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Difficulty: Medium Supervisors: Chief Medical Officer, Commanding Officer/Executive Officer Rank: Second Lieutenant Duties: Research and Development, inspect any xenobiological elements given to you by Marines. Develop new weaponry such as Chemical Grenades in cooperation with the Ordnance Technicians and discover new chemicals. Guides: Guide to Chemistry, Guide to Paperwork Unlock Requirements: Five hours as medical roles. Detailed Description: You're a commissioned officer of the USCM. You are tasked with researching and developing new medical treatments, helping your fellow doctors, and generally learning new things. Your role involves a lot of roleplaying, but you can perform the function of a regular doctor. Do not hand out things to Marines without getting permission from your supervisor. |__________| |
"I wish you could understand what we're trying to do here. The potential for this species goes way beyond urban pacification. New alloys, new vaccines. Nothing like this we've ever seen on any world before." ―Dr. Wren, Alien Resurrection
As the Medical Researcher it is your job to research and develop new technologies in the science lab and study anything xenobiological. The nature of the Researcher means the role is very open-ended, and can be played in several ways.
Ultimately, your job is to focused around analyzing chemicals, alien blood/liquids, storing alien corpses. Synthesizing experimental drugs and creating prototype explosive grenades. Furthermore you are fully qualified to assist the Medical staff with surgeries, should Medbay be overwhelmed in triage.
Chemical Research: Pharmacology
Research has its own chemistry lab that can be used to help out medical by pumping out useful healing chemicals. It is also possible to mix chemicals together to get multiple benefits; however, be aware that there are certain chemicals which will cause more harm if they are used together. Consult the chemistry guide for more details.
Researching Chemicals
As a medical researcher on-board the USS Almayer you're tasked with creating new medications that might be useful to the marines. But what can you do that the silly doctor in chemistry downstairs can not? Discovering completely new medications of course! Every round there will be new chemicals for you to discover. You'll even start with a note in your old lab coat pocket to get you started. Researching a new chemical requires two important tasks to be completed: discovering the recipe and the properties of the chemical. The latter requiring either thorough testing or sufficient data clearance. So what are you waiting for? It is time to do SCIENCE!
A lot of your work will require a resource called Research Credits. These can currently be earned by identifying new chemicals, including xenomorph blood, or by gaining 5 points every 10 minutes.
The Company has provided your laboratory with an Advanced X-Ray Fluorescence Scanner to help you identify chemicals. On your journey, you will be expected to use this and analyze research samples received from colonies. If you identify a valuable chemical, The Company's interest in your lab will increase. They might even pay USCM High Command.
Research Machines
This is a list of all chemical properties and their effects. They are sorted in the same categories as in the code. <POTENCY> is the level of the property.
The DISABLED rarity means this property can't appear in randomly generated chems. The same goes for ADMIN, with the addition that very few non event exclusive reagents have properties with this rarity level.
All effects are applied once per life tick. Life ticks happen once every two seconds.
The Touch column indicates what this chemical will do when inhaled/sprayed upon a human or xenomorph.
Code | Name | Rarity | Effect | OD | Crit OD | Touch |
ATX | Antitoxic | COMMON |
N/A |
ACR | Anticorrosive | COMMON |
N/A |
NGN | Neogenetic | COMMON |
REP | Repairing | UNCOMMON |
HMG | Hemogenic | COMMON |
N/A |
NEU | Neutralizing | UNCOMMON |
DSR | Disrupting | UNCOMMON | N/A |
NST | Nervestimulating | RARE |
IF POTENCY>7, works on touch.
