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From CM-SS13 - Wiki
Difficulty: Medium
Supervisors: Chief Medical Officer, Commanding Officer/Executive Officer
Rank: Second Lieutenant
Duties: Research and Development, inspect any xenobiological elements given to you by Marines. Develop new weaponry such as Chemical Grenades in cooperation with the Ordnance Technicians and discover new chemicals.
Guides: Guide to Chemistry, Guide to Paperwork
Unlock Requirements: Five hours as medical roles.
Detailed Description:
You're a commissioned officer of the USCM. You are tasked with researching and developing new medical treatments, helping your fellow doctors, and generally learning new things. Your role involves a lot of roleplaying, but you can perform the function of a regular doctor. Do not hand out things to Marines without getting permission from your supervisor.

"I wish you could understand what we're trying to do here. The potential for this species goes way beyond urban pacification. New alloys, new vaccines. Nothing like this we've ever seen on any world before." ―Dr. Wren, Alien Resurrection


As the Medical Researcher it is your job to research and develop new technologies in the science lab and study anything xenobiological. The nature of the Researcher means the role is very open-ended, and can be played in several ways.

Ultimately, your job is to focused around analyzing chemicals, alien blood/liquids, storing alien corpses. Synthesizing experimental drugs and creating prototype explosive grenades. Furthermore you are fully qualified to assist the Medical staff with surgeries, should Medbay be overwhelmed in triage.

Chemical Research: Pharmacology

Research has its own chemistry lab that can be used to help out medical by pumping out useful healing chemicals. It is also possible to mix chemicals together to get multiple benefits; however, be aware that there are certain chemicals which will cause more harm if they are used together. Consult the chemistry guide for more details.

Researching Chemicals

As a medical researcher on-board the USS Almayer you're tasked with creating new medications that might be useful to the marines. But what can you do that the silly doctor in chemistry downstairs can not? Discovering completely new medications of course! Every round there will be new chemicals for you to discover. You'll even start with a note in your old lab coat pocket to get you started. Researching a new chemical requires two important tasks to be completed: discovering the recipe and the properties of the chemical. The latter requiring either thorough testing or sufficient data clearance. So what are you waiting for? It is time to do SCIENCE!

A lot of your work will require a resource called Research Credits. These can currently be earned by identifying new chemicals, including xenomorph blood, or by gaining 5 points every 10 minutes.

The Company has provided your laboratory with an Advanced X-Ray Fluorescence Scanner to help you identify chemicals. On your journey, you will be expected to use this and analyze research samples received from colonies. If you identify a valuable chemical, The Company's interest in your lab will increase. They might even pay USCM High Command.

Research Machines

Picture Name Explanation
XRF.png Advanced X-Ray Fluorescence Scanner The A-XRF is an advanced spectrometer that can not only detect what a sample is, but also its chemical composition. It does this by nuking the sample with high energy radiation and detecting the emitted fluorescent x-ray patterns. By comparing this to the database it can identify the unique pattern of a sampled chemical, and the combination of chemicals that make the pattern possible. Although there might be chemicals which composition can't be fully identified. This means that you must acquire a sample of the unknown chemical first, and scan it with the XRF. Whenever the XRF scans something unknown, it will save that chemical's emission pattern to its database. Successfully identifying a chemical increases Company interests."

Samples are inserted using a vial filled with a pure chemical sample. After scanning, the XRF searches its database for any available information on the identified chemical. It is not actually able to figure out the properties of the chemical, that will require testing.

While the A-XRF can read data from the Company's private chemical database, your clearance level is limited and some information may be classified. Use the Research Data Terminal to purchase higher clearance or get a clearance grant by a corporate official.

Chemical Centrifuge.png Chemical Centrifuge The centrifuge is a research machine meant to assist working with the A-XRF and vial management. By using centrifugal forces it can separate chemicals from a beaker into a set of vials. To operate, insert any beaker with a mixture of chemicals and a vial box containing any amount of vials. The centrifuge will try to fill the vials with different chemicals from the beaker best possible. It will also label pure vials for you.

Additionally the centrifuge also accepts autoinjectors. To do this, load empty autoinjectors into a vial storage box and insert the box into the centrifuge. The centrifuge will recharge the autoinjectors.

The centrifuge operates under the following logic:

  • Cycles through reagents in the input beaker starting from the top.
  • Will fill pure vials containing the same reagent or an empty one. Purity of vials is first priority for the purpose of operating the A-XRF.
  • Will not fill multiple vials with the same reagent. Unless the beaker only has a single reagent, then it will try to fill all as much as possible. This is useful for when filling autoinjectors.
  • Will not transfer reagents from the input beaker if it is within an impure vial inside the box. Use this feature to make impure vials act as filters.
Turingdispenser.png Turing Dispenser This advanced dispenser is only available to researchers and allows for a level of automation in chem production. While it is relatively complicated to use, it can become a powerful tool in the right hands. Use it to automate the production of advanced research chemicals or complicated drug mixes.

