
Defence: Very strong and quick-firing acid. Able to melt walls quickly or stun marines from a distance. cHard
Defence/Offense: Defend the hive, support the offence. Use your powerful and long-range acid/neurotoxin "bombs" to quickly destroy the strongest of fortifications and attack humans. Use your acid/neurotoxin spray that covers the ground and stuns everything that walks on it and invokes area-denial. cHard
Offence: The bringer of death. Very powerful claws, and able to charge to close short distances. cHard
Offensive Support: Weaker in melee than the Ravager, but able to run much faster, deflect bullets using the enlarged and hardened head crest, and charge through enemy defenses. An immunity to explosions makes minesweeping a useful tactic. cHard

Tier 4 Evolution

Job Role Difficulty
Lead the hive. cVery Hard