MST | Musclestimulating | RARE |
PNK | Painkilling | COMMON |
N/A |
HPP | Hematopeutic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
NPP | Nephropeutic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
PNP | Pneumopeutic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
OCP | Oculopeutic | COMMON |
N/A |
CDP | Cardiopeutic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
NRP | Neuropeutic | COMMON |
N/A |
BNM | Bonemending | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
FLX | Fluxing | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
NRC | Neurocrygenic | UNCOMMON |
CRL | Crystallization | UNCOMMON |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
PTS | Photosensitive | UNCOMMON |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
APS | Antiparasitic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
OGS | Organstabilize | COMMON |
N/A |
EGN | Electrogenetic | COMMON |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
DFB | Defibrillating | RARE |
HDN | Hyperdensificating | RARE |
N/A |
NRS | Neuroshielding | RARE |
N/A |
AAD | Antiaddictive | RARE |
N/A |
TRF | Transformative | RARE IRRITANT |
N/A |
FUL | Fueling | COMMON |
N/A | N/A |
OXI | Oxidizing | COMMON |
N/A | N/A |
FLW | Flowing | COMMON |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
EXP | Explosive | COMMON |
N/A | N/A |
CSL | Cardiostabilizing | DISABLED |
AID | Aiding | DISABLED |
N/A |
OXG | Oxygenating | DISABLED |
N/A |
ACG | Anticarcinogenic | DISABLED |
N/A |
Code | Name | Rarity | Effect | OD | Crit OD |
CMB | Cryometabolizing | COMMON |
N/A | N/A |
TMB | Thanatometabolizing | RARE |
N/A | N/A |
EXT | Excreting | UNCOMMON |
N/A | N/A |
NTR | Nutritious | COMMON |
N/A | N/A |
KTG | Ketogenic | COMMON |
| |
NIH | Neuroinhibiting | UNCOMMON |
AOL | Alcoholic | COMMON |
HLG | Hallucinogenic | COMMON |
RLX | Relaxing | COMMON |
HPR | Hyperthermic | COMMON |
HPO | Hypothermic | UNCOMMON |
BLD | Balding | UNCOMMON |
FLF | Fluffing | UNCOMMON |
ALG | Allergenic | UNCOMMON |
N/A | N/A |
EPH | Euphoric | UNCOMMON |
EME | Emetic | UNCOMMON |
PST | Psychostimulating | COMMON |
AHL | Antihallucinogenic | COMMON |
OMB | Hypometabolic | UNCOMMON |
N/A | N/A |
SDT | Sedative | COMMON |
HTR | Hyperthrottling | RARE |
VIS | Viscous | COMMON |
N/A | N/A |
TSL | Thermostabilizing | DISABLED |
FCS | Focusing | COMMON |
UNK | Unknown | DISABLED |
Code | Name | Rarity | Effect | OD | Crit OD | Touch |
HPX | Hypoxemic | COMMON |
N/A |
TOX | Toxic | COMMON |
CRS | Corrosive | COMMON |
BCD | Biocidic | COMMON |
N/A |
INV | Intravenous | COMMON |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
PNG | Paining | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
HML | Hemolytic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
HMR | Hemmorrhaging | UNCOMMON |
CRG | Carcinogenic | COMMON |
N/A |
HPT | Hepatotoxic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
NPT | Nephrotoxic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
PNT | Pneumotoxic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
OCT | Oculotoxic | UNCOMMON |
N/A |
CDT | Cardiotoxic | COMMON |
N/A |
NRT | Neurotoxic | COMMON |
EMB | Hypermetabolic | UNCOMMON |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
ADT | Addictive | RARE |
N/A |
HST | Hemositic | DISABLED |
N/A |
Code | Name | Rarity | Effect | OD | Crit OD | Touch |
BST | Boosting | LEGENDARY |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
REG | Regulating | LEGENDARY | N/A |
N/A |
HGN | Hypergenetic | LEGENDARY |
PTR | Fire penetrating | LEGENDARY |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
DDI | DNA disintegrating | LEGENDARY |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
CIP | Ciphering | DISABLED |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
XMB | Crossmetabolizing | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
MYO | Embryonic | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
RAV | Ravening | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
CUR | Curing | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
OMN | Omnipotent | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
RAD | Radius | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
INT | Intensity | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
DUR | Duration | ADMIN |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
Property Combinations
You can combine some properties to create special properties, You don't actually need to do anything to combine them, Just have them both on the same chemical.