The Turing Dispenser operates by following a set of instructions for what it should be dispensing. These instructions are provided by inserting a vial box, with the vial containing the amount of the chemical you want to dispense. The dispenser reads the vials in order from left to right. The dispenser will run until either: the output beaker is full, all program cycles has finished or a setting is changed while running.

Unlike the normal dispenser, the Turing Dispenser can directly dispense a wider range of chemicals. It can dispense any chemical the normal dispenser can with the exception of ethanol. In addition to any chemical available from the medical vendor with the exception of oxycodone. It can also directly dispense simple chemical compositions such as Sodium Chloride, Methane and Ammonia. Any other chemical requires the use of the Smartlink to be dispensed.

Programs The Turing Dispenser has two programs: Box and Memory. The Box Program is the currently inserted vial box, while The Memory Program is a Box Program that has been saved to the dispenser’s internal memory. The dispenser can run with just one of either program, or with both; in which case the Memory is run before the Box. This allows up to 12 dispensing steps to be configured (as each box can hold 6 vials).


  • Program Multiplier: Multiplies the amount of the reagent that’s dispensed on each step. For example, a step with 20 water and a 3x multiplier will dispense 60 units of water.
  • Program Cycles: How many times the full cycle of programs will be run before the dispenser goes to sleep.
  • Autorun: If ON, then the dispenser will run the program automatically when both a vial box and a beaker is inserted.
  • Smartlink: If ON, then the dispenser will check the nearby Smartfridge for the required chemicals before spending energy to dispense it. Additionally, this allows the dispenser to dispense exotic chemicals stored in the Smartfridge, making any recipe possible. If the required chemical can not be found and can not be dispensed using energy, then the dispenser will pause the program until the chemical is stored in the Smartfridge. Once available, the program will continue automatically. (Beware that, the dispenser will read the Smartfridge from top to bottom and use any beaker or bottle it finds containing the required chemical, even if that container is contaminated. This theoretically allows for more than 12 different chemicals to be dispensed in a cycle.)
Researchterminal.png Research Data Terminal This terminal found inside the research study allows control of all research assets. It contains the database for all saved research documents, such as A-XRF scans and Synthesis reports. You can read the documents directly from the terminal, or print a copy. Additionally, the current status of research credits can be checked, and used for various functions. Any document can be added to the database by clicking it with a paper in hand.

Purchase Clearance Upgrades the current clearance access by one level. Increasing the clearance level this way costs more the higher your clearance. Colony CLs can increase clearance for free, Up to a certain level. It also gives you one free research chemical each time you buy clearance to help you with your studies.

Publish The CMO's data terminal has the special function of publishing documents. This allows anyone with a HealthMate HUD to view the document remotely. Any paper scanned in the research terminal can be published in this way, even handwritten ones. It is thus a useful method for the CMO to provide precise information to medics on new chemicals that are being distributed in the field, or any other useful documentation. Be sure to ask your CMO to publish your hard work, and for him to announce over medical comms that a new paper has been published.

SynthesisSimulator.png Synthesis Simulator This computer uses advanced algorithms to perform simulations of reagent properties, for the purpose of calculating the synthesis required to make a new variant. It needs a complete data sheet from an A-XRF scan to function, meaning that all components and properties of the chemical must be known. All simulations requires research credits. Any time you modify a chemical property of a reagent, Its OD threshold will decrease. Mixing a chemical with another variant of itself will cause it to react back into its original form.

Amplify This function increases the level of the selected property by one. The credit cost increases based on the level of the property.

Suppress This function is the opposite of Amplify, meaning the level of the property is decreased. The credit cost for this function is always 2.

Relate The relate function makes it possible to change the actual properties of the chemical. To do this, an A-XRF analysis of a reference chemical must also be inserted. The target and reference property must be of the exact same level for relation to be possible, and the target must have more than one property. The credit cost is equal to the level of the targeted property.

Chemical Naming Conventions

When a chemical property is changed, the simulator will automatically label the chemical with a code telling you about the changes. The codes are three letter combinations followed by a number signifying the new level of the property.


This is a list of all chemical properties and their effects. They are sorted in the same categories as in the code. <POTENCY> is the level of the property.

The DISABLED rarity means this property can't appear in randomly generated chems. The same goes for ADMIN, with the addition that very few non event exclusive reagents have properties with this rarity level.

All effects are applied once per life tick. Life ticks happen once every two seconds.

The Touch column indicates what this chemical will do when inhaled/sprayed upon a human or xenomorph.


Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD Touch
ATX Antitoxic COMMON
  • Deals <POTENCY> eye damage.
  • Makes you sleepy.
ACR Anticorrosive COMMON
  • Heals <POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
NGN Neogenetic COMMON
  • Heals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • At <POTENCY> 5 or above, heals xenos.
    • Heals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.
    • Heals 2*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Repairs cybernetic limbs on touch, also works on synthetics.
HMG Hemogenic COMMON
  • Restores <POTENCY> blood.
    • If blood amount goes over the maximum amount in a human:
      • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
      • Deals 2*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
      • Slows you.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Removes 5*<POTENCY> nutrition.
NEU Neutralizing UNCOMMON
  • Deals 0.5*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> liver damage.
  • Extinguishes fire and acid from mobs and tiles.
  • Drains plasma from xenos.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Knocks you out.
  • Severs the hivemind connection, makes them unable to talk in the hivemind.
NST Nervestimulating RARE
  • Knockout duration reduced by <POTENCY>.
  • Knockdown duration reduced by <POTENCY>.
  • Stun duration reduced by 1.5*<POTENCY>
  • IF POTENCY>2. Reduces the duration of all following effects by 2*<POTENCY>
    • Stuttering
    • Confusion
    • Blurry vision
    • Drowsyness
    • Dizziness
    • Jitteriness
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
IF POTENCY>7, works on touch.
MST Musclestimulating RARE
  • Reduces movement delay by 0.25*<POTENCY>
  • Makes you twitch, shiver and blink rapidly.
  • Deals <POTENCY> heart damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Works on touch for humans and xenos, granting speed and stamina respectively.
PNK Painkilling COMMON
  • Reduces pain by 20*<POTENCY>.
  • Reduces pain by 20*<POTENCY>.
  • Makes you hallucinate.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> liver damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Deals 3 oxygen damage.
HPP Hematopeutic UNCOMMON
  • Heals 0.5*<POTENCY> liver damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> liver damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
NPP Nephropeutic UNCOMMON
  • Heals 0.5*<POTENCY> kidney damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> kidney damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
PNP Pneumopeutic UNCOMMON
  • Heals 0.5*<POTENCY> lung damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> lung damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
OCP Oculopeutic COMMON
  • Heals <POTENCY> eye damage.
  • Reduces the remaining duration of blurry vision and blindness by 5*<POTENCY>.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
CDP Cardiopeutic UNCOMMON
  • Heals 0.5*<POTENCY> heart damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Applies a lot of pain.
NRP Neuropeutic COMMON
  • Heals 3*<POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Stuns you.
BNM Bonemending UNCOMMON
  • Mends broken bones one by one.
  • The chest and groin take the longest, then head, then arms and legs, hands and feet are the fastest.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Breaks limbs randomly.
  • With a 10*<POTENCY>% chance:
    • Removes shrapnel and implants.
    • Also deals 2*<POTENCY> burn damage to prosthetic limbs.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
NRC Neurocrygenic UNCOMMON
  • Stuns and knocks you out.
    • Increases the defib timer by 5 seconds *<POTENCY>.
  • Reduces body temperature by 5*<POTENCY>.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Slows humans and xenos on touch.
CRL Crystallization UNCOMMON
  • Deals 0.5*<POTENCY> brute damage and <POTENCY> liver damage.
  • Used for custom dropship matrices to increase the camera view by <POTENCY>, otherwise decreases the camera view if <POTENCY> is < 2.
PTS Photosensitive UNCOMMON
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Used for custom dropship matrices to upgrade the camera view with night vision, quality dependant by <POTENCY>.
APS Antiparasitic UNCOMMON
  • Decreases the larva stage counter by <POTENCY>
  • Deals 0,2*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • When the larva gets regressed to stage 0:
    • Removes the larva from the host.
    • Deals between 20 and 40 burn damage to the host.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
OGS Organstabilize COMMON
  • Prevents the effects of organ damage. Does not actually repair the organs.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
EGN Electrogenetic COMMON
  • CANNOT BE INGESTED Use a syringe or injector.
  • Increases defibrillator healing by 4*<POTENCY> brute, burn and toxin damage.
DFB Defibrillating RARE
    • Property works on dead by its own.
    • Removes oxygen damage.
    • Tries to defib the body.
    • Combine this with inaprov, painkillers and something that will heal the marine when he is revived.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Applies pain.
  • Deals <POTENCY> heart damage.
  • Works on touch, heals when <POTENCY> > 7.
HDN Hyperdensificating RARE
  • Prevents bone fractures.
  • Slows you.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> brute damage.
NRS Neuroshielding RARE
  • Applies the neurotoxin resistance effect. (Yes, this includes queen neurotoxin even at potency 1)
  • Deals <POTENCY> liver damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brain damage.
AAD Antiaddictive RARE
    • Cures all addictions.
  • Otherwise:
    • Reduces withdrawal and addiction progression by 2*<POTENCY>
    • When the addiction progression gets below the potency value, cures the addiction.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Makes you hallucinate.
TRF Transformative RARE IRRITANT
  • Converts 0.75 * <POTENCY> brute and 0.75 * <POTENCY> burn damage to 0.15 * <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Causes 0.375 * <POTENCY> toxin damage
  • Causes 1.125 * <POTENCY> toxin damage
  • -0,1*<POTENCY> fire intensity mod.
  • 0,2*<POTENCY> fire duration mod.
  • 0,01*<POTENCY> fire radius mod.