Name | Properties Required |
Defibrilating | Muscle Stimulating, Cardiopeutic |
Thanatometabolizing | Hypoxemic, Cryometabolizing, Neurocrygenic |
Hyperdensificating | Muscle Stimulating, Bonemending, Carcinogenic |
Hyperthrottling | Psychostimulating, Hallucinogenic |
Neuroshielding | Alcoholic, Balding |
Antiaddictive | Psychostimulating, Antihallucinogenic |
Addictive | Psychostimulating, Neurotoxic |
Abominations against god and man. | Ciphering, Crossmetabolizing |
Dealing with an unknown chemical is like walking blindfolded. The chemical can have any combination of good and bad properties. Discovering what these are will require testing and organized procedures. How to best approach this will be up to the individual researcher. But here's some things to keep in mind:
- You need 30 units of a chemical for the XRF to work. If you don't have enough, you might want to save it until you know the recipe. If you scan a chemical with the XRF you will know everything about the chemical's properties, given enough clearance.
- Pay attention to research notes brought back from the colony. Colony notes can describe chemicals that are much stronger than the ones you can discover in the lab.
- You can scan basic chemicals like Peridaxon and Oxycodone for properties like painkilling and organ-stabilizing.
- Scanning any new chemical without requested clearance will still give you points, including xenomorph blood.
- There are only 6 chemicals possible in hydroponics, 3 is clearance one and another 3 are clearance two.
- Distributing a new chemical can still get you in trouble if you overlooked a really bad effect.
- If you can't rely on the marines to bring back research materials, you can try to kick-start your research by mutating plants in hydroponics.
- Your goal is not to get every single person a sample of your new drug, but to help as many as possible. Use the Turing Dispenser for mass production and persuade your superiors to assist with the distribution.
Chemical Distribution
While it might be fun to inject a monkey (or coworkers) with your wonder-drug, your ultimate goal should be to distribute it to where it is most needed. You should always seek the CMO's approval before performing mass distribution, because if an accident happens it will be your medical license that is threatened otherwise. Below are some suggestions to how to distribute your chemicals.
Picture | Name | Explanation | |||
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Pill bottle | The old classic, but also the slowest in terms of production and ingestion. It's an efficient way to store a lot of chemical volume, but that's the only upside, really. | |||
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Hypospray | An experimental high-end chemical injector, used for instant injections. Can be unlocked using a screwdriver, to allow the vial capsule to be ejected as a magazine. Pairing a hypospray with a vial pouch can be an excellent way for one person to distribute a series of research chemicals in the field. | |||
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Custom Autoinjector | If you have a lot of your experimental chemical on hand, then making custom autoinjectors is a good way to distribute it to the masses. A few boxes with empty autoinjectors can be found in your lab. You also can print more of them in Medilathe. You can fill a bunch of autoinjectors easily by loading them in a vial storage box and inserting it into the centrifuge for filling. | |||
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ACID Harness | Automated Chemical Integrated Delivery Harness. This is the most advanced form of chemical distribution available. Why rely on someone to know when your wonder-drug should be injected and then to actually do it, when you can leave all the work to a computer that does everything for you? The A.C.I.D. will monitor the vitals status for its user constantly, and depending on your configuration, automatically inject the chemical from an internal vial into the user. Additionally the A.C.I.D. will never overdose its user.
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Requisitions Delivery Unit | If you want Requisitions to send your chemicals to the surface for you, then you can use this delivery chute to send any item directly down to the Requisitions. |
Alien Research: Xenology
The art of Xenology. Throughout the operation you will have the opportunity to conduct preliminary research on the Aliens. While this research is more esoteric in nature, providing technical data for the Marine Corps and the Company to use.
At its core, Xenology is accomplished by analyzing alien blood and other liquids, storing dead alien bodies in the research containers, and containing a live alien in the research pen.
Xenology Corpse Specimen Study
Marines should be delivering corpses to the Almayer and subsequently to Research for storage and further study. Simply having dead Xenos in Containment will prove a boon to the USCM and generate Tech Points. But their blood and acidic heart will also prove useful subjects to research.
Along with harvesting their blood you can also harvest their acidic heart, to do this you need to cut open their exoskeletons with the circular saw starting from the xenos head, further open up the cut with retractors, separate the organ from the various internal connections, and finally remove the organ using the hemostat. (Aim Head - ->
)The removed organ can then be analyzed in the analyzer near the cryotube for biomass points.