  • Increases the fire stacks of the mob on touch.
OXI Oxidizing COMMON
  • 0,2*<POTENCY> fire intensity mod.
  • -0,1*<POTENCY> fire duration mod.
  • -0,01*<POTENCY> fire radius mod.

  • Increases the fire stacks of the mob on touch and ignites xenos and humans at POTENCY≥9
  • -0,05*<POTENCY> fire intensity mod.
  • -0,05*<POTENCY> fire duration mod.
  • 0,05*<POTENCY> fire radius mod.

EXP Explosive COMMON
  • <POTENCY> explosion power mod.
  • -3/<POTENCY> explosion falloff mod.

  • Explodes if amount mixed is higher than OD level
CSL Cardiostabilizing DISABLED
  • Slightly reduces pain.
  • Prevents you from taking oxygen damage due to crit.
  • Knocks you out.
  • Sleeps you.
  • Deals 0.5 heart damage.
  • Can heal xenos out of critical damage with a great enough <POTENCY> and volume.
  • Reduces critical damage stun duration.
  • Removes disabilities and disfigurements.
  • Confuses you.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Knocks you out.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> radiation damage.
OXG Oxygenating DISABLED
  • Heals <POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Removes <POTENCY> lexorin units.
  • Deals 0.5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
ACG Anticarcinogenic DISABLED
  • Heals <POTENCY> radiation damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.


Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD
CMB Cryometabolizing COMMON
    • Boosts the effect of all other properties in the reagent by 0,5*<POTENCY> levels.
TMB Thanatometabolizing RARE
    • Reagent now works on corpses.
    • Reagent works on living personnel below 60% blood (336cl) or above 50 oxy damage.
      • Reagent effectiveness increases with bloodloss and oxy damage ONLY IF DEAD.
      • Potency influences the effectiveness of all other properties.
  • Rapidly removes all other reagents from the marine's body.
NTR Nutritious COMMON
  • Makes you less hungry.
KTG Ketogenic COMMON
  • Removes <POTENCY> units of ethanol and all it's subtypes.
  • Makes you hungry.
  • Makes you more hungry.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Knocks you out.
NIH Neuroinhibiting UNCOMMON
  • Is prevented by neuroshielding.
  • Applies near-sightedness.
  • If potency is over 1, applies blindness.
  • If potency is over 2, applies deafness.
  • If potency is over 3, applies muteness.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Makes you nervous.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brain damage.
AOL Alcoholic COMMON
  • Is prevented by neuroshielding
  • Makes you drunk. Confusion, sleepyness, etc. All chems that have this are subtypes of ethanol, which also has snowflake code for this. Therefore the effect is way stronger than it should be.
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Makes you more drunk.
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> liver damage.
HLG Hallucinogenic COMMON
  • Makes you high.
  • If potency > 2
    • Makes you hallucinate.
    • Makes you jittery.
  • Increases the potency of the previous effects.
  • Makes you stumble around.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Knocks you out.
  • Makes you slower by <POTENCY>.
  • Makes you slower by 2*<POTENCY>.
  • Has a 15*<POTENCY>% chance to knock you out.
  • Deals <POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Deals 0,75*<POTENCY> heart damage.
HPR Hyperthermic COMMON
  • Increases body temperature by 2*<POTENCY>.
  • If potency>2: applies pain.
  • Increases body temperature by 4*<POTENCY>.
  • Applies pain.
  • Knocks you out.
HPO Hypothermic UNCOMMON
  • Decreases body temperature by 2*<POTENCY>.
  • Decreases body temperature by 4*<POTENCY>.
  • Knocks you out.
  • Liquid baldness.
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> radiation damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> radiation damage.
  • More hair.
  • 5*<POTENCY>% chance of taking <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Makes you sneeze, blink and cough.
  • Reduces pain.
  • Makes you giggle, laugh, smile, etc.
  • 5*<POTENCY>% chance to *collapse
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • <AMOUNT>*<POTENCY>% chance of vomiting.
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
PST Psychostimulating COMMON
  • Gives you messages about feeling more focused.
  • Reduces confusion.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Makes you hallucinate.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> brain damage.
AHL Antihallucinogenic COMMON
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
OMB Hypometabolic UNCOMMON
  • Sets the reagent's metabolism to <METABOLISM>/(1+0,35*<POTENCY>)
  • Puts you to sleep.
  • Knocks you out.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
HTR Hyperthrottling RARE
  • Slows you by 4*<POTENCY>.
  • Makes you high.
  • Lets you understand every language.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Knocks you out.
  • -0,025*<POTENCY> fire radius modifier.
TSL Thermostabilizing DISABLED
  • Tries to get your temperature to 310K.
  • Knocks you out.
  • Puts you to sleep.
  • Deals 1 toxin damage.
  • Deals 4 toxin damage.
  • Used for chems that have weird special snowflake coded effects to give them OD effects.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> toxin damage.


Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD Touch
HPX Hypoxemic COMMON
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals <POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Damages xeno weeds.
  • If inhaled by a human - while not wearing a gas mask - deals toxin damage.
CRS Corrosive COMMON
  • Deals <POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • When potency is above 7, it can apply toxin buildup on xenos, negating their armour.
  • If inhaled or sprayed upon a person, it will melt headgear and gives burn damage if there's nothing on your head, melts items on the floor.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY> brute damage.
INV Intravenous COMMON
  • Chemical only works if administered through injections - such as syringes and autoinjectors.
  • Applies 0,5*<POTENCY> pain.
  • Applies <POTENCY> pain.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Removes 4*<POTENCY> units of blood.
  • Removes 8*<POTENCY> units of blood.
  • Sleeps you.
  • Increases move delay by <POTENCY>.
  • Deals 4*<POTENCY>% oxygen damage.
HMR Hemmorrhaging UNCOMMON
  • 5*<POTENCY> chance:
    • Causes bleeding in a random limb.
    • Causes internal bleeding in a random limb.
    • Makes you cough up blood.
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> damage to a random organ.
  • 20*<POTENCY>% chance:
    • Causes bleeding in a random limb.
    • Causes internal bleeding in a random limb.
  • Prevents xeno health regeneration.
  • Deals 0.25*<POTENCY> damage over time to humans, can cause Internal Bleeding.
CRG Carcinogenic COMMON
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> radiation damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> radiation damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> brute damage.
HPT Hepatotoxic UNCOMMON
  • Deals 0,75*<POTENCY> liver damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
NPT Nephrotoxic UNCOMMON
  • Deals 0,75*<POTENCY> kidney damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
PNT Pneumotoxic UNCOMMON
  • Deals 0,75*<POTENCY> lung damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Deals 0,75*<POTENCY> eye damage.
  • Inflicts blindness.
  • Deals 0,5*<POTENCY> brain damage.
CDT Cardiotoxic COMMON
  • Deals 0,75*<POTENCY> heart damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
  • Deals 5*<POTENCY> oxygen damage.
NRT Neurotoxic COMMON
  • Deals 1,75*<POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Slowly inficts drowsyness.
  • 15*<POTENCY>% chance to apply neuro.
  • Dazes humans when sprayed or inhaled.
EMB Hypermetabolic UNCOMMON
  • Changes the chem's metabolism according to the following formula: <BASE_METABOLISM>*(1+0,25*<POTENCY>)
ADT Addictive RARE
  • Makes you addicted to the chem. Addictions cause hallucinations, slows, stuns, organ damage and take HOURS to go away.
  • Deals <POTENCY> brain damage.
  • Inflicts nervousness.
  • Consumes 5*<POTENCY> blood.
  • Increases the chem's amount by 1.
  • Consumes 10*<POTENCY> blood.
  • Increases the chem's amount by 2*<POTENCY>.
  • Inflicts nervousness.


Code Name Rarity Effect OD Crit OD Touch
  • Increases the level of all other properties by 1 for every level of itself.
  • Prevents OD.
  • Prevents crit OD.
HGN Hypergenetic LEGENDARY
  • Heals <POTENCY> limb damage.
  • Heals <POTENCY> organ damage.
  • Deals 2*<POTENCY> radiation damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Deals 3*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Reduces heal reduction if present in xenos.
  • Heals both humans/xenos.
PTR Fire penetrating LEGENDARY
  • If used with other properties (such as OXIDISING and FLOWING) to create fire, it will ignore xeno fire immunity.
DDI DNA disintegrating LEGENDARY
  • Deals 10*<POTENCY> radiation damage.
  • WY wants this an awful lot, even considering how deadly it is.
  • What every researcher wants to accomplish.
XMB Crossmetabolizing ADMIN
  • If <POTENCY> is less than 2 this only works on preds.
  • Otherwise works on both preds and humans.
MYO Embryonic ADMIN
  • Larva infection.
RAV Ravening ADMIN
  • Infects with black goo (the zombie virus).
  • If <POTENCY> is 2 or more, cures diseases.
OMN Omnipotent ADMIN
  • Rapidly removes all subtypes of generic toxin.
  • Heals 5*<POTENCY> brute damage.
  • Heals 5*<POTENCY> burn damage.
  • Heals 5*<POTENCY> toxin damage.
  • Sets all other damage types to 0.
  • Removes all status effects.
  • Cures all diseases.
  • Increases flamer fuel range by <POTENCY>.
  • Increases fire radius for explosives by 0,1*<POTENCY>.
INT Intensity ADMIN
  • Increases flamer fuel intensity by <POTENCY>.
  • Increases fire intensity for explosives by 0,1*<POTENCY>.
DUR Duration ADMIN
  • Increases flamer fuel duration by <POTENCY>.
  • Increases fire duration for explosives by 0,1*<POTENCY>.

Property Combinations

You can combine some properties to create special properties, You don't actually need to do anything to combine them, Just have them both on the same chemical.