Xenology Blood Research
Each alien will have two or more unique liquids/blood samples to collect. To analyze alien blood you will need a corpse, an empty beaker, and either a syringe or an IV Drip. After collecting the blood sample, you can place it into a Chemical Centrifuge or the ChemMaster to split them. Afterwards, you can analyze the samples at the XRF Scanner. Each xenomorph has 560 'units' of blood - and it is split equally between whatever chemicals are present. For instance, a runner will have 280 units of catecholamine plasma, and 280 units of acidic blood. A queen will have 112 units of Dark Acidic Blood, 112 units of Pheromone Plasma, 112 units of Chitin Plasma, 112 units of Neurotoxin Plasma, and 112 units of Royal Plasma. Once this is drained, the xenomorph corpse is empty - if it is alive, however, it will slowly regenerate.
Xeno Blood properties:
- Acidic Blood - Deals 3 burn damage.
- Dark Acidic Blood - Deals 6 burn damage.
- Pheromone Plasma - Makes you high, fixes stuttering, confusion, blurry vision, drowsiness, dizziness, and jitteriness.
- Catecholamine Plasma - Makes you faster.
- Chitin Plasma - Prevents fractures.
- Neurotoxin Plasma - Deals 7 brain damage, deals 1 toxin damage, makes you jittery and hallucinate.
- Anti-Neurotoxin - Neuro-Shielding, Prevents being stunned by all neurotoxin.
- Purple Plasma - Deals 2 brute damage.
- Egg Plasma - Infects with Xeno larva, useful in research.
- Royal Plasma - Makes you addicted, deals 4 brute damage, makes you hallucinate, makes you high, makes you jittery, useful in research.
Xenology Live Specimen Study
You will need the Marines' assistance in securing egg samples, To grow a Xeno, you will need a monkey in a containment cell and an egg, plant the Egg In the containment cell, then wait.
HOWEVER, making Xenos on their own is not useful and is actually be more of a detriment. This might stall the game out, and if the proper precautions were not taken, Xenos may even break out of containment. Not very good.
The better solution is making Corrupted Hive. These are potentially friendly Xenos that can be used to help in combat and ship security.
- Clearance Level 5X
- Egg plasma - extracted from Xeno eggs
- Royal plasma - extracted from an Empress OR can be made by mixing Egg Plasma and Dark Acidic Blood (extracted from a praetorian)
Let's Start Making Xenos
- Make sure you have Level 5X clearance.
- Scan or re-scan Royal Plasma.
- Relate with a randomized chemical one unique property of Royal Plasma in the Synthesis Simulator, called Ciphering. It will cost 10 points. Different levels of unique properties will make different Xeno hives. Level 2 - Corrupt, Level 3 - Alpha and etc. Level 2, or Corrupt hives, are the only ones that can be made that are friendly.
- Make sure the monkey you are using is connected to a blood supply, such as an IV, as the monkey will lose a lot of blood in this process. It will also take some time to gestate.
- Infect monkey with an egg, or by injecting Egg plasma.
- Inject 5 units of your chemical containing Ciphering 2 before the larva hatches.
- Good work! This may take some time before the Corrupted Hive hatches so be patient. Do not try to speed up the process.
Dropship Upgrade
You have been provided tools and opportunity to create an upgrade for dropships. This upgrade, when done correctly, allows Pilots to see through their camera with night vision or with increased field of view. This is particularly beneficial for CAS as they can see what they are firing at.
To start making it, you will need to find the property Photosensitive or Crystallization. The first gives night vision, the other gives an increase of view. The power of matrix depends on the level of the properties, there can also be only one upgrade at a time, so choose carefully. After you found properties, print the matrix assembly at the autolathe, directly south of the medilathe. Insert the vial with the chemical in the matrix, make sure its full, free of any contaminants and contains the chemical with the said property, you cannot remove the vial after it`s inserted screw the matrix shut and tell a pilot to insert it into his weapons console. You can also insert an empty matrix to reset the upgrades.
Hydroponics Research
Note that hydroponics is currently undergoing a rework, much of the information here is subject to change.
Hydroponics is the process of growing plants without soil. The Company has provided The USS Almayer's research wing with a hydroponics laboratory. Here, researchers can grow and experiment with plant genetics.
Your Skillset
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To find out about how the skill system works head over to the skills system page.
Additional User made information
- Magnum Opus on Research by Cory Paulson