Dealing with an unknown chemical is like walking blindfolded. The chemical can have any combination of good and bad properties. Discovering what these are will require testing and organized procedures. How to best approach this will be up to the individual researcher. But here's some things to keep in mind:

  • You need 30 units of a chemical for the XRF to work. If you don't have enough, you might want to save it until you know the recipe. If you scan a chemical with the XRF you will know everything about the chemical's properties, given enough clearance.
  • Pay attention to research notes brought back from the colony. Colony notes can describe chemicals that are much stronger than the ones you can discover in the lab.
  • You can scan basic chemicals like Peridaxon and Oxycodone for properties like painkilling and organ-stabilizing.
  • Scanning any new chemical without requested clearance will still give you points, including xenomorph blood.
  • There are only 6 chemicals possible in hydroponics, 3 is clearance one and another 3 are clearance two.
  • Distributing a new chemical can still get you in trouble if you overlooked a really bad effect.
  • If you can't rely on the marines to bring back research materials, you can try to kick-start your research by mutating plants in hydroponics.
  • Your goal is not to get every single person a sample of your new drug, but to help as many as possible. Use the Turing Dispenser for mass production and persuade your superiors to assist with the distribution.

Chemical Distribution

While it might be fun to inject a monkey (or coworkers) with your wonder-drug, your ultimate goal should be to distribute it to where it is most needed. You should always seek the CMO's approval before performing mass distribution, because if an accident happens it will be your medical license that is threatened otherwise. Below are some suggestions to how to distribute your chemicals.

Picture Name Explanation
PillBottle.png Pill bottle The old classic, but also the slowest in terms of production and ingestion. It's an efficient way to store a lot of chemical volume, but that's the only upside, really.
Hypospray.png Hypospray An experimental high-end chemical injector, used for instant injections. Can be unlocked using a screwdriver, to allow the vial capsule to be ejected as a magazine. Pairing a hypospray with a vial pouch can be an excellent way for one person to distribute a series of research chemicals in the field.
Customautoinjector.png Custom Autoinjector If you have a lot of your experimental chemical on hand, then making custom autoinjectors is a good way to distribute it to the masses. A few boxes with empty autoinjectors can be found in your lab. You also can print more of them in Medilathe. You can fill a bunch of autoinjectors easily by loading them in a vial storage box and inserting it into the centrifuge for filling.
Acid harness.png ACID Harness Automated Chemical Integrated Delivery Harness. This is the most advanced form of chemical distribution available. Why rely on someone to know when your wonder-drug should be injected and then to actually do it, when you can leave all the work to a computer that does everything for you? The A.C.I.D. will monitor the vitals status for its user constantly, and depending on your configuration, automatically inject the chemical from an internal vial into the user. Additionally the A.C.I.D. will never overdose its user.

While the storage slots in the A.C.I.D. can technically be used for anything that would fit in the webbing, the A.C.I.D. specifically requires both a battery and a vial inside the storage slots in order to operate. A high capacity cell battery will last approximately 50 minutes.

A couple of harnesses will be available in the test lab, but if you need more then you can make one by filling a black or brown vest webbing with the following items and then using a wirecutter on the webbing: hypospray, health analyzer, battery, radio, cables.

To configure the A.C.I.D. use a multitool / security access tuner on the webbing.

A.C.I.D. Core Configuration

Config Type Description
Injection Amount Setting How much to inject at a time. The A.C.I.D. will recheck its user's condition after 20 seconds for each unit injected to see if the conditions are still true. If it is, then it will proceed to inject again.
Damage Threshold Setting How much damage must be present in any damage type configuration. If no damage type configurations are enabled, this setting is not used. Damage type configurations are each considered their own condition.
AND / OR Setting To use AND or OR logic for the configuration. For OR configuration, it injects if any condition becomes true. For AND configuration, it injects only if all conditions are true at the same time.
Brute Damage External brute damage.
Burn Damage External burn damage.
Toxin Damage Internal toxin damage.
Oxygen Damage Internal oxygen damage.
Genetic Damage Genetic cell damage.
Heart / Liver / Lungs / Kidneys / Brain Damage Damage to the respective organ.
Vitals Level Condition Whether or not to inject based on vitals type configuration. If this is not enabled, vitals type configurations are ignored.
Bleeding Condition Whether or not the user is bleeding.
Internal Condition Whether or not the user has internal bleeding.
Bloodloss Condition Whether or not the user has less than 40% blood.
Fracture Condition Whether or not the user has a bone fracture.
Splinted Condition Whether or not the user is wearing a splint.
Organ damage Condition Whether or not an organ has 10 or more damage.
Organ failure Condition Whether or not an organ has 30 or more damage.
Death Condition Whether or not the user is currently dead.
Defibrillation Condition Whether or not the user has just been defibrillated.
Concussion Condition Whether or not the user has been knocked down or knocked out.
Intoxication Condition Whether or not the user is dazed, slowed, confused, drowsy, dizzy or hallucinating.
Foreign Object Condition Whether or not the user contain a foreign object.
Optimal Vitals User is 100% healthy.
Nominal Vitals User is between 80-100% healthy.
Low Vitals User is between 40-80% healthy.
Very Low Vitals User is between 10-40% healthy.
Critical Vitals User is between -10-10% healthy.
Emergency Vitals User is less than -10% healthy, but not dead.
Delivery med.png Requisitions Delivery Unit If you want Requisitions to send your chemicals to the surface for you, then you can use this delivery chute to send any item directly down to the Requisitions.

Alien Research: Xenology

The art of Xenology. Throughout the operation you will have the opportunity to conduct preliminary research on the Aliens. While this research is more esoteric in nature, providing technical data for the Marine Corps and the Company to use.

At its core, Xenology is accomplished by analyzing alien blood and other liquids, storing dead alien bodies in the research containers, and containing a live alien in the research pen.

Xenology Corpse Specimen Study

Marines should be delivering corpses to the Almayer and subsequently to Research for storage and further study. Simply having dead Xenos in Containment will prove a boon to the USCM and generate Tech Points. But their blood and acidic heart will also prove useful subjects to research.

Along with harvesting their blood you can also harvest their acidic heart, to do this you need to cut open their exoskeletons with the circular saw starting from the xenos head, further open up the cut with retractors, separate the organ from the various internal connections, and finally remove the organ using the hemostat. (Aim Head - Saw->Retractor->Scalpel->Hemostat)The removed organ can then be analyzed in the analyzer near the cryotube for biomass points.

Xenology Blood Research

Each alien will have two or more unique liquids/blood samples to collect. To analyze alien blood you will need a corpse, an empty beaker, and either a syringe or an IV Drip. After collecting the blood sample, you can place it into a Chemical Centrifuge or the ChemMaster to split them. Afterwards, you can analyze the samples at the XRF Scanner. Each xenomorph has 560 'units' of blood - and it is split equally between whatever chemicals are present. For instance, a runner will have 280 units of catecholamine plasma, and 280 units of acidic blood. A queen will have 112 units of Dark Acidic Blood, 112 units of Pheromone Plasma, 112 units of Chitin Plasma, 112 units of Neurotoxin Plasma, and 112 units of Royal Plasma. Once this is drained, the xenomorph corpse is empty - if it is alive, however, it will slowly regenerate.

Xeno Blood properties:
  • Acidic Blood - Deals 3 burn damage.
  • Dark Acidic Blood - Deals 6 burn damage.
  • Pheromone Plasma - Makes you high, fixes stuttering, confusion, blurry vision, drowsiness, dizziness, and jitteriness.
  • Catecholamine Plasma - Makes you faster.
  • Chitin Plasma - Prevents fractures.
  • Neurotoxin Plasma - Deals 7 brain damage, deals 1 toxin damage, makes you jittery and hallucinate.
  • Anti-Neurotoxin - Neuro-Shielding, Prevents being stunned by all neurotoxin.
  • Purple Plasma - Deals 2 brute damage.
  • Egg Plasma - Infects with Xeno larva, useful in research.
  • Royal Plasma - Makes you addicted, deals 4 brute damage, makes you hallucinate, makes you high, makes you jittery, useful in research.

Xenology Live Specimen Study

You will need the Marines' assistance in securing egg samples, To grow a Xeno, you will need a monkey in a containment cell and an egg, plant the Egg In the containment cell, then wait.

HOWEVER, making Xenos on their own is not useful and is actually be more of a detriment. This might stall the game out, and if the proper precautions were not taken, Xenos may even break out of containment. Not very good.

The better solution is making Corrupted Hive. These are potentially friendly Xenos that can be used to help in combat and ship security.


  • Clearance Level 5X
  • Egg plasma - extracted from Xeno eggs
  • Royal plasma - extracted from an Empress OR can be made by mixing Egg Plasma and Dark Acidic Blood (extracted from a praetorian)

Let's Start Making Xenos

  • Make sure you have Level 5X clearance.
  • Scan or re-scan Royal Plasma.
  • Relate with a randomized chemical one unique property of Royal Plasma in the Synthesis Simulator, called Ciphering. It will cost 10 points. Different levels of unique properties will make different Xeno hives. Level 2 - Corrupt, Level 3 - Alpha and etc. Level 2, or Corrupt hives, are the only ones that can be made that are friendly.
  • Make sure the monkey you are using is connected to a blood supply, such as an IV, as the monkey will lose a lot of blood in this process. It will also take some time to gestate.
  • Infect monkey with an egg, or by injecting Egg plasma.
  • Inject 5 units of your chemical containing Ciphering 2 before the larva hatches.
  • Good work! This may take some time before the Corrupted Hive hatches so be patient. Do not try to speed up the process.

Dropship Upgrade

You have been provided tools and opportunity to create an upgrade for dropships. This upgrade, when done correctly, allows Pilots to see through their camera with night vision or with increased field of view. This is particularly beneficial for CAS as they can see what they are firing at.

To start making it, you will need to find the property Photosensitive or Crystallization. The first gives night vision, the other gives an increase of view. The power of matrix depends on the level of the properties, there can also be only one upgrade at a time, so choose carefully. After you found properties, print the matrix assembly at the autolathe, directly south of the medilathe. Insert the vial with the chemical in the matrix, make sure its full, free of any contaminants and contains the chemical with the said property, you cannot remove the vial after it`s inserted screw the matrix shut and tell a pilot to insert it into his weapons console. You can also insert an empty matrix to reset the upgrades.

Hydroponics Research

Note that hydroponics is currently undergoing a rework, much of the information here is subject to change.

Hydroponics is the process of growing plants without soil. The Company has provided The USS Almayer's research wing with a hydroponics laboratory. Here, researchers can grow and experiment with plant genetics.

Machine: Description:
Hydroponics tray
A specialised tray to grow plants in. You may right-click the tray and select Flush Tray to reset it, removing everything including nutrients and refill it with water. The lights on the tray correspond to the state of the plant:
  • Green: Plant is ready to be harvested.
  • Red: Plant is unhealthy, old-aged or dead.
  • Orange/Red flash: High amount of weeds or pests.
  • Yellow: Low amounts of nutrients in the tray.
  • Blue: Low amount of water in the tray.
MegaSeed Servitor
Vendor that contains the basic seeds needed to get started.
Seed extractor
Extracts seeds from harvested plants. Insert a plant sample to obtain seeds.
Lysis-isolation Centrifuge
By inserting a flora data disk and any plant material (such as seeds or samples), this machine allows you to process the genome of said plant. The plant material is destroyed in the process.

Once analyzed, a set of genes can be extracted. This can be done only a certain number of times before the genes decay completely. The extracted data is saved to the floral data disk. This disk can then be used in the Bioballistic delivery system.

Bioballistic delivery system.
Uses data disks with extracted genomes from the Lysis-isolation Centrifuge. By inserting a disk and a target plant sample, you can override the existing gene with the stored one. Use this to positively select your plants. If you modify a sample genome too many times, the genome will decay completely.
Item: Description:
Flora data disk
Data disk for storing plant genes. Used with the lysis-isolation centrifuge and bioballistic delivery system. Can only contain a single gene. Empty data disks can be found in the flora disk boxes inside the hydroponics locker. They can also be stored in the disk cabinet for better organization.
Plant analyzer
Used to analyze plants quickly and get a reading of its general properties.
Mini hoe
The mini garden hoe can be used to uproot weeds from hydroponics trays. Using the garden hoe will damage the plant slightly.
Plant Clippers
A specialised clipping tool for taking samples off plants. Use this if you want a sample from a plant before maturity, or if you want to harvest without removing the plant completely. Alternatively, other cutting tools may be used.
Used to cut down large plants into smaller parts. Usually wood.
Used to move dirt around. But we don't have dirt onboard, so it has little purpose right now.
Its a bucket. Fill it with water and pour it somewhere.
Plant bag
Lets you carry a large amount of plant goods around. Click on a tile to store all the plants on that tile in the bag. Use the bag again to drop everything on another tile.
Hydroponics spray
Functions similarly to a space cleaner spray. Comes with ammonia. You might want to empty it and fill it with your own special mixture. You can spray this on hydroponics trays to add chemicals to them.
Subject: Description:

Identifying Genes
Modifying your plants can require a lot of work and you may want to take notes during it. Gene labels are reordered and randomized each round, so identifying them requires some trial an error in figuring out which gene corresponds to what trait. Using the plant analyzer will be a great help during this. If you see a plant has a desired trait, try to extract one gene at a time from that plant and apply it to another. Once you see that the desired changes have occurred, you've identified the gene. A gene label represents the same trait across all plants.

Some traits won't do much, while others can have drastic effects.

Mutating plants
Radioactive compounds might mutate your plants. Unlike the above process, this relies on RNG. It can kill the plant, change its properties or create an entirely new species. The plant might even start producing new chemicals. To mutate a plant, you need to put 60-120u of Unstable Mutagen in the hydroponics tray that contains the plant you wish to mutate.

Keeping your plants alive
Plants are living things and they can die of old age or if not taken care of. Make sure to remove pests and weeds. Some chemicals are beneficial and provides nutrients, while others can be toxic. If your plant is unhealthy, it might contain a lot of toxins, be weeded or contain pests. Providing your plants with water and nutrients will make them slowly heal.

Your Skillset

Specially Trained
CQC Endurance Fireman Carry
Specially Trained
Medical Surgery
Specially Trained
Construction Engineering JTAC Leadership Vehicles
Specially Trained
Firearms Police Powerloader Melee Piloting Domestic Intel
Research Navigation Execution
Smartgun M5-RPG M4RA Battle Rifle M42A Scoped Rifle M92 Grenade Launcher M240-T Incinerator

To find out about how the skill system works head over to the skills system page.

Additional User made information